
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
119 Chs

Chapter 66

After Yoru left the room. He immediately went to a place where there were many red dots on the map.

At that place, Yoru saw a 3 meter high fence which was a barrier so the zombies wouldn't go. Yoru then jumped and looked over the fence and there were so many zombies.

'But why are there so many zombies in this place?' Yoru looked confused.

When Yoru fell silent, he heard someone calling him from downstairs.


Yoru immediately turned his head and saw Megumi. He then decided to come down.

"Megumi-sensei? Why are you here? This place has lots of zombies." Yoru gave a warning to Megumi.

"Yeah, I know. Touko-san said that this place is a cemetery. She said that many students from this university have become zombies and are here. I just wanted to see." Megumi felt embarrassed.

"Would you like to see what conditions are behind this fence?" Yoru asked.

"Is it possible?" Megumi was a bit in disbelief.

Yoru didn't answer and immediately carried Megumi and jumped over the fence.

Megumi was immediately surprised by what Yoru did.

"Don't move too much. You'll fall." Yoru reminded Megumi.

"This place is not very pleasant to look at." Yoru said.

"Why did a disaster like this happen? They were all would-be greats person. But now, they are just mindless creatures who can only attack anything they see. God can be cruel sometimes" Megumi looked sad.

"Do you believe in God?"

"Yes. If all this is God's will. I'm sure God has his own plans."

[Yeah, God just wants to see a fun spectacle.]

"I also believe in the existence of God. However, for me God does not have the right to control all things. What happens to humans, it's all the result of what they have done. So, this disaster is not the will of God. But due to human error."

"Even though it's like that, in religious teachings, everything has been outlined by God, right? Doesn't Yoru-san believe in that?"

"No. I don't believe in religious teachings. But that doesn't mean I reject religion. I just don't like those who make religion as a reason to give up and make religion a reason to oppress others." Yoru was silent for a moment.

"You know, there are followers of a religion who use their teachings as an excuse to commit terrorism."

"But not a few also make their religion as the foundation for doing good." Megumi tried to argue.

"That's true. However, if there is a white canvas with one black dot. What is visible is not the canvas but the black dot. Because that is human. They do not see the good but the bad. As good as religion is, it is impossible to escape the bad influence of humans. That's why I choose not to embrace religion. Because I don't want to be constrained by rules that are not necessarily good for myself."

[Is there no religion in your dimension.]

'Yes there is, but religion is a very sacred thing and not everyone can embrace religion. Religious laws are also very strict. That's why not many people care about religion.'

"For me what is important is not what religious teachings they learn. But what kind of people they are. The packaging is not important. It is the content that is the most important."

"Hehehe... Yoru-san knows a lot about religion."

"I'm not, I just learn everything that allowed to. I don't have a religion because I just decided it didn't matter after studying all I could learn." Yoru answered proudly.

"Hehehehe.... Talking with Yoru-san was fun." Megumi smiled.

"Yoru-san, are you here to kill all of them?" Megumi looked sad.

"That's my plan. They are no longer human. They are no longer thinking. What's more, they can become a source of trouble for those who are still alive." Yoru replied softly.

"Then please put me down. I don't want to interrupt."

Yoru then climbed down from the fence and put Megumi down.

"Please be careful Yoru-san. I hope for you safety." Megumi lowered her head.

Yoru didn't answer, he just patted Megumi's head and made Megumi feel embarrassed.

After that, Yoru jumped again and entered the cemetery and immediately killed all the zombies that were there.

Megumi looks sad outside the fence after hearing all the zombies groaning.

"May all of you be the lucky ones in your next life." Megumi said before he turned and left the cemetery.

[She's a religious person]

'Is that true? I think she seems a bit forced into studying religion.'

[I once had a religious user. She's not much different from Megumi.]


[Why don't you seem to care about this talk]

'Because I really don't care. I don't really care about religion.'

[Never mind then. We'd better move on elsewhere.]

'OK. This one is a little unique. Red and green side by side.'

[Maybe they got stuck]

Yoru then walked closer to the place where the red and green dots were.

'Looks like you're right.'

[Maybe they are the staff or maybe the professors of this lab]

'May be. We'd better go in.'

Yoru walked closer and suddenly a voice was heard.

"Stop, don't come any closer."

Yoru looked confused.

"Who are you? Are you safe inside?"

Yoru tried to open the entrance to the laboratory, but the sound stopped him.

"Don't open the door. I don't want anyone to know I'm here."

"Why? Don't you want to come out?" Yoru asked.

"I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing here."

Yoru was surprised because he realized something after hearing what the voice said.

"What experiments did you do on the zombies inside?"

"Hmn, not bad. How can you conclude that I'm experimenting on zombies?"

"In all circumstances. A person is in a laboratory and doesn't want anyone to know what he is doing. The only answer is an illegal experiment."

"Ohh... Really? Great." The voice sounded pleased.

"Hey, you came from outside didn't you?" the voice asked.

"Yeah, my group is from outside Saint Isidore."

"How are things outside? Is society already get destroyed?"

"I don't know either. Because after the EMP explosion two days ago, information stopped. So I don't know the situation outside of Kyusu. But if you want to know the condition of the place I passed. Everything was destroyed. I didn't find any other group of survivors apart from my group. " Yoru explained

"Oh... Then there aren't many survivors."

"All I know is also the southern part of Kyusu. I don't know how the northern part of Kyusu is. Oh... Before I forget. The SDF will carry out an evacuation centered at Mochizuki General Hospital. My group and everyone here will go there tomorrow morning. Do you want to join?"

Yoru did not receive an answer. But he was still patiently waiting.

After a few minutes. The voice answered.

"Wait there. I will give you my data about what I do here. Give this data to Mochizuki General Hospital. They will know what to do with this data."

"Only data? You're not come with us?" Yoru was confused.

"I still have things to do. So I can't go out." Answer the voice.


"Okay, you don't need to come out. I'll come in." Yoru said.

"Wa... Wait. Don't open the door!" The voice was trying to warn Yoru.

But Yoru didn't care and opened the laboratory door. After opening the door, a zombies immediately attacked him. But deftly, Yoru hit the head of the zombie that attacked him. The zombie died instantly after receiving a punch from Yoru.

Not long after that, several other zombies also attacked Yoru. And deftly, Yoru killed all the zombies that attacked him. He then entered into the laboratory, and did not forget to close the door again.

"This place has a lot of zombies for a laboratory." Yoru looks a bit confused as he gets attacked by zombies periodically after he enters the laboratory.

Yoru kept walking and killing all the zombies he came across until he found a door.

"Hey, are you in there?" Yoru said.

It didn't take long for the door to open. And a woman with long light-colored hair and wearing an unbuttoned lab coat which covers a lined turtle-neck sweater while smoking, emerged from the room.

Yoru was a little surprised because the one that came out was a woman.

[Yoru, she is...]

'Are you sure? Do you have a solution?'

Yoru chatted with System for a while after seeing the girl who came out of the room and made him even more surprised.

"Did you kill all the zombies?" The girl asked a little worried.

"Of course. If I don't kill them all. I will die." Yoru answered with a strange face.

The woman immediately facepalmed after receiving an answer from Yoru.

"If you kill all the zombies in here. How can I get more experiment materials?"

"There's plenty out there. If you want, I can help you secure some." Yoru replied with a face full of confidence.

"You think doing it is easy?" The woman looked a little annoyed.

"It's easy for me. After all, it's also easy for you too, right?" Yoru replied with a sly smile.

The woman immediately looked alert.

"You don't need to be so alert. One of my party members is a human like you. A human who is didn't get attacked by zombies."

Right. That woman is a Half-zombie. But she's different from Yuusuke whose transformation process has stopped. Meanwhile, this women process is still ongoing. That's why Yoru was surprised after System told him about this woman's condition.


Name: Shiiko Aosoi

Gender: Female

Age : 29

Levels : 1

Race : Half-zombie (Full transformation in 2 days)
