
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasi
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217 Chs

Seraph of the End


"Yeah, even though we're salt merchants and nothing more as you can see, in these desperate times, they don't even leave us with that much. The border means nothing to us anymore, anyone can pass through and plunder us whenever they want. Even the barracks can't stop them.", the thin merchant replied as he lugged his merchandise on to a cart, preparing to leave.

"So what do you want me to do, Emir-san?", I wanted to confirm my suspicions.

"Tag along with me as my bodyguard. This is an important shipment. If I can't deliver this, I'll die of hunger. I'll even pay you with something", I could tell he was quite desperate but what made him think I was cutout for this sort of work, I couldn't tell.

"Are you sure you're okay with someone like me?"

"Of course, you look like a reliable man. Why wouldn't I be okay? I heard from some guys who came from the barracks. That man that was with you is a merchant too, isn't he? And you are his bodyguard. But since your master isn't working, just this once, work for me."

I raced my mind back. Where and when have I declared myself as Chopper's bodyguard? More importantly, can anyone really buy into something like that even if I said so. Actually now that I look around, I might just look reliable to these people. They are just skin and bones and all so haggard. But the truth is I haven't gotten a build that I would love to elaborate upon.

"Emir-san, I'll be right back...you can wait, right?", I decided to get Chopper for help.

Its a good thing that I never had to look for Chopper, he was always where I expected him to be. When I entered our benefactor's home, a loud thud shook me and I froze in my place for a bit. My natural instinct was to check on grandfather but he was in some sort of fairy tale. He wasn't hard of hearing and that made me wonder if I had been hearing things. I dropped my guard a bit but then I saw a furious Eso coming out of our room. To think, even she had the capability to snap. I didn't have the courage to ask her anything so I immediately rushed to see Chopper. He was unharmed and acted as if nothing had happened.

"Seraph", he noticed me, "What's got you gasping like a fish?"

"Chopper-san, what the hell was that just now?"

"What was?"

"Please don't pretend!"

"Ah, that's your problem, isn't it? You are so damn loud", he was annoyed, "Just tell me why are you so early today?"

I realized it was no use trying to get an answer from him and in any case, this matter didn't concern me...probably.

"Uh, there's a...I need your help. There's a man who wants to hire me as his bodyguard."

"I see"



"Is that all?!"

"What do you want me to say? Great Seraph! So young and already getting a job! You'll be a great man someday. Good going! Your great grandfather would be so proud. I'm tearing up now so please leave me alone, it's embarrassing."

"Chopper-san, I'm serious. Can't you give me a straight answer once in a while?"

"You didn't ask a question, what do you want me to do?"

"Well, I-"

"Seraph", he sat up straight, "Just go and do what you think is right. This is a job that concerns you, isn't it? It's your own answer that you should listen to, not mine."

I know he was right and I also knew that I was going home for no reason. I suppose I was just letting him know that I'd be gone for a while.

The truth is I knew I was incapable of helping that man. I wasn't born with any prowess and I've only ever been farming and looking after cattle. I've always been thought of as weak and even now, as I see people of Halen who are worse off than me, I can't find it in me to convince myself that I'm strong. It has always been purposefully imposed on me that I was weak and powerless and my only choice was to be an underling, listening to what others had to say. Although I've never considered myself unfortunate for that, I know that I can't help anyone here.

That said, I was raised in the country. And the first rule of the wild and open world is to stick up for each other. Even if I'm incapable to fend for myself, I simply can't abandon someone when they ask me for help. Lady said that my life before "Seraph" means nothing and I have to forget everything. But I don't think things like that leave so easily. I don't know how everyone else was able to give up their lives but for me, I think I'm just going to keep doing what I believe in.

"Am I late? I'm sorry for making you wait, Emir-san."

"Oh so you went back to get your weapon. Truthfully, you look even more reliable. Let's get on the road then", he noticed the short sword on my back. I had picked it up on a whim when I was leaving home. It hung on grandfather's wall, perhaps as a memoir of his younger days or maybe as a memento of his son. He had given me a reassuring smile when I took it so even if he wasn't himself, I suppose he was okay with me taking it.

With that, the two of us set off. Emir dragged the cart himself, he said I was already doing enough. I tried my best, keeping my guard up, preparing myself for whatever was to come. We travelled all day and rested at night. The old man was so relaxed and for his sake I had to act reliable, when in reality I was still uncertain what would happen if we were to run into a dangerous group.

We took three days to get to the capital. Perhaps the goddesses smiled upon me and we were able to get away without any sort of trouble. I caught up on all the sleep I missed out on. The old man finished business two days later and my next exam began. However, I was as relaxed as him. He sang my praises all day saying all the beasts must have been scared off by me. I would just nervously smile to this.

On our way back, old man decided to take the shorter route. He wanted to get his income home safe and sound as soon as he could. I wasn't the biggest supporter of this idea but I consented.

I realized this was the same route we had taken with the caravan. I wondered if Emir knew about the bandits in the forest. The plunderers he talked about were from across the border. Then again, I thought, the bandit had let the caravan pass. It wouldn't hurt for them to let this single trader go either. In any case, I thought it fit to be ready for any situation.

Things went smoothly only for a little while and then I had a hunch heavily pressing my brain and true it proved to be for very soon we were faced by the archer. It was the same white haired man. I had the chance to get a clear look at his face this time and though I'd imagined it as beautiful as that of a woman, I realized now that it was hardened by signs of brutality. He had his bow drawn at us.

"Emir-san", I whispered instinctively, "Please get behind me and don't panic."

Emir didn't think twice about following my instructions. I didn't draw my sword for I dare not hasten my death. I took a step back slowly.

"Don't move boy", somehow he reminded me of a certain someone with the way he spoke, "You are surrounded."

Actually, I should have looked around to confirm this but if at that moment he told me I was a bird stuck in a human body, I would have believed him wholeheartedly. In that, once more, I was reminded of him. This man and him, for some reason, were similar.

"You have to fight him, they'll take everything", Emir whispered to me.

Naturally, that would be impossible, I thought.

"We don't want any trouble. We are just passing through. We are merchants", I wish I knew how the caravan negotiated with him.

"Alright brat, and we're bandits. You are not going that way with your lives still intact."

Ah, shit. Well its been a good life. It appears these guys are out for blood today. What a loss that Emir doesn't get to keep his money after all. Actually, its so ridiculous, I'm about to roll here. But oh well, let me try my best to not roll. Who knows what these savages might do to me. Even as a dead body, I would like to be at peace and not be hurt in any way.

Which is to say, I had completely given in. And as my brain went numb, without knowing, I had drawn the short sword.

"What? What are you doing, Seraph? You can't fight worth dog shit. You'll die, you know that?", I told myself but my body simply refused to listen.

This was the first time I encountered my final moments. Perhaps, if I knew that, I'd have tried a little harder.

To stay dead.