
The Moraleses

Tonie immediately grabbed her laptop after Claire left. She started looking for job vacancies over the internet and sending her application online. Time flew by fast she didn't even realize that it was already 9 pm. She pretty much send her resume in every job vacancies she found and jot down establishments where she needs to personally submit her application. She will be visiting them tomorrow. The sooner the better, there's no time for her to lose. She needs to find one within a month, their savings are almost gone. She suddenly hear a knock on her door followed by her mother's stern voice.

"Tonie, open the door." called her mom.

She immediately scrambled to her door and opened it. She's really scared of her mom. Mrs. Miranda Morales is a very strict and traditional woman which makes it difficult to show her concern for her children. She's your typical Asian parent who wants her children to excel academically in school, she won't settle for second best. It often causes misunderstanding between her and her children but deep down, she loves her children to bits, she's just having a hard time expressing herself.

"What's up with you, why didn't you come out for dinner. Your dad is looking for you." Mrs. Morales started.

"Sorry mom, I didn't realize it was this late already. I was searching for jobs online. I know that we are struggling with our finances. I want to help." Tonie answered her mom.

"That's good to hear, but you have to take care of yourself. We can't afford to send another person in the hospital. Next time, eat on time. Be mindful of your health. I don't need to remind you of our current circumstance. Come out and eat your dinner. It's in the fridge, just reheat it." Mrs. Morales reprimanded her sternly. She's already in her early 50s but she could easily pass off as a woman in her mid 30s. She's blessed with a youthful appearance. If only she would smile more and get rid of that stern face of hers.

"Yes mom, let me just finish this." Tonie replied meekly.

Mrs. Morales immediately left to assist her husband ; Albert Morales or as his family calls him, Bert, suffered a major injury on his left hand. It was crushed by a machine they were fixing and he was air lifted to the hospital immediately. His hand was spared from being chopped off but it will never function the same. It's still uncertain if he could still go back to his job. He has difficulties in performing his regular routine and needs assistance every now and then.

Tonie went to the kitchen and reheated her meal after she finished sorting out the list of establishments she needs to visit tomorrow. While she is eating her meal, Claude popped up.

"What's up sis, I haven't seen you all day. Were you holed up in your room again? Are you okay sis?" Claude asked while sitting opposite Tonnie.

"I am fine no need to worry about me. I was just searching for jobs online. How's your studies though? Do you need help in anything?" Tonnie asked Claude, diverting her attention.

"I am doing good sis. Oh yeah our class cards came out already and guess what?" She asked excitedly.

"What?" Tonnie replied a bit intrigued.

"I am on the second honors list sis! See? Your sister is a good student so you don't have to worry about me." Claude proudly stated.

"Yeah you are! You got your brains from me! What do you want as a gift?" Tonie sweetly asked her sister.

" No need sis. Just keep your money first, I know you need it for your job hunting. Besides, I don't have anything I fancy as of now. Just treat me on your first pay check okay? Oh before I forgot, I also want to consult something to you. I was thinking, maybe I should get a part time job. I could help you guys earn and lessen the load. What do you think sis?" Claude asked nervously.

"Claudette Morales! No you are not working part time. You have one job and that is to study. You don't need to worry about anything. Mom and I can find a way to support you. Do not over think things. It will help us a lot if you just focus on your studies. I promise I will find a job within this month by hook or by crook so do not worry, okay?" Tonie reprimanded Claude.

"But I can sti-" Claude was interrupted mid sentence

"No buts. The answer is no and that's final. I'm sure mom will agree to me. Look, I know you meant well sis, but we could still support you. You are at the crucial point of your studies, we don't want you to get distracted. Trust us okay? We'll get through this." Tonie assured her sister.

Tonie is really touched by her sister's thoughts but she can't bear to see her sister suffer. She has a bright future ahead of her. She's already exhausted from her studies as it is, how can she work, it could cause her health to deteriorate. She can't be distracted from her studies. Tonie won't let it happen. She loves and dotes on her sister a lot because she's such an obedient child. She doesn't cause them stress unlike children her age nowadays. She is more determined than ever to find a job quickly to support her family.

"Thanks sis. Rest assured, I will study harder and make our family proud!" Claude promised her sister. She stood up and her elder sister.

"I am sure you will. You are the best sister I could ever have and we are lucky to have you." Tonie lovingly said to her sister whilst hugging her.

It was a very touching moment for the sisters. They hugged for a few minutes. You can feel the genuine love and care that they have for each other. Tonie then urged her sister to sleep already, it is getting late and she still has classes tomorrow early. Claude agreed and they bid each other good night. Tonie went to bed early with a renewed determination to reach her goals and help her family. She needs to be well rested for her battle for tomorrow. What she doesn't know is she will have a chance encounter tomorrow that will change her life forever.

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