
Chapter 15

To become Duke in this country a family has to produce one White Knight/magician or three Violet Knight/ magician.

Till now I have told about the power level and what you have to accomplish to become Noble in this country.

Now I am going to tell you about the kinds of power you get after becoming a Knight and magician.

10 out of 500 people can only become a Knight which is only 2% of the population, these 10 people are only eligible for becoming Knight.

To become Knight first you have to be eligible for it then you have to work hard and learn martial techniques, martial techniques are powered by mana.

To learn martial techniques one must learn them from the army or the Nobel families or you can learn the low-end techniques from the adventure guilds to work as an adventure.

Only 1 in 500 people is eligible to become magicians which are 0.2% of the population. To become a magician one has to learn magical spells which are performed by either chants or by applying magic circles.

In a knight case, the mana is used to strengthen the body to fight in close-quarter combat( CQC).

In a magician case, the mana is used to cause the phenomenon outside the body in long-range combat.

Tom asks dad is a magician is stronger than a knight?

Dad explains to Tom that both are of the same no one is better than others. It all depends on the situation.

Let's see there are 20 Knights present at a distance of 50 meters away from the magician and the magician is fully prepared to unleash his spell what do you think will happen to the Knights?

Obviously, all of them will lose to the magician.

Now in another situation where a knight is present just 5 meters away from the group of magicians now what will happen to the magicians?

I think both sides will lose to each other.

Well sometimes both sides will lose but most of the time the group of magicians will lose, Knights are experts at CQC so they can easily dispatch any magician who comes in the range of their techniques.

All the spells and techniques are powered by mana. In nature, mana has attributes that show in both the knights and magicians.

The attributes of mana are

Elements: there are 6 elements known to people and that is

Fire element.

Water element.

Earth element.

Wind element.

Light element.

Dark element.

And then some special attributes are rarely found in the magician and Knight, that is




Aside from the attributes and special attributes, there are some unique magic that shows just in a single person for that category, like your eyes Ekansh which makes one feel the experience of the torture in Hell. There is other unique magic like " Word magic" and " Copy magic".

Tom asks dad that does one person can only get a single attribute or he can get more than one attribute?

No, a person can get more than one attribute but getting all attributes is rare, and getting more attributes also does not mean that you become powerful.

Getting 1 attribute is normal.

Getting 2 attributes is good.

Getting 3 attributes is excellent.

But getting 4 or more attributes is not good because you would only waste your time learning all of them, so you have to specialize in one or two attributes.

When you get more than one attribute you can make fusion magic by combining 2 or more attributes like

Fusing Earth with Fire gives Lava magic.

Earth + Fire = Lava.

Fusing Fire with Light gives Solar magic.

Fire + Light = Solar.

Fusing Wind with Water gives Ice magic.

Wind + Water = Ice.

Fusing Light with Wind gives Lighting magic.

Light + Wind = Lighting.

Fusing Earth with Water gives Wood magic.

Earth + Water = Wood.

Fusing Water with Dark gives Poison magic.

Water + Dark = Poison.

Ekansh and Tom tell me why I am telling all of this information to both of you?

Ekansh says because I have awakened my unique magic that is why you were explaining all the mana-related stuff to us brothers.

Well, that's one reason if I wanted to explain about unique magic to you then I would have explained to you in your room only then why did I bring you to your brother and explained to both of you?

Ekansh says to let brother Tom also learn about all of this.

You can say like that but there is another reason and that reason is that now we are going to check whether your brother Tom is qualified to become Knight or magician.

Father how are we going to check whether brother is qualified?

At the age of 5 you check the child whether he is eligible to become Knight or magician.

The test is conducted through a device which scans the body to check whether body is capable to conduct mana throughout the body.

If the body can conduct mana throughout the body then the device checks whether the child will become Knight or magician.

The device shows value from 1 - 100 in it.

To become Knight the value shown by the device should be in the range of 50 - 75 .

To become magician the value shown by the device should be in the range of 75 - 100.

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