
Riser Phenex with Wishes

Riser Phenex is not a villain, issei is not in any peerage.

Being_Humble · Komik
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4 Chs

Practice and Evil Pieces

Next morning, when I was running, Sairaorg came with his mother. Rias and Sona also came together, just after Sairaorg. Lady Bael was in Sitri hospital, so Sona Knew when his mother woke up.

Before Sairaorg could say anything, I asked him,"Sairaorg! Did you listen when I told you that you will not thank me or owe me anything if you consider me a friend and brother?"

Sairaorg was surprised, "You are not surprised that my mother is awake?"

I calmly replied, " Of course I am not surprised. Remember I told you to drink in front of your mother, alone. It was for both of you."

Then Sona suddenly interrupted us, "What was that medicine that can wake Lady Bael without actually drinking it? And what was wrong with Sairaorg?"

Then I lied, "I found it in a ruin from phenex clan old mansion. It said that it can some how go into heart and start giving out some invisible rays which can cure blood if their are any default in them. It cures some one within one meter radius. I found only one of that medicine. And as for Sairaorg, he will tell you himself."

Sairaorg: I got my power of destruction activated, father will not beat mother anymore.

Riser: One more thing Sairaorg. You would not want to break your promise to your mother when she fell ill, would you?

Sairaorg: Of course not. And I will combine my power of destruction in it to make it more powerful.

After they were gone, I started practicing. My body and devil energy both. I know I can get stronger with only devil energy. But if I want to store devil energy more than Super Devils, on the level of Trihexa, I will have to make my body strong enough to hold that much power.

I and Sairaorg start practicing together. He practiced his body more and focuses on devil energy only for short time. While I do the opposite of him.

*time skip* *MC is 8 years old*

Sairaorg got his Evil pieces 6 months ago. His father had not done second marriage because even if he does, Sairaorg will be the head because he has power of destruction and his father can do nothing about it.

Rias and Sona will get their Evil Pieces one year later and just one month before that I will get Kuroka as my peerage member.

Today I am going with my father to Maou Ajuka to get my Evil Pieces.

Riser: Ready Riser? Lets go.

*time skip*

Slowly smoke started dispersing and a yellow suitcase is revealed which contains my evil pieces. Now it was time for Ajuka to check the Evil Pieces if there was some mistake or not.

Ajuka: Marvelous! Excellent! Congratulations you have all your pieces mutated! Something which never happened before and something which probably not happen again! But let me warn you, not a single soul beside me and you is to know that you have got all your pieces mutated or their will be attacks. From others and from Devils also. Okey go home fast.