
Rising of a New Reaper

In this novel we focus on our Main Protagonist regressing to the past where it all started and trying to relive his new life and defeat new enemies. (any concerns or questions towards this novel please inform me about it and I'll respond accordingly to it)

unknown946 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 3: Could there be people here!

As Strat was being sent back to Earth, he thought about what he'd do first. " Maybe I should train the powers that Athen gave me." Thought Strat when he arrived on earth.

On the arrival of Strat, he checked out his surroundings just to see where he was. When he looked around and the only thing, he saw was nothing but only a sign that said, "Welcome to California!"

The mood that Strat was in got worse. The look on the face of Strat was filled with anger and disappointment.

" Out of the 50 fucking states! You brought me to the highest crime rate of them all! Fucking California! (No hate to California. Back to the story) But I could see why he sent me here. But why the desert."

Due to the anger still lingering he immediately punched the sign and broke it. He was surprised at the strength he had but then an immediate intense pain went through his whole arm.

"Ow! Ow! My fucking arm." Said Strat while shaking his arm that's in pain.

Since he didn't know where the nearest city or town near him, he just walked forward still holding onto his injured arm. It took 6 grueling hours, he saw something in the distance. He ran towards it but was in for a surprise it was just a sand cat. All that energy wasted just to find a fucking cat. Even though he was angry he wanted to tame the sand cat since he hadn't talked to anyone for a while and wanted a companion.

So, he slowly went near the cat. He was curious if he had any regenerative powers, so he took a bit out of his arm just to give to the wild cat to come near him. Just by the single bit out of his skin, he started to bleed out. But low and behold he started to regenerate slowly. He was grateful that it happened since he didn't want to bleed out and die there.

He throws the piece of meat that he bit out himself near the sand cat. The cat noticed and went slowly and cautiously near the spot as soon as it went near it. Strat immediately went towards the cat and caught it. The sand cat was angered and started to bite and scratch him. Strat also wanted to test the power that they wished. So, he made a cage for him to put the cat in.

Then he thought "What else can I make with this." So, he made a car for him to drive in.

" Why the hell did I spend so much of my time just walking? How much of an idiot am I? Said Strat out loud.

He ignored what he said and opened the back left door to put the cage that the sand cat was inside then opened the front left door to enter and start driving. The car that he drove was the fastest 4-seater hypercar the Koenigsegg Gemara. He drove the fastest he could on a full fuel tank and barely arrived at town. During that whole time, the sand cat kept making noises in the back, but he ignored them. As soon as the car stopped, he knew he could just run towards the direction of the town.

So, he immediately grabbed the cage where the cat was in got out, and went towards the town. Strat had an excited face when he went in the direction of the town. As he arrived towards the town he checked if there was anyone there but there wasn't anyone. He knew there was at least someone here. Since he never gave up on someone here, he left the cat in one of the buildings near him, so he doesn't have to carry much weight.

After he left the cat in the building he went and searched for people but there was no one in the area. As he went towards the last building to check if there was someone there then he heard the cries of a child. Strat immediately went towards the cries of the child. Strat immediately went to the last building that he never checked which was a small house.

As soon as he went inside the house, he heard the cries on the next floor of the house. So he immediately went up the creaky stairs. Strat looked everywhere and found a blocked door. Strat immediately smashed through the door not caring for the pain. Then he finally found the baby lying down in its crib crying.

As he slowly came closer towards the baby he was stuck with a terrible smell. The smell came from the baby's diaper. Strat was disgusted with the smell so he held on to his nose so he wouldn't smell it. Then a thought came to his mind.

"If there's a baby here still alive that would mean people were here not that long ago." Thought Strat in his mind.

But he was disgusted by them because why would they leave this baby? Then he found a note on the table next to the baby which said " If you find this note that would mean that the gang near here found us and killed everyone. We boarded up this room so that the gang couldn't get in and only we could. We left a little tank filled with milk to feed the kid and a little robot to change its diapers" Strat was confused when he saw the robot coming out of the closet to change the baby's diaper.

Then he found out it was a baby boy. When he first saw the baby, he was reminded of his own experience of being abandoned. As soon as the robot changed the baby's diaper it went back to the closet. At that moment Strat immediately made his decision. He was going to be the baby's father. Strat knew he had no experience as a father, but he knew not to leave this infant alone to die. So, he grabbed the infant and held him tightly in his hands.

Strat left the room and went carefully down the stairs and then out of the house. Anger slowly piling up in himself. Strat went to the building that he left the cat in. When he arrived it only took him a few minutes to get there. Strat immediately started to deeply clean the place up. It took 2 grueling hours for him to clean up and be fit for the baby to be in then placed him in a crib he built.

When putting the baby in the crib a thought went up in Strat's mind " They never said what the kid's name is. Maybe I should name him?" Thought Strat as he thought deeply to name the kid. Then a name popped up in his head.

" I'll name you David Vasquez. I'll name you that since that's what the person who took care of me was named. All of a sudden something showed up in his vision while looking at the baby. 

"You want revenge for the kid, right? Well, I'll give you your First mission as the new reaper."