
Rise of the Villainous Emperor

A Normal Story of reincarnation with some unexpected twist.

UnluckyMortal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter II

As I regained consciousness, a wave of relief washed over me as I realized my body was no longer in pain. The headache that had plagued me seemed to have vanished, allowing me to think clearly once again. However, a haunting presence lingered within me—the memories of Vincent. They swirled in my mind, threatening to take over my own identity and memories, which were already scarce.

In an attempt to gather my thoughts, I made my way to the washroom to carry out my morning routine. Little did I know that a perplexing and eerie encounter awaited me there. As I stood before the mirror, staring at my reflection, a jolt of shock shot through my body. It was not my own face that stared back at me but that of a boy—a boy I recognized all too well. It was Vincent.

The revelation both amazed and unsettled me. The boy in the mirror was indeed Vincent, confirming the connection between us. However, this revelation only raised more questions. How did this transformation occur? And where was I now? According to Vincent's memories, I was no longer on Earth but on a planet called Athena, which dwarfed our home world in size and magnitude.

Athena, a colossal planet, boasted extreme conditions due to its unique position in relation to its sun. One side of the planet was perpetually exposed to scorching heat, while the other remained shrouded in eternal darkness and bone-chilling cold. This meant that human habitation was only possible within a narrow equatorial belt, where the temperatures were bearable.

The planet was divided into nine massive continents, each separated by treacherous and inhospitable oceans. I found myself in one of these continents called Azer. Azer, in itself, was vast, exceeding the size of any single continent on Earth. It was further divided into five city-states, each larger than an entire Earthly continent. Beyond the confines of these city-states lay untamed and perilous wilderness, rendering them uninhabitable.

According to Vincent's memories, I was currently situated in the Dermes Specialist Academy (DSA), located in Derme, one of the city-states in the northeastern region of Azer. The academy, renowned for its specialized education, provided a backdrop of mystery and intrigue to my unfolding journey.

Vincent's background started to unravel in my mind. He was the sole grandson of Dimitri von Rutherford, one of the esteemed members of the seven high commissioners of Derme. Vincent had tragically lost his parents at a young age, leaving Dimitri to raise him as his own. The significance of Vincent's familial ties and his connection to the high commissioner added a layer of complexity to my situation.

DSA, the Dermes Specialist Academy, where I currently resided, was renowned as one of the most prestigious educational institutions in all of Azer. Students from various regions flocked to this esteemed academy to become certified specialists in their respective fields. It was clear that Vincent's upbringing within the influential circles of Derme had afforded him unique opportunities.

The pressing question that loomed over me was how I found myself inhabiting Vincent's body. According to Vincent's memories, he had engaged in a duel with a self-proclaimed prodigy named Arthur Andreas, as a consequence of his own bullying behavior. And it was during this altercation that my presence emerged. The circumstances surrounding this unexpected transference of consciousness left me perplexed, unsure of whether I had possessed Vincent's body or if Vincent himself had started to recall his previous life. The duality of my identity, encompassing both the Vincent from Athena and my own Earthly self, only heightened my sense of confusion and anxiety.

The remainder of the day was spent within the confines of the hospital room. Nurses frequented my bedside, checking up on me. Among them was Sam, a male nurse with average looks but peculiar vertical irises that gave him an otherworldly appearance. The other nurse, Nancy, was more relatable in her normalcy, except for her distinctive hair, which showcased two different colors—one side fiery red, the other an icy white. Dr. Brown, a short mustached doctor, assured me that I was in good health and would be discharged the following day.

During my time in the hospital, a middle-aged woman I had glimpsed the day before paid me another visit. After inquiring about my well-being, she informed me that I needed to meet with the dean upon my release from the hospital. Her cryptic message added another layer of intrigue to the already enigmatic circumstances surrounding my predicament.

As night fell, I sought solace in sleep, realizing that incessantly pondering the elements beyond my control would yield no answers. It was clear that I had a long and mysterious journey ahead, one that required patience and a willingness to embrace the unknown.