

A transmigrator like I am , what's so great about joining a sect, when the sect can't even compare to my branch family.

longrunhen · Fantasi
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34 Chs

**The Gathering of Generations**

The passage of time flowed through Qingzhou City like a river, carrying with it the stories of growth and transformation. Within the tranquil halls of Xiao Family House, Xiao Feng stood at the precipice of a momentous occasion—the assimilation of three years' worth of cultivation experience, a treasure bestowed upon him by the system.

The sun cast a warm embrace over the training courtyard as Xiao Feng closed his eyes, his aura resonating with the profound energy he had accumulated over the years. The whispers of the wind seemed to echo the anticipation that hung in the air.

In the depths of his consciousness, Xiao Feng delved into the reservoir of knowledge and wisdom that the system had provided. Three years of cultivation experiences, each a testament to the dedication and perseverance of countless cultivators, flowed into his being.

Images of battles fought, techniques mastered, and insights gained flashed before his mind's eye. He saw the faces of cultivators from various walks of life, each with their own unique journey. The wisdom of their experiences merged with his own, creating a tapestry of knowledge that expanded his horizons.

*Ding!* Congratulations to the host for successfully assimilating three years' worth of cultivation experience.

As the resonance of the system's announcement faded, Xiao Feng's eyes snapped open. His aura had undergone a profound transformation, its vibrancy and depth a reflection of the newfound wisdom that coursed through his veins.

With a sense of fulfillment, Xiao Feng knew that he was not the same cultivator who had embarked on this journey. He had evolved, both in skill and understanding, and the path ahead shone brighter with possibilities.

Inspecting his updated status,

**Xiao Feng's Updated Status:**

- Host: Xiao Feng

- Identity: Xiao family head

- Age: 21 years

- Cultivation Level: 9th stage of Blood formation

- Spirit Root: 2nd medium-grade fire spirit root

- Cultivation Techniques: Dao Begets everything cultivation techniques

- Martial Skills: Sword cutting the sky (earth low grade), starry sky fall (high earth grade), Fiery punch (Profound low grade), Raging Fire Fist (Profound low grade), Beast mastering cultivation techniques (Profound high grade) ,Sword Rampage (Earth High Grade) , Primal Essence Strike (Profound High Grade).

- Family Nurturing Points: 900

- Family Members: 9

- System Mall: Opened

- Other Commodities: 179,500 spirit stones, 506 origin stones, water wave cultivation techniques, Sky winding cultivation techniques (low earth grade), starry sky fall (high earth grade), sky fire sword (sky low level), Metal devouring cultivation techniques (Earth low grade), Beast mastering cultivation techniques (Profound high grade), Fast step (profound low grade), Nine thunder strokes (profound high grade),Family Upgrade Spirit Root Card×2,Spirit Root Upgrade Card×2,Earth-Grade Spear: Thunderstrike pike, Celestial Sword Dance (High Earth Grade) , Verdant Arbor Vitality method (Low Earth Grade).

In the heart of Qingzhou City, a grand assembly was underway. City Lord Fang, a figure of authority and wisdom, had called for a gathering of the city's prominent families. The courtyard of the city's central palace was adorned with vibrant banners and tapestries, symbolizing the unity and strength of Qingzhou City.

Xiao Feng, representing the Xiao family, stood alongside other young cultivators from distinguished lineages. The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. They had all heard whispers of the main purpose of this gathering—an intercity competition that would test the skills, strength, and unity of the younger generation.

City Lord Fang stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of the assembly. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed cultivators and citizens of Qingzhou City, we gather here today to address a matter of great significance. It is my belief that the future of our city lies in the hands of our younger generation."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, their eyes fixed on City Lord Fang.

City Lord Fang continued, "In the spirit of unity and growth, I propose an intercity competition, one that will not only serve as a test of our strength but also as an opportunity to forge alliances with neighboring cities."

Xiao Feng's gaze sharpened with interest. He understood the implications of such a competition—an opportunity to showcase the prowess of Qingzhou City's younger generation and to establish bonds of alliance that would shape the city's future.

City Lord Fang's voice carried a note of gravitas. "The competition will encompass various trials, including martial skills, cultivation achievements, and strategic prowess. The city that emerges victorious will not only gain honor and recognition but also the chance to strengthen its ties with neighboring cities."

The younger cultivators exchanged determined glances, their competitive spirits ignited. This was a chance to prove themselves on a grand stage, to carry forward the legacy of their families and their city.

As the assembly continued, discussions and interactions among the younger generation blossomed. Xiao Feng found himself engaged in conversations with fellow cultivators, both familiar faces and new acquaintances.

A spirited debate on martial techniques and cultivation methods ensued, each cultivator eager to share their insights and learn from others. Xiao Feng found himself exchanging knowledge and experiences, deepening the bonds that tied them together.

Among the gathered cultivators, he encountered Li Hua, her presence a welcome sight. Her wisdom and grace shone through as she discussed cultivation techniques, her words resonating with those who sought to deepen their understanding.

Li Hua smiled warmly at Xiao Feng. "This competition offers a chance not only to showcase our strength but also to foster unity among the younger generation. Together, we can achieve great things."

Xiao Feng nodded in agreement, his gaze filled with admiration. "Indeed, Li Hua. It's through collaboration and shared experiences that we can rise to new heights."

The intercity competition loomed on the horizon, a crucible that would test their skills, their unity, and their determination. Xiao Feng knew that the journey ahead would be marked by challenges and triumphs, but he was ready to face them, armed with the wisdom he had assimilated and the bonds of unity that bound them together.

As the assembly drew to a close, City Lord Fang's vision for the future of Qingzhou City had been set in motion. The younger generation had embraced the challenge that lay ahead, and the bonds of unity among families had been strengthened.

Xiao Feng, Li Hua, and their fellow cultivators left the central palace with a renewed sense of purpose. They would embark on a journey that would test their skills, forge alliances, and shape the destiny of their city.

The intercity competition was not just a test of strength but a celebration of unity—a reminder that the future of Qingzhou City lay in the hands of those who dared to dream and strive for greatness.

As they departed the assembly, Xiao Feng felt a profound sense of anticipation. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew that with the wisdom of assimilated experiences, the unity of their generation, and the unwavering support of his family and loved ones, they would face the future with courage and determination.

And so, under the canopy of a setting sun, the younger generation of Qingzhou City embarked on a new chapter of their journey, their hearts filled with the promise of adventure, growth, and unity. The city's destiny awaited, and they would be the ones to shape it.