
Unexpected Meeting

The next morning after doing the things that he had turned into a routine he sent Sky and Storm to get some food, since he had forgotten to do it last night. At the moment Tyler had 470 SP so he decided that it was time to give Max some friends. He summoned another 2 wolves to his surprise this time there was a female.

He gave himself a facepalm "Great now I'm going to have to make some sort of mating room". He looked at the three of them "If you're going to do anything naughty then make sure you do it outside okay I don't want to have to hear anything weird."

Tyler looked at the two new wolves "Your names will be Mia and Med, for now, you'll be the M team haha."

He had Plasma join the wolves so that it could collect whatever they hunted so that the pack wouldn't have to come and go every time. While they were doing that he had played around with the fluffy owlet.

After playing for a while he put the owlet on the floor and had Yuna take care of it. He walked up to the Skeleton fighter and gave a smile "Better make sure to get my orders correct the first time and not have to get another reminder haha".

"Use a quarter of your speed and fight me" the Skeleton Fighter immediately charged at him and began attacking. Tyler was already used to the speed but he wanted to make sure and learn all the techniques. After what happened the other day he was frightened that he might end up killed by the new skeletons if he wasn't careful.

After a few hours of sparing Storm and Sky were finally done hunting and brought 8 fish in total. He fed it to the animals and bought the strawberries and gave it to the herbivores. When he was about now he took a look at the map and found that 9 dots were nearing the closed front door.

Four of the dots were green so that meant that they were the pack of three wolves and the slimes. At first, he remembered that Plasma was going to store everything they caught in its body but the thing that was off about what he was seeing is that all 5 red dots were moving around and escorted by the pack.

Tyler just shrugged and opened the door while he continued to feed the animals after he was done he washed his hands with water that Yuna provided him with and started to walk to the main hall.

As soon as he walked in he couldn't help but have his eyes opened wide, in front of him where 2 regular men and 3 girls with ears and tail connected to their bodies. One had ears that resembled a rabbit and the other two had dog ears.

Tyler gave a big long sigh and thought "Well I was going to have to kill humans sooner or later."

He closed the main door and everything became dark once more, he did it so that other than him and the wolves no one could see anything. The thing that surprised him is that even if everything was dark the girls could still find where he was.

Tyler walked closer to the wolves and began inspecting them, he was relieved to see that surprisingly none of them were hurt. Then he turned around to look at the 5 new visitors. The 2 men seemed to be heavily injured, the girls, on the other hand, seemed to not have a single bite on their bodies.

He began petting Max's head "What kind of problem did you bring to our home, boy."

Tyler sighed once more and began walking forward, he didn't have to be afraid since the captives were surrounded by Max, Mia, and Med. After being apart around 2 feet he looked at the girl and asked "What happened? Did the wolves attack you in the middle of your trip?"

He asked her this specifically because he had told Max not to get close to humans, that one of the reasons he had gotten Storm in the first place.

The rabbit girl seemed to be about 16 while the others were around their early 20s. She hesitated at first but after swallowing her saliva she began to mumble "weweretakenprisonersafterourvilliagewasattacked"

Tyler's brows formed a frown "Do you think you could perhaps speak a little clearer?"

The young girl got frightened but in the end nodded "Sorry, I said that we were taken prisoners after our village was attacked. These two men took part in the raid and they got us as a reward, they were about to try and rape us in the forest but thankfully we were rescued by these wolves."

He nodded and looked at Max "Yeah he sure is a good boy."

One of the men quickly spoke up "No, these filthy women are lying we did no such thing. They asked to join our trip and we were going to the next nearby village when your dogs attacked us."

Tyler shook his head "Call them dogs again and you might hurt their pride, if you do then don't blame me for the consequences. Anyway, Max who's telling the truth?"

The young wolf walked closer to the girls and sat down. Tyler nodded and looked at the men, great then looks like we have that settled. He looked at the assassin skeleton "Kill the two men."

As soon as he finished his sentence 2 shurikens were thrown across the room and embedded themselves into the heads of the men. The girls gave a scream and managed to calm down Tyler, on the other hand, stood still with his mouth opened as he thought "what the hell is going on where did those shurikens come from? I thought it was only equipped with 2 daggers. Thank god that I didn't start a fight with the assassin, I don't feel like having to pull a shuriken out of my forehead."

He looked at the two girls and began to think of what to do with them. "Look right now I have a dilemma, I want you girls to live but that could cause me problems. If I let you girls live then I run the chance of being killed, the only way that I can see you three living is if you decide to stay in this cave until I become stronger and I don't know how many years that will take. Now I know that I'm going to sound like an ass but which is it? Do you want everything to end quickly or would you like to stay in the cave?"

They looked at each other and nodded, then they turned back at Tyler and bowed "We would like to stay here with you master."

He looked at them surprised and shook his head "Don't call me master, just call me Tyler. Anyway, you must be tired get some sleep and rest."

They nodded and moved across the room and laid down trying to sleep. Tyler looked at the men and thought about feeding the meat to the wild animals but decided not to. What he wanted was to train them, if he gave them human meat then all he would be doing is putting himself on the menu.

He looked at Max and nodded, the wolves gave a howl of happiness and began devouring the corpses, after they were done he looked at Plasma and pointed at the puddle blood and bones. The slime quickly understood and soon both the floor and the pack were sparkling clean.

Tyler could see that the girls couldn't sleep on the hard floor so he got them a mattress for 30 SP and laid it down "You can sleep here."

The three girls looked at it with eyes sparkling and bowed down "Thank you, sir"

He nodded and made his way towards the cub and laid down. He looked at Plasma and pointed at the girls "Wake me up if they try to get close to me"

The slime jumped up and moved and then stayed still as a rock, it was probably performing the act of not letting its sight away from them which made Tyler curious since the slime had no eyes.

Sadly this time Max didn't join him when Tyler turned around to look for the young wolf he found all three members of his pack were snuggled tightly together.

Tyler couldn't help but feel betrayed, he gave a big sigh and thought "Well at least they get along" before falling asleep.

Sup guys sorry for taking so long. I would like to give a special thanks to Kurotora for giving me a wake-up call :-)

wolfster101creators' thoughts