
BigHit Lables

chapter 2

You decided to humor Yoongi and come back with him to the Big Hit office. You get an officer you can't turn down

"Why did I let you talk me into this?" You asked Yoongi. You dragged two suitcases, a truck and carry on.

"Because you want to do this." Yoongi's voice muffled under his masks. His bodyguards came closer. Yoongi only came with four, there were four more waiting when the plane landed. "Cover your face."

You took your scarf off and pulled it up over your nose. There was a sudden rush of cameras clicking and flashing. A female voice could be heard near and far. You were eighty percent sure they were asking who you were.

"Hyung!" Someone called as the two of you got to the entrance. Waving his arms around, "Suga Hyung." Jimin's voice grew louder. He looked really excited to see Yoongi.

"Jimin?" Yoongi said before Jimin through his arms around him. "Did you sneak away again?"

"Maybe." Jimin turned to you and started to blush. He quickly bowed before saying your name.

"You can just call me Chimin." You suggested. It always felt odd when people called your real name. "It's nice to meet you, Jimin told me a lot about you." Yoongi was right, Jimin was cuter in person.

"The car is out front." Your bodyguard said. They figured it would safer for you. You followed them outside where it was just as bad.

"Suga hyung, will you make me pancakes this time?" Jimin clearly was just as fluent in English. Yoongi pulled down his mask. "You always make us pancakes after you come from the States."

"Sure, after I wake up." Jimin smiled again.

You didn't know how long you had been asleep in your hotel in your room. Someone called your room and said a car would be there in two hours to pick you up. The time difference was already starting to kill you, but you sucked it up and took a shower.

You knew this was a big deal you were about to be given. You just weren't sure if you should take it or not. If it wasn't for Yoongi, you wouldn't have gotten on the flight.

When the car came, they took you right to the Big Hit office. It was hard to miss. You were escorted to an office. Entering the room you knew this was going to end one or two ways. They changing their minds or the offer not being good enough. There were at least fifteen sitting in on the meeting. BTS was already seated in the room and talking amongst each other. Yoongi looked half awake.

You stood in front of the table. You sat down at the table not knowing what to expect.

"Welcome to Korea." A woman said as she moved closer to you. "I'll be your translator while you are here discussing the contract. They wanted me to thank you for coming and they are really excited about parking with you." You quickly stood up and bowed.

What they had not expected was for you to speak their language. You still needed to improve as far as speaking, but the effort was there. Bang PD smiled at you. Yoongi grinned.

"You've improved." Yoongi pointed out.

"So have you." You could tell right away that he kept learning even after he came back to Korea. Taehyung turned to you.

"Do you know any other languages?" He spoke slowly so his words were clear.

"I speak Spanish fluently, I can translate Japanese but not really speak. I am still learning as far as Korea goes." Somehow, as busy as you were. You still managed school, no matter what. You watched as Bang PD looking the folder before speaking to your translator.

"I was very impressed with your work with Suga on his second mixtape." She translated. "I was surprised by your unique methods. I was surprised at how much we were to find out about you. A female producer, DJ, choreographer, and vocal coach. Which is a lot of talent for one person."

You had spent many years working hard all to make a name for yourself. This wasn't the line of work you hadn't originally planned for yourself but things changed and you changed with it.

"You should probably be aware that I can be a little strict towards those I work with. It might come off the wrong way, but I do this for the end result." Yoongi nodded.

"Which is why I would rather work with her," Namjoon spoke. "We need brand new eyes for this next album. We need something new to present to the fans. If Suga Hyung thinks she is a good fit for us, then I agree." This was who Yoongi told you about. You could see they had a lot of say in who they worked with.

Jimin turned to Namjoon and said something. They quickly exchanged words with each other. From what you could tell, Jimin was confident in speaking English a lot and only knew a few words but understood when someone spoke. Namjoon grinned at Jimin before one of the other members grabbed his attention. Namjoon nodded at Jin and turned to Yoongi who on the other side of the table. Suddenly all of seven were talking at once.

"We have heard enough of her work," Yoongi said back to Namjoon. "And she is still undecided, wouldn't it be fair to give her a chance to decide." Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

"I actually already have. I have few ideas of my own already. I've just not sure how well this well you guys will like working with me because of strict I can be." Bang PD smiled.

Your translator turned to you. "We are well aware of this, this also we are interested in bringing you on. The choice is up to you. We will cover your living expenses as well as travel. We would like for you stay with us till the album is completed. All we ask that you don't do anything that will reflect badly on the company. You will have your own studio to work in. You will not only work with BTS, but our other producers. You will receive fifteen percent of each song you work on. You'll have full access to practices and anything you to help you."

You narrowed your eyes. "I'm gonna need a bed in that studio and a mini-fridge." You were going to need it. "And all my work must be credited to me. I've worked with people before that cut my name out of the credits."

"You are as pushy as ever." Yoongi teased.

"She sounds like you hyung." Jimin grinned. You watched as Bang PD and your translator go back fourth. She looked at you.

"He agrees with what you are asking. He also wants to offer eighty thousand to sign on." You almost started laughing.

"I have a suggestion," Yoongi said quickly. "We were talking since Ten did have a good idea that turned out really well for my own MV. Her and Jungkook to write the MV storyboard. "

"And I'm pushy." You told him. You listened as they talked about it. " I'm willing to do this." You could tell that Bang PD really did take in what they had to say. You listened as they kept talking. Bang PD looked at you and translator.

"Would you want to do that? You'll twenty percent alone from doing the MV. Bang said that would be the first song you would have to work on. He wants to make it the open to the album." This wasn't going the way you thought at all. You were getting more than you thought.

"I'll do it." You agreed.

"They are putting fifteen songs on the album and Three MVs." You were sure you could do it. You probably pushing yourself far beyond what you were us to, but you were confident. "They will up your sign on to one million." Your own eyes grew wide. "You'll be working on the choreography well for the MV as well.

You had to catch your breath. "You have a deal." You couldn't get a better contact. Bang PD came around the table to shake your hand. He explained that the contract would be ready in the morning. You turned to the group.

"I'm going to have to ask that you all be here in the morning at seven a.m. I need to get some idea how you all sing. I can see things better if I see you sing in person. I would like for you to practice We Are Bulletproof part two, No More dream and Outr: Tear. From there, I can suggest where we should start. If you guys have any suggestions or anything you've already started on, I'll take a look at them then."