
Road to a boundless god

My name is Akihito Kisaragi. I was always what people called the nonchalant type or introverted. My life was fine as a collage student,but I suddenly died in the dumbest way possible while I was walking to a corner store. I then meant a goddess and got sent to another world. Read the whole synopsis I might do a romance, but I don’t know. I’m mainly doing this to satisfy my imagination, so any useless annoying bullshiters can just not read. I also don’t want to know if you leave so don’t even comment “I’m dropping” or anything just go. This is also my first FF so I’m just finding my style, before anything serious. I absolutely hate harem with a passion so don’t expect it. I’m just coming up with stuff as I write and watch the anime. All you LN readers might find a lot of stuff that’s messed up, but...so what. This will have concepts from different anime, movies, and other verses. My schedule is going to be messed up a bit, but I’ll post most days of the week, but the weekend is my off days I don’t own anything and I just saw the cover image on Pinterest. If you like the story then...thank you I guess. I don’t really know how to respond to those “thanks for the chapter” responses so yeah. Anyway enjoy the story or don’t.

God_Of_Hate · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
81 Chs

Fuck chapter names

—Two Days Later—

(Akihito POV)

Two days have passed since that night as both sides were working. Rimuru and the executives of Tempest were preparing or war while Rimuru prepared for Walpurgis.

While that was happening, me and Mia were practicing with Anu and Seishin in combat and magic while also teaching them new skills. Of course we also had times where we relaxed and played.

Speaking of playing I got Kayda, Mufasu, and Severus to train with Anu and Seishin. Of course this was in a new dimension I and Mia made so they all can train equally.

Me and Mia also made visits to Tempest to check in on things over there as well. It wasn't much but them being too serious over something they had the absolute upper hand in.

This leads to present time. Walpurgis is about 5 days away and everyone is occupied with something. Everyone other than me and Mia. We handled all of our problems as soon as they arises so we don't have to do them later.

"So how about we showcase both of them as the ones that killed all of those humans and destroyed the kingdom of Falmas? That way both Anu and Seishin will both be noticed." I suggested.

Currently we're just floating in the sky sitting on the pillows I made.

"That could work, but we have to limit their destruction. Plus we have to see if they'd be down to even do that. They might have a light spar if we told them the other kingdoms were safe." Mia said.

"Maybe. How about I make an actual clone of them and have them run around near countries and stuff while you make some clones to spread out and tell their "story" to make them known?" I said

"That way they'd be known and we can fly with them over a few of the countries to give them a little scare." She added.


And so we started making real clones of them. We just used the Naruto way of doing it. Molding our energy into a clone and changing is the clone looks, so that it looks like Anu and Seishin.

Along with that, we made random people and filled their head with random stories about them. After that was done we sent them out to tell their stories to people. Now there would be stories of them being seen and a popular story about their history.

Finally over the last few days they've been widely known around a lot of kingdoms. Rimuru asked if it was about the deity and I just told him something like that.

They had also finished planning out their attack on Claymans army and everything was basically set. While me and Mia weren't always with Anu and Seishin they developed some type of rivalry.

Anu's Nether Magic along with his strength was doing well at keeping Seishin on his toes. Nether allowed him to control the energy between life and death. With all the training and practice in the newly made dimension he was able to gain the power of cosmic along with tons of other things.

With his normal magic he can summon the dead, kill things when he wants, death force inducement, dark arts, and mediumship which allows him to communicate with beings in the afterlife. Along with this he can make weapons from this energy to help him in combat.

With this plus his strength he was able to combat Seishin's Destruction Energy. The power of destruction is just as the name says. It just allows him to cause pure unrestrained annihilation.

That and his strength was a nice match up with Anu. Along with that, they themselves felt familiar yet unfamiliar with each other, but they felt like distant relatives.

Other than that they helped train Kayda, Severus, and Mufasu. Of course they were strong, but they didn't know any actual good ways to use their power and had no combat experience for fighting armies or anything of the sort.

Plus they just needed to be battle ready at any moment. With everything taken care of time came and flew and it was time for the war, Walpurgis, and a revelation.

—The Next Day—

(Third POV)

It was a bit early in the morning as Akihito woke up in complete darkness. Raising his hand up a bit a ball of light slowly started to glow and rise, lightening up the room.

He never liked when he was immediately woke up by light in his eyes. Every human does really.

In his corner we're his three pets laying stacked up on each other. He sat there for a moment as he rubbed his eyes and sighed. Hopping out of bed he materialized a toothbrush in his hand as he left his room and went to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Akihito went back to his room and took out some clothes from his drawer.

He took out a simple pair of black pants and a black vest with yellow/gold outlines. Along with that he wore a white long sleeve button up shirt under it. To finish it off he put on a black blazer with yellow/gold outlining.


After putting on some black dress shoes he went over to the corner his pets were and woke them up. Slowly they woke up as they sat there with their eyes closed still asleep.

"Come on. Wake up." He said as they moved towards the door. Opening it he took them into the room next to the bathroom, which was basically just a bathroom for them to get clean in and stuff.

After getting them together he left and they came out just in time to see Mia leaving her room in a pure white dress that had a golden pattern around the mid section and shoulders.


When she was coming out she was putting on golden earrings as they paused when looking at each other.

"You look nice." She said eyeing him.

"Same to you." He replied. Then their was this uncomfortable moment of silence.

"Nice talk." Akihito said as they both nodded and went their separate ways. Akihito went to the other side of the house to go get Anu and Seishin and see if they were already up.

Going into one of the rooms he peaked his head in and saw Anu in a meditating position as he didn't even move an inch.

"Aye, Anu. Wake up, the meeting we were talking about is today." He said. Anu's eyes opened up as they glowed a dark red in the darkness of the room.

Akihito left and went to the room right next to his and once he peaked his head in he saw that Seishin was already up and was working out. He told him to get himself ready so they can meet up with Rimuru at Tempest and then left the room.

—A Few Moments Later—

After a while of waiting everyone grouped up in the living room as they prepared to leave. Anu was wearing a pure white wrap skirt that had golden, blue, and black hieroglyphs around the top along with a golden and blue nemes and neck piece of the same color.


Seishin wore a black haori that had white outlining, but he wore it around his waist so his arms could be free. Along with that he wore his normal Gi pants and was barefoot.


Mufasu, Severus and Kayda used size manipulation to grow up. Mufasu, grew up to about twelve feet in length and grew to about 5 feet tall.


Severus, grew to about 40 feet long and his look had completely changed other than being purple in color.


Kayda grew to be the same size as Mufasu as she sat there with her chest out.


"Alright, let's go." Akihito said as they teleported into Tempest. When they appeared in the city they immediately caught everyone's attention because people haven't seen them dressed like this or looking this professional about something.

Akihito looked over to his right as Rimuru, Shion, Ranga, Veldora, Shuna, Ramiris, and the two warframes they all made, came running around a corner as soon as they sensed them in the city.

"WOAH, WHO ARE THOSE GUYS!?!" Rimuru asked as he saw Seishin and Anu.

"These are our rights hands." Akihito answered as he pointed to them. They agreed on not working like some type of slave to them so they were named right hands instead of subordinates.

"I get it now. You had a myth created about them so they could already be widely known by people and the demon lords." Ramiris said.

Akihito nodded and looked over to Rimuru.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, everyone else is about to be deployed. Shuna, you should go ahead and get to Souei and Hakurou." Rimuru said. Shuna nodded as she skipped off down the street after hugging Mia.

With that they began their journey to Walpurgis, with Veldora staying to protect the country while the army is out fighting with Clayman's army in the war.

(Akihito POV)

As we walked through the forest we met up with Treyni and her sisters. Rimuru gave her a body since she became Ramirs's subortanat, but she couldn't come to Walpurgis because Ramiris already had Excalibur and Nyx as her two subordinates.

Of course they asked why we were bringing go so many…people(?) but we just told them the rules were only set for demon lords which me and Mia are not. Over the span of a few minutes we made it to some opening in the forest with a beautiful lake glistening from the sunlight.

We came to a halt as we felt the air around us changing and a large concentration of magic building in front of us. In a bright light and a huge smoke cloud a door appeared.