

RISE OF THE UNDEAD Silence ! eerie silence that's what you would expect from a graveyard rows upon rows of tombstones the sound of ravens and owls flooding the eerie space well not in this grave yard!!! Hordes upon hordes of skeletons naked skeletons , Armed skeletons, skeletons with pointy hats bulky skeletons , winged skeletons that looked like griffins !!!! this was What young DAMIEN VLAD was thinking all of a sudden every skeleton turned in his direction screeching and screaming !!!!!

Rico_Chetes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Ashar the devil Paragon

in the dark space , the huge figure was staring at the crimson orb with great intensity

"hahahahhaahah to think that the abomination of a child of those two was sent to that place hehe interesting " crackled the dark figure

" this mortal is in luck for I Ashar DE'VIL has came to your rescue " as Ashar said this the orb starting changing shape . The orb took the shape of a man ( namely Chris)

" where am I , Did I die , is this hell ahhhh! shit I went to hell .....well no surprise there after all I put many people behind bars both innocent and guilty people even did a lot of lying hahahah . shit where is the fire thats supposed to burn me" mumbled Chris

" mortal you amuse me , such thoughts hehe interesting" replied a raspy voice

" who are you , are you like the Devil or something , to be honest I expected something more well devilish " replied Chris with a disappointed tone

" hahah I am the devil Paragon Ashar DE'VIL bow before me human" shouted Ashar in a dramatic voice with his hands raised

" ohhh ohhh I see I am in hell ,shit( sighs) I expected to go to heaven see some pretty angels or something . The devil could have been a female tch and last time I checked Lucifer was the devil are you like his kid or something " asked Chris

boom a shock wave hit Chris sending him flying across the dark space " you ignorant fool ,you dare mock me huh . you have balls of steel human , show some respect tch how can you compare me to that thing Lucifer ,he is my lackey tch dare to say I am his kid and I will kill you " screamed Ashar

" shit,old man relax why have you brought me here " asked Chris

"haha I have chosen you to be my successor,be glad and rejoice mortal " iterated Ashar with an amused expression " I chose you not because you are super lucky or anything but because of your parents " continued the Devil

" I don't have any parents old man " shouted Chris with an angry expression who would blame him . He was an orphan all his life , the foster parents where he lived half his life told him that someone dropped him on their front door and left him there , hence Chris had great resentment for his parents

" hahaha I don't have much time human , do you agree to be my successor , we don't have much time , the other 6 Paragons have already chosen their successors only I am left." responded Ashar

" if I don't accept do I die completely or " pondered Chris

" yes you will die completely boy" Ashar read Chris mind " I can ensure that you will get benefits from this , like a new life , power and backing . " continued Ashar

" fine fine I don't have much choice do I " sighed Chris .

" don't worry boy I shall give you a boon that will place you on equal ground with the other Successors , they are normal humans and don't have bloodline like you " smiled Ashar as he waved his hand sending a crimson aura shooting towards Christopher engulfing him Ashar voice sounded but fading " subdue your parents subordinates , make them your own , accept your bloodline boy and you shall conquer all and bring my empire to unrivaled success . "

Christopher's consciousness was fading untill he woke up in a graveyard with a huge tree in the middle with coffins for branches , the eerie silence would make even the bravest men shudder.

" Where am I , are those coffins shit this is creepy " shrieked Chris

then creakkkk , bang the coffins started opening up and the tombstones started opening undead filled the space with bats perched on the tree , this unexpected event shocked Chris to his core

then all the undead turned towards Christopher and screamed [ it's young master Damien ] as they all made their way towards him until 10 figures appeared around Chris ,

[ Stoppppppppppppppppp] shouted a tall looking man with pale white skin as he turned his head to Chris he looked at him like he was looking at something that shouldnt exist [ Greetings young master, I am Mobius a noble vampire , your Mother's first general ] said the tall man

" my mother " said Chris with a shaky voice

[ Greetings young master , I am Ken a greater undead, your father's first General ] said a slim ,well toned man with a ponytail

" hold on , what do you mean young master , you said vampire and you said undead , y'all are crazy for real like hahahahaha " shouted Chris with a skeptical look

[ Greetings young master, I am Sue A greater undead , your father's Second general if the young master permits I would like to show you your parents memories locked in your sub conscious] said a petite looking woman

" sure if it's going to solve the problem " responded Chris

Sue then waved her arms and Chris clutches his head and started screaming as he saw images of his parents lives

his father an undead king his mother a vampire queen two races with a master servant relationship that is until the vampire queen fell in love with the undead king leading to wars and death until both the king and queen died after being betrayed by their friends fortunately they had his their son in the mortal world for security and the undead where banished along with the vampires that followed the queen leading to this moment what Chris didn't know waa that all the undead and vampires where also seeing these memories and all of them kneeled and submitted to him

as he came to Chris saw that all the undead and vampires where kneeling looking at him with the ten generals at the front and they all shouted [ long live the young master Damien Ashen Vladimir]

as they shouted , Christopher was weeping , because all these years he was hating his parents whilst they died protecting him as he accepted his identity his real body in the dark space started changing , his blood changing from dark red to a glowing crimson with a hint of purple , his hair turned completely white his eyes , where a deep black with crimson and purple irises

his body turned pale white that you could see his purple veins transporting blood . and Damien Ashen Vladimir was born son to the great Dame Vladimir the undead king and Hesta Ashen the vampire queen

in the dark space Ashar was smiling ear to ear as his successor bloodline was overpowered and terrifying " hahaha those bastard will suffer now , time to instill a devil's personality in him ,." said Ashar