
When it all fell apart

It's a beautiful day, everyone was in a festive mood because of the Feast of their local parish except for Tonie. She's anxiously waiting for her boyfriend's call. It's been three days since they last saw and talked to each other. She has this unshakeable feeling that something is not right with him. He's not responding to any of her messages. She's feeling really under the weather.

" ahhh! I can't take it anymore! I have to call Tim right now! This is killing me!" cried Tonie in frustration.

She dialed his number five times before he answered her call.

"hello" answered Tim

"Tim! what the hell happened to you! You got me worried sick of you. Why didn't you at least reply to one of my messages?" asked Tonie anxiously.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was busy with my trainings and have no time even for myself." answered Tim unenthusiastically.

"You were not like this before. You would've texted me at least once even if you were busy. what is wrong? Don't you love me anymore? Do you want to break up?" asked Tonie while trying to suppress her tears.

" ugh. I don't know really. It's up to you. I just have a lot on my plate right now. This is the least of my concern." answered Tim with a trace of irritation from his voice.

" Just answer me. Do you still love me or you want to break up with me? I don't really know what is up with you right now. Talk to me please. I love you so much! I don't want to lose you!" Tonnie appealed.

"I don't know really it's up to you." said Tim nonchalantly.

" So you don't really love me anymore?" Tonnie choked.

" I really don't know. Look if you want to break up with me. Just break up already" shouted Tim.

" I get it, I get it. You don't love me anymore. You really know when to strike me down huh. How could you do this to me. You know that we are in the midst of a crisis. My Dad was involved in a work related accident not too long ago. He's still recovering. I thought I could rely on you. You really did me dirty this time Tim. I love you so much it hurts but I don't want to force myself in a one sided relationship. Let's break up and have nothing to do with each other." cried Tonie.

There was a long silence on the phone until she heard his reply.

"Okay. goodbye. I wish you well." replied Tim.

"Goodbye I wish you well too. I hope you'll be happy" replied Tonie bravely and she hung up the phone.

She ran to her room and locked the door. She was trying hard to suppress her cries awhile ago, now she let go and cried her eyes out.

" I just can't believe how it was easy for him to let go. Am I not good enough? Where am I lacking. I gave him my all. I loved him like there was no tomorrow. why must you do this to me Tim? why?" she howled.

Good thing her room was sound proofed. Her parents won't be able to hear her cries. She hated worrying her parents the most, especially now that their family is in crisis. This heartbreak will pass. She must steel her heart and focus on their family's situation. Her father is still in recuperation and he is their bread winner. Without their father's income how can they sail through their expenses. Her sister is still in school. She's jobless, employment is really tough right now.

"I must rise from the ashes and turn this set back into an opportunity." she said determinedly.

The sorrow in her eyes is replaced by an unwavering determination and passion to rise up against all odds.

Hello everyone! This is my first ever attempt to write a story. Feel free to comment down below your feedbacks. I will really appreciate it and will consider your suggestions. Thank you and enjoy!

PS. Forgive my boldness to use my photograph as a book cover. It's temporary, don't worry. I'll look for someone to draw one for me and change it immediately.

LittleDragonMaidencreators' thoughts