
Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Helezar Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Welcome to this 'Cinematically Written' Webnovel. Introducing an enhanced genre of mass (something made for a wider range of audience with ingredients loaded for the masses), #SUPERMASS Ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Beyond The World. Trailer out on YouTube and Instagram. https://youtu.be/15hLF-TC6zs?feature=shared Follow me at Instagram @mackenadock

TezarxAI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs

Episode 10: If Not Mine, Then It Belongs To No One

Contextual Information:

Radius of Aeartha's Sun (Yigritha), [YIG]+[REE]+[THA]: 1.18 Billion Kilometers

Radius of Aeartha: 500,000 Kilometers approximate

Distance between Aeartha and Yigritha: 1.2 Billion Kilometers approximate

Rotation Period of Aeartha: 26 hours and 30 minutes

Year Length of Aeartha: 402 days

Shiyahval City Area: 20.25 Million Sq Km (4500 Kilometers)

The Story Continues

Sivera had explained about the plan in the previous days. This time the heist was to be carried out in the night. Previously they had lost a companion named 'Meron' because the Yahunyens were aware that the rebel group would strike in the daytime the last time, which was also a reason why Sivera was angry on Malaes. Sivera also mentioned that this time the heist was only for food supplies and water and not for looting the banks for playing a daring game against the Yahunyens. As kids were with them this time, this heist was only for them to experience the events of a heist like training wheels. 

The team consisted of 12 people in total, Sivera, Rahl, Griswa, Yesdar, Malaes and 7 other men namely Aelodor, Daryan, Olemith, Risanji, Elemdar, Raazman and Syran. Just 12 people were easy to miss in a population of 500 million in the city. But the Yahunyen soldiers remained attentive, always.

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the rugged landscape, the rebel group assembled for their heist. Sivera's voice rang out, his instructions terse and to the point. With weapons in hand, they mounted their dragons, the hum of anticipation filling the air. Griswa and Yesdar flanked Malaes. The three kids traveled on Silyahun and they never left the side of Sivera. They were only traveling at an average speed of 70 kilometers per hour suggesting that the city was never too far.

Shiyahval loomed large on the horizon, a sprawling maze of towering structures and bustling streets stretching approximately 4500 kilometers in size. The rebel group approached with caution, mindful of the dangers that lay ahead. Sivera led the way, his dragon cutting through the air with practiced ease. As they neared the city walls, their dragons maintained a steady speed, their keen eyes scanning for any sign of danger. 

Now Shiyahval, as an advanced city with heavy weaponry and technology at its peak, was unexpectedly easy to infiltrate all these years. Why? Despite its advanced status, it had an invisible barrier, a recent addition in the last three years. The Yahunyens, ruling with ironclad supremacy, never anticipated a threat to their power. Every weak Mackenasian, every feeble Aearthaling, served as their slaves. The Yahunyens, blinded by their own villainy, never contemplated fortifying their cities.

The city's vastness meant that even with advanced technology, the installation of the invisible barrier took nearly a year to cover its entirety. Yet, it proved futile. But why? Let's delve into the origins.

The dragon eggs that Sivera pilfered during his time in the slave order were no ordinary eggs; they were special, almost rare editions. They were stored in a particular office devoid of cameras and living being traffic. Horozonday himself safeguarded them there, distrustful of any Yahunyen minister, soldier, or underling who might snatch them away if out of his supervision or somewhere one could easily find. Their uniqueness remained a closely guarded secret, known only to Horozonday.

Energy Dragons.

These exceptional dragons breathed the deadly energy of Aeartha's Great Sun, Yigritha. Their eggs required exposure to sunlight for incubation, thriving on the sun's energy within. Without sufficient sunlight, the eggs would never hatch, not even in a thousand years. Energy dragons were nearly extinct since Horozonday's father killed the last one 106 years ago. However, Horozonday stumbled upon some other eggs during an expedition with his father at the age of 13. He hid these eggs, understanding their unique requirements, unlike his father. Over the years, he preserved them, but could never grab an opportunity to feed them sunlight that would result in their birth due to the eyes of the world everywhere and he being a noble, was never left too alone. 

And the years went by, without anyone except Horozonday knowing that the energy dragons were still not yet extinct. 

As time passed, Horozonday learned all he could about these dragons and their capabilities. If a fully grown energy dragon possessed even 1/trillionth of Yigritha's energy, it could decimate armies consisting of billions within minutes. The dragons took 70 years to reach full maturity and they could start laying eggs at the age of 7 or 8 or 9 itself with nothing but feeding a little on the sun's energy. Their colossal frames after the age of 70 dwarfed even the mightiest mountains, towering three times higher than the average peak of 8,500 meters. With wings that stretched wide, they could envelop entire mountain ranges in their embrace, spanning hundreds of peaks from horizon to horizon. They could keep on living for an uncertain number of years until killed.

Hatching in 1.2 years with daily exposure to sunlight. By the age of four, they could already fly at high speeds. Horozonday developed a profound admiration for these creatures, seeing in them power, dominance, and intelligence. When he ascended to his father's position, he banned the killing of any dragon species. Dragons had been slaughtered for their skins, used to craft weapons and armor along with metals.

The last remaining energy dragons remained with Horozonday, but as his family grew, so did his paranoia about his secret. He hid them in the Shiyahval Slave Order, in a secluded spot where no one would find them. He thought only one thing,

"If not mine, then it belongs to no one."

This decision stemmed from his fear that if the world discovered these powerful creatures, it would lead to chaos. Horozonday knew that not even the Gomiyors would sit quietly, and develop their hungers of acquiring it until...

Sivera stole them.

Sivera's theft remained unknown to Horozonday, thanks to no cameras, no watch, no guards and an empty room filled with darkness with a zero chance of someone going inside.

However, when the barrier was fully operational and the rebel group attempted to breach it but was thwarted, the energy dragons responded to their masters' unspoken commands, unleashing a blast of purplish energy that cracked the barrier. The rebels seized the opportunity, infiltrating the city as they had always done.

When Horozonday first ever heard about the rebel group he had dismissed them as a minor nuisance initially, considering it was not something to focus on. But after some years when he finally heard what their dragons did to infiltrate a tough barrier, his eyes popped out to such an extent that it felt like someone invisible was gouging out his eyes barehanded, he got up from his throne and just left. 

"Fire dragons cannot break through a tough barrier." he thought and paused for a while. 

"NO! NOT POSSIBLE, NO! NO! NO! NOT AT ALL! ARGHHHH!!!" he screamed when no one was listening. He came out of the room and simply acted in his natural, 'I know nothing about this' calm style persona, and said that he would look into this matter a little deeper suggesting for the messenger to leave.

All this time he was worried some Yahunyen might catch hold of it but no!! Some stupid Mackenasian slave had to steal them! Seriously?!

Horozonday did exactly what he thought, "If not mine, then it belongs to no one." because he studied that these dragons had self esteem to such a level that they would listen to no one else except their first masters who nourished them.

The only weakness Horozonday knew of was 'Infihermion,' an element capable of killing the dragons. However, it was exceedingly rare, found beyond the world's confines. Taking a gamble, Horozonday ordered a hunt for the element in the elemental belt. And there he had it, if one thing doesn't work in your favor, the other one does. A small specimen was located and brought to Aeartha.

Horozonday tasked the Department of Energy and Artificial Intelligence with harnessing the element's power. After three years of research and development, they unveiled the Aurora Ascendant Formula 1, a technological marvel designed to combat any kind of threat.

Sivera had briefed them on the advanced flying ships that inhabited the city, capable of speeds up to 10,000 kilometers per hour. However, despite their speed, no Yahunyen had yet mastered the control necessary to pilot them. The rebel group knew they would need to avoid these ships at all costs if they were to succeed in their mission.

Their dragons, while not fully grown, possessed their own advantages. Smart and agile, they could navigate the city's airspace with ease, their sharp eyes scanning for any threats below. Despite being young and still growing, their dragons could reach speeds of up to 3500 kilometers per hour, outpacing even the most skilled Yahunyen pilots, who were limited to speeds of 3000 kilometers per hour due to their lack of control, no one had ever mastered the art of flying at a massive speed of 10,000 kilometers per hour. As the rebel group pressed on towards their target, they relied on their dragons' speed and agility to keep them safe from harm.

But speed alone would not be enough to guarantee their success. Sivera had warned them of the Yahunyen patrols that crisscrossed the city, their watchful eyes scanning for any signs of trouble. The rebel group would need to move quickly and quietly, avoiding detection at all costs. With each passing moment, the tension mounted, the stakes higher than ever before.

Doubt Clearing Information:

Welcome to the clarification section of the story, where I address key details to ensure a deeper understanding of the world of Aeartha and characters and how and why the events unfold. This section serves to provide essential context and clear up any confusion that may arise as readers progress through the subsequent chapters. Rather than being auxiliary or filler content, these insights are integral to comprehending the narrative and its characters as they navigate their journeys.

The Vast World of Aeartha: Aeartha is not just any ordinary planet; it spans a vast expanse within its solar system, with a radius of 500,000 kilometers. The sheer vastness of Aeartha's landscape extends to its cities as well, with urban centers sprawling to sizes comparable to those of large countries on Earth. As the sole planet in this particular solar system and with the presence of life, Aeartha stands as a unique entity within its universe. This one-planet, one-sun system offers a distinctive backdrop for the story to unfold, providing a rich tapestry for exploration and discovery.

Griswa's Remarkable Strength: Griswa, the main character of mysterious origin, possesses remarkable strength that sets him apart from others. When he and Yesdar first escape from the Slave Order, Griswa demonstrates his extraordinary abilities by traversing hundreds of kilometers on foot in just a matter of hours. Yesdar, resting on Griswa's back during this journey, didn't serve as a witness to his companion's exceptional prowess. Griswa's true potential remains shrouded in mystery. His backstory with birth, origin, world, family, etcetera, will be revealed in time as the story progresses.

Yesdar's Journey of Discovery: Unlike Griswa, Yesdar is a newcomer to the vastness of the outside world. Having spent his life within the confines of the Slave Order, Yesdar lacks familiarity with the world beyond its walls. As he embarks on this journey of escape and self-discovery, Yesdar finds himself encountering a multitude of experiences for the first time. From basic concepts to the complexities of the world around him, every moment serves as a revelation for Yesdar, shaping his understanding of the world and his place within it.

Riding Dragons with Precision: The rebel group's ability to ride dragons with precision and control at breakneck speeds raises questions about their methods and equipment. Sivera, a key member of the group, has acquired a plethora of stolen goods from Mackenas Tower over the years, including advanced weaponry and technological marvels. Among these treasures are gravity belts and 'handy-device-like' speedometers, which Sivera initially didn't understand until he learned their function. The speedometers provide real-time data on the dragons' velocity, allowing the riders to adjust their movements accordingly. Combined with the gravity belts, which manipulate gravitational forces to alter the riders' weight and stability, the rebel group can maintain balance and control while riding the dragons, even at speeds of up to 3500 kilometers per hour. These technological advancements not only enhance the rebels' capabilities but also demonstrate their resourcefulness in overcoming formidable challenges.

Clarification on Mackenas: If there's still confusion about the continent and country of Mackenas, let's clear it up. Before the arrival of the Yahunyens on Aeartha, there existed a single vast continent known as Mackenas, reminiscent of Earth's ancient supercontinent, Pangea. However, when the Yahunyens established their dominance and began reshaping the world to suit their interests, they divided the land into various territories. One such territory was named Mackenas once again, owing to its abundance in powerful elements and resources. This new Mackenas became a focal point for the Yahunyens, who saw it as a land ripe for exploitation and profit. Despite ruling over the entire world, the Yahunyens showed a particular interest and dominance over this territory, elevating it to the status of a country with its own government. The full history of Mackenas including backstory of Amaulyans and Shulvris and how the Yahunyens divided the world into various lands, something only Gods could do, is a tale yet to be fully revealed. The details of this monumental event, which seemed unimaginable and almost divine in its scope, will be unveiled in due time, as the story unfolds further. As for spoilers, well, I'll leave those for the pages yet to come!


Meron: [MEE]+[RON]

Aelodor: [EE]+[LOW]+[DAWR]

Daryan: [DAAR]+[YAAN]

Olemith: [OU]+[LAY]+[MITH]

Risanji: [REE]+[SAAN]+[JEE]

Elemdar: [ELEM]+[DAAR]

Raazman: [RAAZ]+[MAAN]

Syran: [SAI]+[RAAN]