
Road to Hero: Jaune Arc (HIATUS)

Jaune Arc dreams of the day when he will become a hunter... a hero... just like us he has dreams. But what will he do when the universe is cruel? Will, he silently accept...or he will fight?... “[... Is this how my dream ends?... am I going to spend the rest of my life just watching other people follow their dreams while I just go on with my life in silence?...]” … … … “ I refuse”. Author notes: Hi, guys!!! I wrote this story just for fun anyway... I don't know if I'll continue without the feedback... honestly I don't have high hopes, after all, it's my first story I'll write. I was mostly inspired by the fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA, of the author: Suploly; and for a while, I watched RWBY and liked Jaune's character and his development... Notices: RWBY doesn't belong to me One Punch Man doesn't belong to me either Just like any kind of anime, comics, or whatever. The fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA belongs to the author Suploly. I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language... actually I haven't practiced for over eight years... so I'm really sorry.

Ghost_84 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 9

Hello there! It's been a while, sorry for the delay, but my other Fic is very interesting to write the drafts, I felt very inspired.

Without further ado, here is the new chapter, enjoy!


Jaune Pov.

Breakfast was... Strange, Ruby looked like a zombie just like Yang, the difference? Yang had an ice pack in his right hand... in addition to staring at me with a look of death. There's a good explanation for this...You see, When I tried to wake her up just by calling her name it didn't work as expected, so I opted to shake her shoulder a little it's not the first time I've tried to wake someone with a heavy sleep, most of my sisters had this... The problem was Yang's reaction.

As soon as I touched her shoulder, I was received by a punch to the face... As it was an involuntary action, as she was still sleeping, the punch was not coated with aura, the result was... A small bruise on her right hand.

"...Hey Jaune, are we going to train today?" Yang asked, with a smile on his face.

I looked at Yang and at first glance, the question was asked with such an innocent tone... But looking at the smile, I realized that it looked like my mother's smile when I broke the fridge door.

"Ah... I'm not feeling very well today..." I replied, with an uncertain smile.

"Oh? No problem, I can wait until you feel better, after all... you're going to be here for a while, right?" She said with a smile.

She wasn't even discouraged by my answer...

"...Okay" I agreed in defeat.

I turned to the other occupants of the table, Taiyang was calmly drinking his cup of coffee... But he looked like a baby who had his favorite toy taken from his hands, while Qrow continued to drink his flask calmly... As if nothing had happened.

I really didn't want to know what happened after I went to wake the girls up.

My thoughts turned to Crocea Mors... My father wants me to stay here for four years of 'vacation'... but then what? Will I go back to my village and settle there?... I don't want that kind of life.

Not after my fight with the Ursa... The fight only made me more convinced that I can be a hunter, even though I don't have an aura.



- Timeskip: one month later (Jaune: 13 years old)

Jaune Pov.

It's been a month since I arrived in Patch, in the short time I stayed I got close to the Rose-Xiao Long family... To the point of considering Yang and Ruby as new sisters, Ruby being the gun fanatic, and Yang the older sister hipster addicted to fighting. I also considered Taiyang and Qrow to be close people, Taiyang being the exemplary uncle and Qrow the uncle... Not exemplary?

Anyway, I enjoyed the time I spent here in Patch, but... In the time I spent here, I started to have doubts about the reasons for my stay... And each day that passed, this doubt grew more.

It got to the point where I went on autopilot most days, I tried to let go of my worries, I really tried...

But every night, as I lay in bed... My doubts returned.


Pov Qrow.

It's good to be on vacation, no missions, no teaching at Patch's preparatory academy, just me and my flask...

Of course, from time to time, Rubi asked me to train her, but that was the least of it.

Ospin waived my services for two months, and thanks to the favor Taiyang has charged me, he will have to cover my classes for two months...

"Aahh... This is life" I mused.

At that moment I was lying in a hammock, almost dozing.

[... The only thing missing is the company of a young innkeeper lady... Huum] I thought.

While I wanted peace, my thoughts turned to the newest resident of Taiyang's house... And soon the peace was taken away from me.

[... He's getting more unstable with each passing day... He may be more discreet, but he looks a lot like Raven before she left Taiyang... The difference is, while Raven told Taiyang that she was leaving, the boy seems to have the intention of not saying anything...] I reflected.

"How troublesome…" I said.


- Timeskip: two weeks later.

Jaune Pov.

I can't take it anymore, I need to do something, and I can't just train and do housework.

I don't want my life to come down to this!

I have made a decision.

I knew the best time would be when there weren't many people, so I waited.

In the short time I had hoped to get some information from Ruby and Yang, Qrow was in the middle of his vacation and I noticed that Taiyang was busier than usual with classes.

And thanks to Yang having managed to pass the entrance exams at the preparatory academy. I realized that Ruby and Qrow were most at home over the past month, so I made a plan.

After all, what I was going to do was fool two of the most experienced hunters on the island.

For that, I had to have... Help from some people, for a little Liem and some clothes.

For the first phase of the plan, I had to go out with a few things and hide them in a place that only I would know and that was a bit far from the Rose-Xialong residence, I used my morning walks as a means of bringing necessary clothes and supplies. for what I would do. I would never take something every day, not least because I didn't want to arouse suspicion; and I would never follow the same path, I would always change the path to my final destination, even if it got longer, the main reason for this care was simple... Taiyang and Qrow could track me if I was too predictable, so the answer to that was simple, from the Rose-Xialong house to my destination I would change direction and hide my things along the way, never hiding them in one place, when the time came, I would only remove what was necessary, and the rest I would leave behind. The only thing that I wouldn't leave under any circumstances was Crocea Mors.

The second phase of the plan required me to find someone who would be willing to help. The answer was when one day I decided to head out towards Patch's village in search of supplies, my parents gave me an allowance so it would be useful. When I was at the village, I noticed two teenage fauns, maybe twin brothers because of how similar they were, with blond hair and with their faun characteristic being the cat's ears, by the state of their clothes it seemed that they were of humble origin... They were looking in the window of a bakery, more specifically for a strawberry cake, I really didn't want to get involved, but... I felt bad at the look the two brothers had, so I approached them and offered to buy the cake...

Initially, they were suspicious, but they soon opened up after I insisted on talking to them a little bit, I found that my guess was right, they were brothers and they were looking at the cake, as it was their mother's birthday, but they had no money to buy the cake or any gifts due to their father being fired from his job... I felt bad for them until I had an idea that it was going to be a win-win situation for both of us, so I told them about my plan and asked if they could tell the rest of their three brothers about my proposal and I asked them to give me an answer until the next day in the village square.

The other day I went to the village square as arranged and waited, a group of five fauns approached me and I noticed the twin brothers, but then I noticed something else... They weren't twins... But actually quintuplets! Three boys and two girls.

Soon they asked me to explain to them again what I wanted them to do and why I was doing it. So I explained everything I could in a summarized way, in the end... They accepted my proposal after I convinced them, I asked for the contact of one of the brothers for when the time comes and when the time comes I would transfer some Liems to the account of one of them after the service.

Everything was going well until I noticed that both Qrow and Taiyang were watching me... At that moment I knew they noticed my intentions, so I prepared myself...


-Timeskip: two weeks later.

3rd Person POV.

"I'm going for a walk," Jaune said to Taiyang who was in the room.

Both Yang and Ruby had already gone to sleep, only three people were awake, one of them was Taiyang who was in the room.

"... A walk? It's dark," said Taiyang.

"I know…I just want to get rid of some thoughts," Jaune replied.

"...And why are you carrying your sword?" questioned Taiyang, looking at Crocea Mors strapped to Jaune's back.

"... I focused a lot on my physical training... I intend to learn swordplay now... That's why I'm going out to practice with Crocea Mors too" replied Jaune.

"...I see...Don't you want to leave it until tomorrow morning?" Taiyang asked with a knowing look.

"…No…I've already waited too long," Jaune replied.

Jaune's answer had a double meaning, which both Jaune and Taiyang sensed.

"...You know what happens now, don't you?" asked Taiyang, cracking his knuckles.

Jaune then turned when he felt a presence behind him... It was Qrow leaning against the wall facing him.

"...You know we can't let you go, brat...Your parents would kill us," said Qrow, staring at him with a wry smile, and stepping off the wall he was leaning.

Jaune knew at that moment… He had to fight to follow his dream, so he proceeded to crack his knuckles as well.

"I know that…but I'm not turning back," Jaune said with determination.


That's it guys, next chapter will be very important because after this fight there will be a big timeskip.

The next story that I'll update is: