
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · perkotaan
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63 Chs

Above is the CEO

"Yes, Sir." Intan nodded.

"All rooms, yes, including mine. It's not locked." His smile is so sweet and very friendly.

The first day of work was treated to a warm smile from the boss, it was a fortune for Intan.

Fortunately, all the superiors here are fine, first seen from Mr. Yaya who had directed Intan's task and now this Mr. wearing glasses in front of her who had passed her while walking behind with Mandar.

His facial expression looks very mulatto Chinese but his way of speaking is so fluent in Indonesian.

"Okay, Sir." Intan only replied as needed, did not want many words.

After all she was new here and not everyone liked people who were easy to get along with for displaying too much courage.

Afraid of being thought to be familiar, thought Intan.

"Okay." Mr. Andrea gave Intan a thumbs up. Intan smiled at him.

After Mr. Andrea left, Intan continued her steps. The room above looks like a luxurious family home.

It is spacious and there is a moss green sofa and some flower fittings adorning the corner.

"Is this an office or a villa, huh?" murmured Intan.

There are also several rooms that are very confusing for her, because the partitions are glass … so Intan's frozen body can be seen.

Each room is also not completely covered with walls, such as walls that can be dismantled and not too stuffy because at the top there are holes and do not stick to the wall.

One of the unique things for Intan is because the room here is very different from Irwan's office.

"Come on Intan, forget him! You don't deserve him," Intan muttered again.

The image of Irwan smiling at her every morning and even giving her flowers in the company kitchen made the other friends jealous of Intan.

Instantly her tears fell. It still hurts to remember that night. But Intan still tried not to keep remembering it.

Before cleaning, Intan also wears a mask so that her health is also maintained.

Preferably, before cleaning in this room –Intan should prioritize her boss's office space.

Intan started with the office on the right which was bigger.

And when Intan opened it –

"Wow … it's already clean. What else do you need to clean up?"

Everything looks fresh, so fresh. Intan felt confused which one to clean.

Very comfortable. The morning sun reflected through the wide glass in the room.

Intan thought this was an interview room, because there were two chairs facing each other and only a table was blocked between them.

Even though it's clean, Intan knows at least there's a lot of dust in this room.

Intan started.

From opening the curtains wider and starting to wipe them with a chamois while spraying glass cleaner and after that Intan wiped the table and some furniture until they were really shiny and immediately mopped as a final part before closing the door.

Intan was told not to sweep the room first if indeed using a mop could also clean it.

So Intan also did not equip herself with a broom earlier.

And so on and on, she tidied up from room to room until it was already eleven o'clock.

There was a commotion of people who wanted to go up to the top of the room and it was just right when Intan was almost done.

"You don't have to worry, with a more modern system, I and my two colleagues will certainly always try to select prospective workers who have good skills to be further developed here later and can also be loyal to the company. We also don't forget to always give them an understanding of our company from its history and about the good name of the company that must be protected," said Andrea, explaining the performance in this building to a man.

"I hope what you say is true. My aunt will also come here soon, she said she is still on the way. I hope you can also show her this building later and make her believe that our workers are well trained and will not let their products down. Later Litta will also be accompanied by my assistant—Hana," the man replied.

Intan didn't see the man's face because she kept her politeness not to see them walking around chatting.

The boss's conversation seemed secret.

Intan thinks they will also sit on the sofa, because Intan's work is done, she packs up her combat equipment and rushes downstairs.

It felt uncomfortable there, and eavesdropping on the conversation in the middle of Intan wasn't an important part of them … that wasn't good either.

Besides, what does Intan want to hear?

"Hufttt, thank God it's over too." Intan is very tired.

After getting down and tidying up her combat equipment to its proper place again, Intan then went to drink.

There is a special kitchen which is also shared with the security guards.

There is no one in the building to help Intan, she is the only one who works as a cleaning service there.

Mr. Yaya said, regarding the service affairs of the three superiors, it would not be needed. Diamonds do not need to serve them.

Maybe Intan only occasionally delivers their drink orders, and that's only when the boss from the main building opposite the building visits.

Suddenly someone came, it was Mrs. Asma.


"Wa'alaikumsalam, uh Miss. What's the matter, Ma'am?" asked Intan quite nervous because they don't know each other yet.

"You are Intan, right?"

"Yes, I'm Intan, why, Ma'am?"

"There is a CEO above, his name is Pak Arsya. You've seen it before, right? Well, I want to ask your help to make him coffee. The coffee is right there, just a little sugar. Make three glasses, then you bring it to the top, Intan."

"Okay, ma'am, I'll make it right away."

"Hurry up, Intan."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Miss. Asma then left Intan. Intan then immediately opened the cupboard that was pointed out by Miss. Asma. When he opened it, Intan was amazed.

Equipment for coffee, tea, sugar, and all kinds of accessories like new monthly shopping.

Indeed, in Irwan's office it is like that, but here the supplies are more.

It's also strange even though as far as Intan knows, there are only a few bosses here.

But Intan finally realized, this much coffee, sugar, tea, milk and others because this also includes supplies for the security guards. It's not weird.

When Intan poured hot water, the aroma of coffee was inhaled by her nose.

It reminds Intan even more of the figure of Irwan who always makes coffee.

However, Intan still tries to get rid of the sweet memory.

"Remember Intan, this is no longer the same place. You have to forget him, remember! This is the best path in your life." Intan again advised herself. She took a deep breath, and slowly erased the memory.

Even if the memory forced its way through and kept knocking on Intan's mind, she tried not to hear it.

Let's just say that memory never existed in Intan's life, never.

Intan brought the coffee on a tray and was ready to deliver it, but when she got up she found that the man referred to by Mrs. Asma had already left.

It was a waste of time for Intan to make coffee.

Did Intan take too long to make it? Intan doesn't think so, she's been trying fast.

However, his three superiors; Mr. Kevin, Mr. Andrea and Mrs. Asma are still chatting on the sofa.

Intan is confused.

"Hey, Intan. Just save it here! Mr. Arsya was in a hurry so he immediately left again. But that's okay." Mrs. Asma smiled as she pointed to the table so Intan would put her coffee there.

Intan smiled. A smile that still feels stiff. "Yes, Ma'am."

Intan also put it carefully.

"Mr. Arsya is not suitable to sit in the office, he is suitable to be a tour guide. Traveling is always work," said Kevin, laughing, "I'm drinking, Intan." He also politely did not forget to make small talk to take the coffee that Intan had brewed.

"Yes, Sir. If so, Intan will say goodbye first, then Intan will take the glass again." Intan passed after hearing the thanks from the three and was answered by Intan with the word 'you're welcome' in return.

But his ears could still clearly hear his three superiors talking about their own CEO.

Not bad, maybe they just gave the same assessment of their boss who likes to go half a day with the excuse of continuing his master's degree and other things that sometimes don't make sense to others.