
RISING of the SWORD HERO(seeker7246)

REAL NAME OF THIS STORY IS TEN THOUSAND SWORDS. (pls don't hate me) (I am here with another story hope you all will like it. same as previous stories it was collecting dust on FF.net and is not completed. this is shield hero fanfic.trickshot is ongoing but author's focus is not that fanfic so chapters will be updated after long intervals.) synopsis:- There is no victory without sacrifice. This was a truth that Adrian had known all his life, his father sacrificed himself for the city he loved, his mother sacrificed her time, her future for her children and Adrian had chosen to sacrifice what meagre things he could offer to try and help his family. He did not want to be a sacrifice for another world. He did not want to be a Hero. (once again i am not the creator of this story all credits goes to seeker7246 and if author did not like me uploading this story here I can just erase the chapter.)

whitethief274 · Komik
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76 Chs

Chapter 72.

"Tell me about Malty," he said, "Does she have any special power?"

Mirellia blinked, adjusting slightly to ease her aching back, and quickly thought about the question and the abrupt topic change. She had expected him to bring up Malty, her idiotic daughter had accused him of rape and tried to kill him, but she had not expected this.

Had he seen something unusual?

"She has a great deal of skill at using Fire Magic," said Mirellia, hesitantly, "but little else and she is only skilled not prodigious."

"Nothing else?" he asked, seemingly expecting her answer.

She shook her head as her suspicions were confirmed. He would not have asked again unless he had seen something.

Then he actually hesitated and asked in a quiet tone, "What about Aultcray?"

Mirellia felt sick as she was reminded that this man was her husband's killer. She paused, and tried to think about his question and not the emptiness in her lungs, but found her breath stolen when she tried to speak.

It took her nearly a minute to answer but the pain never arrived.

"He had been the Star Hero," she said, thinking back to the man she had married...and the person whom he had become, "but as you must know he couldn't use the Cane's power at all now. He was cursed by it for some reason."

Adrian was still for a long couple of seconds.

"He did manage to use his power," said the Hero, "And I think it was Malty that unlocked it and then proceed to interfere with my sword. It's why I had to kill them both rather than capture them."

Mirellia stared at the man. Her first instinct was to deny his lies. Her second was to realize that he had killed her daughter as well. Her hands shook despite the comfortable temperature. Her body hurt but she carefully regulated her breath and regained her concentration.

The Sword Hero was silent. She felt an absurd sense of appreciation and fury as the man who had killed half of her remaining family respected her loss.

"I see," said the Queen, understanding why the Hero had isolated her and was so wary of her. She was an old woman whose power was nothing in the face of the man who had defeated a Wave but if he thought that she could disrupt a Legendary Weapon...then things made a great deal of sense, "I was completely unaware of such an ability and do not possess any such thing."

He nodded and sighed, "I don't think Malty did either," he said, more tired than he had seemed mere moments prior, "She suddenly began using these powers. First, she activated the Cane, which I assume she managed because she had been interfering with it for a long time, and then managed to slightly interfere with my powers. Afterthat, she used the Cane's power somehow to start the Wave early."

Mirellia stared at the Hero suddenly finding his actions to be altogether more reasonable, assuming that he was telling the truth. She swallowed as she realized that he hadn't targeted her or her family for the rape accusation. He might not even care about it. Or at least he wanted her to think that he didn't care about it.

No, he had little enough reason to give her such a useless lie. She was at his mercy.

Synapses fired and a thought struck, "You have the Spear Hero," she said.

He raised an eyebrow, "Obviously," he said, "I would not have attacked Melromarc without ensuring that you lacked the resources to fight me."

Prince Takt wasn't an option she realized dully. No Aultcray, no Heroes and no Malty. Mirellia looked the Sword Hero dead in the eye.

He was her only option.

She wanted to laugh. Or cry. Or something.

The Queen did none of those things and studied the man who held her nation in his hands.

"Sword Hero," she said, "A Prince of Faubrey, Takt Arusahorun Faubrey, the Whip Hero, can bypass level limits and seeks to control the Legendary Heroes. He demanded that Melromarc offer him all the Heroes we have to him."

Cold eyes glared. She had his attention, "I need the specifics." he said, "Tell me more."

Mirellia nodded, careful to keep any hint of satisfaction from showing, "The Prince is at level 200 and has already shared his secret with his harem. He has at least seven members who are at level 140 and has hundreds of soldiers who are at the level cap."

The Sword Hero was quick to realize the implications.

"I see," he said, "and since you can't hand him the Heroes you can't expect any aid from him."

She nodded, careful to give little away, "Melromarc will be crushed under the power of Faubrey with no effort." she said, not telling him that Prince Takt was easy to manipulate and that she had several spies in his harem, hopeful that she won't need to mention it specifically. Nor did she tell him that Faubrey was not an existential threat, "we need your help, Adrian."

For a minute he said nothing. She tried to speak but pain spiked the moment she attempted. He didn't even look at her when she winced.

"Give me everything you know about the factions involved in the coming war." he said, "and I do mean everything. We have the time."

Mirellia paused for a second and then tentatively said, "I suppose the main participants are Siltvelt and Shieldfreeden but Faubrey will not sit idle unless they are pacified," he nodded and she continued, "That will draw in almost every country on the continent as vassals and allies are drawn into the war. The conflict between my country and Silvelt will likely consume almost every country save for the most remote."

She continued, giving him glimpses into the politics that she had grown up around.

"I see," he said, seated on his throne-like seat, "What about this Prince Takt?"

"He is a genius," she said, "he was a master of several different types of magic at a very young age and is considered to be Faubrey's greatest mind of his generation. A masterful combatant who has never lost a battle."

"Sounds impressive," he said, not believing much of it, "Is his level truly 200?"

She nodded, thinking back to the massive firestorm he had created and the group invitation that had allowed her to see his level and that of his companions, "He made it very clear," she said, explaining the event to the Hero, "though...he is not the most disciplined person and has a weakness for women."

He looked at her, his eyes raked her body, but when he met her eyes she found no lust, "Something you used to get him to give you such a good deal when you had so little to offer him."

"True," she admitted, "we had the Spear Hero but if Faubrey had pushed then they could have simply claimed the Hero by force and he is far too weak to be of use to us."

As she spoke she wondered why the Sword Hero was so strong. Of the Four Heroes, he was the only one who has the strength the Legends had spoken off, it was much like in the previous set of Heroes where the Shield and Spear stood above the others.

"What about the other Star Heroes?" he asked, "Do you know where they are?"

Mirellia paused, filed his desire for them away, and nodded, "The Gauntlet is without a wielder in a remote nation to the west. It has not had a wielder for generations now. The previous wielder was summoned from another world and legend has it that only a Hero from another world can wield it. The others are in Zeltoble, Siltvelt, Shieldfreeden and Faubrey."

She continued telling him about them, but her mind was on Aultcray and the Cane, it was a bitter loss. Melromarc had held the Cane for centuries but now it would be with another. By the time she was done her throat was parched. He grew a plant with a glass of water on it. Mirellia hesitated and then drank after he raised an eyebrow and pointed at it.

He laughed a little while the cold water relieved her, "Your husband played a risky game," he said, surprising her by the sudden topic change, "if he had controlled all four of us then he could have used us to rule the world. Instead, he got one of us killed, another kidnapped and the third was manipulated. I would have been subjected to one of those fates if it wasn't for my caution." He shook his head and stared at her, "Mirellia, do you truly think I should help you when your family has endangered the world?"


"You are not Melromarc," he said, calmly, "I'm asking about you. Not your country."

Fear struck like a hammer blow. Mirellia had never truly separated the two concepts. She had counted on his compassion for the people of her country to be the main reason for him to help her. Truthfully, she couldn't imagine anything that she could offer him that he could not simply take. Certainly, it would likely be more convenient for him to use her, but if he didn't trust her...then there was no reason to bother and she was not blind enough to think that he had any reason to trust her.

But...that wouldn't help her. Or Melty.

Adrian would end her line without remorse and place another in her place without hesitation.

"Speak now," he said, his voice still calm but Mirellia could hear the malice seep into it.

"I...don't have anything to do with Malty or Aultcray's actions." she said, with confidence, she didn't feel, deliberately making no mention of Melty, she prayed for her daughter's safety, "and I can help my country stand better than anyone else can."

"Flimsy," he said and paused, but before the fear could build, "but honest. You truly think that you can serve your people best."

She nodded.

"One chance," he said, standing up, "I'll help you with the wars as long as you play your part during the Waves to come, keep the former slaves I rescued safe and Melromarc supports me without question. We can discuss the details later."

Mirellia followed his lead, stood up, and bowed to him, "Thank you-"

"Don't thank me," he said, his voice cold, "This is not for free. The seal on you stays and Melty Melromarc will be my hostage. Your failure will reflect on her."

"Sir Hero, please-" she said with little thought.

The Sword Hero snapped his fingers, the plant dome began to recede into the ground, and the floating swords that she had almost began to ignore started to glow brightly cutting her off.

They were still pointed at her.

She didn't even get a chance to flinch before they turned to a different direction and fired.

Mirellia covered her eyes as a Sun bloomed with no warning. When her vision was restored the desolation was obvious even in the dark. There was nothing left for as far as she could see. The destruction of the lands around Melromarc played in her mind.

She could see him destroying her city within seconds and her country within hours.

"I wasn't asking," he said simply.

Mirellia bowed her head, I am so sorry daughter, she thought and said goodbye to the last of her family.

The Queen of Melromarc met the Hero's eyes, "I understand Sir Hero," she said, "your terms are accepted."

He nodded and she promised herself that she would get Melty back but before she could think further, "One last thing." he said, while his swords pointed at her again, "Do you plan to take revenge against me for anything that has occurred until this moment? Including but not limited to killing your husband and Daughter and taking your heiress as my hostage."

The Queen answered calmly, "I do not have any such plans," that will succeed. Yet.

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. The world around them began to warp again. "Good," he said, while handing her a sword, a copy of the one she had used before, "say goodbye to your daughter and then cut her with this sword. Make certain to keep your promises. I'll be back to check on you soon. You'll have an hour to say your goodbyes."

"Understood," she said, with a nod. Feeling a weight settle on her as she appeared in the room alone and spotted her daughter who walked gracefully towards her. Worry was written all over her face.

Mirellia closed her eyes, dropped the sword which fell with a ringing sound, killed her guilt, fury and shame. She hugged her daughter.

"Mother?" asked Melty, glancing at the others present in the room, "Is everything okay?"

Mirellia tightened her grip and pulled her closer.
