
Rise of the White Tiger Priestess

"I seek the strength, beauty, and spiritual power of the white tiger to be released in myself." Song Yuna is an idol trainee in one of the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea. With only 100 days left before her debut, she accompanied her best friend to the national library to study. Yuna discovered an interesting painting that came from the Joseon era, 'Tiger under a Bamboo Tree', she transmigrated inside the painting and found herself trapped in the year 918. In order to go back to her world, she became the appointed priestess and was tasked to find the six celestial knights who will summon the White Tiger of the East with her to unify the three kingdoms of Goryeo, Baekje and Silla! Obviously, she has to keep herself pure and virgin as the vessel of the celestial being, but she found herself falling in love with one of her celestial knights! Will she be able to finish her mission or will she be trapped in the world created by the unknown? +++ This is my first entry for Webnovel's Spirity 2021! Hope you guys can support me! Thanks! The cover is not mine but edited by me. Call me to your attention if it's yours and you want me to take it down. Ps. FL is still young but scheming. She is a little bit stubborn,, rational, logical and a fashionista at heart.

LeeMaRi1999 · Sejarah
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177 Chs

A Perverted Gentleman

"You believe in me, right?"

His words hit her on the spot.

Her parents always said that they believe in her. They thought that she would succeed in her choice to become an idol at a young age. The trainers and her company thought she would become a great leader and a great example to her members.

Even when she felt small, even when she felt lacking, those words became her comfort. It did not matter how many people tried their best to rip you apart; the only thing that matters is that the people you love keep believing in you.

"Yes, I believe in you," Yuna replied as she grabbed Min's clothes and wore them without any difficulties while making sure that nothing important could be seen later on. Her thighs hurt, but she endured it quite well. The clothes just covered all the important body parts that she wished to be covered, and it only seemed like she wore something a traditional-looking bathrobe. Min was taller than her, so something that reached Min's hips got the middle of her thighs.

"You can open your eyes now," Yuna said as she realized that she was not feeling nervous now that she wore Min's clothes.

Min observed her, who was tucking her right foot behind her left thighs. A side sit was the most comfortable sitting position for her right now. Her pose could have been perfect for a pictorial, but sadly, she was not in a pictorial, and she was not that confident with her bare face.

She did not even see any hint of weird or strange stares from him. He was just there, calmly staring at her feet. She forgot that tripping would also result in her foot being sprained and unable to walk.

Not being able to walk would be an exaggeration, but yes, she would definitely have a hard time with it.

Min did not speak a word, and he went on straight ahead as he scooted over and observed his left foot out in the open. He started touching her ankles with his delicate soft touches and started doing a massage.

"Min," She called her name out as she extended her right foot straight. "I do not think I hurt my right foot and not my left foot."

Oh man, Yuna was so sure that it's going to swell later and it will be hard for her to walk.

"Hmm," Min looked embarrassed and scratched the back of his neck. "Why did you not say this earlier?"

Yuna did not respond through words but with a smile. She found Min adorable with his efforts. He started massaging her sprained right ankle. It was a little bit painful at times but was still bearable. He exerted the right amount of pressure for it to feel a little bit stingy and refreshing at the same time.

She had been injured a lot of times. Tripping like this would seem nothing to her experiences. Yuna suffered from a lot of sprains and strains during her life as a trainee. Once, she suffered from Achilles tendonitis because of her passion for getting better at dancing and kept on practicing and practicing challenging choreography. She never had the talent to make a choreography or memorize dance moves at a certain time, so she had to double her efforts and improve in a short amount of time.

Suffering from Achilles tendonitis is when she puts more stress in her ankles made her quit dancing for a week because she had to rest. Thankfully, she was able to proceed with the monthly evaluation with her singing.

That is why she had to come back to her world and make her debut.

"O-ouch," Yuna yelped in pain as she jerked her right foot away from Min. It was a little bit painful for her. Min looked at her with a worried look on his face. For some reason, he seemed too adorable, so she decided to level up and use her acting skills. "I-It hurts."

"Sorry," Min said as he lightened the weight of his hand. "This is surely going to hurt a bit more. Okay? Just," He trailed off and exhaled sharply. "Just tell me when it hurts."

Yuna thought that Min just said that it would be painful but not THAT painful, but it seemed like she underestimated her sprain and only thought about how to make this situation advantageous for her.

Min started to massage Yuna's right foot mercilessly. He went over to massage her ankle joint and focused on it since it seemed to him that it was the most affected part of her foot.

"It hurts!" Yuna complained as she wriggled her foot away from the massager's hands. "It really hurts! You are a ruthless massager! Did you forget that I slipped?"

"Lady Yuna, I already warned you about it being painful," Min kept himself calm and continued, "I have been through a lot as well and massaging it will lessen the bruise after. I am sure that there is a bruised vein in there, so if I manage to find it, it won't start swelling twenty-four hours later."

"Really?" Yuna gaped as she put her leg out in front of Min again to continue his deed. "Then please continue what you are doing. But then again, I want to know your credibility. How sure are you that it won't swell after?"

"Yes," Looking confident, Min answered with a half-smile. "I am sure that it is going to work."

Yuna squinted her eyes and looked at Min judgingly. "How sure are you, in terms of percentage?"

"Percentage?" Min looked confused and just stared at Yuna like a lost boy.

"Ah, forget it." Yuna sighed in disbelief and spoke. "I am putting my lifeline into you, my dearest Celestial Warrior, Min."

Min started ruthlessly massaging Yuna's foot again, but it did not seem that painful anymore. Yuna decided not to let out a fake yelp, or else she would receive another version of Min's painful massage.

"You are suddenly saying cringe-worthy lines now that you are in pain," Min remarked, and a smirk escaped his handsome face. "Do not worry, lady. I will make sure that your right foot is going to be fine."

"Thank you, my dearest celestial warrior, Min," Yuna said in a girlish voice, trying hard to be coy. "You are the best."

"But let me tell you that I am not doing this for free,High Priestess," Min said.

As they say, nothing is free in this world, even here in this unknown parallel world she was in. But she did not expect Min to backstab her like this. At least, she thought Min would do it out of kindness.

He is still someone who is moved with money after all. Anyone would bet that Min would accompany her as appointed high priestess because the King would take care of his sick mom and younger sister.

Yuna just sighed in disappointment, "Yes. What are your thoughts in mind? Just remember that I am only a High Priestess and I do not have that much money to begin with, okay?"

"I am not asking for your money, High Priestess," Min commented as he smirked. "I want your body."

Hi, everyone! Sorry for the late update, I had this in drafts and forgot to publish. Lol. Updates will be lesser since I am trying to rest. Next month, I am planning to lock and aim for premium! Hope that you won't leave my book after I lock it~ Thank you for reading!

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