
Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf

Author's Note: Dear readers, I'm excited to present to you my very first fanfiction, inspired by the captivating world of Teen Wolf. I want to emphasize that this story is purely created for fun and entertainment, driven by my passion for storytelling. As a result, there might be occasional word errors or inconsistencies, and I appreciate your understanding in this regard. In this fanfic, I wanted to explore the character of Michael, a True Alpha werewolf, and showcase his extraordinary powers and potential. Unlike other werewolves, Michael's abilities will not be nerfed or weakened; instead, they will continue to evolve and grow stronger over time. This decision was made to create an even more formidable protagonist within the Teen Wolf universe. Throughout Michael's journey, he will face various challenges and encounter supernatural beings, all while striving to reunite with his missing sister and protect the town of Beacon Hills. His unwavering determination and unique status as a True Alpha will guide him through the treacherous world he finds himself in. I hope you'll join me on this enthralling adventure filled with action, romance, and supernatural intrigue. I'm eager to share this story with you and bring the Teen Wolf universe to life in my own way. Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Author's Note: I wanted to take a moment to clarify that while I have created the character Michael in the context of the Teen Wolf universe, I do not own the rights to Teen Wolf or any of its original characters, or storylines except for michaels. My contributions to the Teen Wolf fandom are purely creative and inspired by the existing material. I am a fan, just like you, who enjoys exploring different narratives. Michael is a character I have imagined and developed within the Teen Wolf universe, but the ownership and creative rights of Teen Wolf belong to its original creators and respective copyright holders. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of Michael in this alternative storyline. Note, I don't own the cover page or anything related to its copyright everything belongs to the original creater.

j_k_l · Televisi
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28 Chs

show of strength (sauce II)

Previously on Rise of a True Alpha, Scott and Derek found themselves racing through dense undergrowth, their eyes filled with fear. Scott, with his yellow eyes, and Derek, with his blue eyes, were both battered and bruised, but Derek's injuries were more severe, a deep wound in his gut causing him immense pain.

As they took a moment to catch their breath, a distant howl echoed through the trees, sending shivers down both of their spines. Derek's face tightened, knowing the gravity of their situation. Urgently, he expressed the need to call Michael, he then released a haunting howl into the night, hoping to reach Michael.

As they waited, the tension grew. Suddenly, a massive figure emerged from the shadows, its eyes glowing ominously red in the darkness, with a fixated gaze on both Derek and Scott, intensifying their already dire circumstances.

Meanwhile, with Michael, he had just begun to speak when a loud howl cut him off. His attention shifted away from Erica, his eyes glowing red in response to the distress signal.

After hearing the distress singnal , Michael quickly entered his car, ready to rush to Derek's aid. As he started the engine and prepared to drive off, a sudden figure appeared in front of his car, causing him to slam on the brakes. The bright headlights illuminated the mysterious individual, but their features remained hidden.

"Who's there?" Michael called out.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you," the mysterious figure responded, their voice calm and reassuring. Slowly, they lifted their head, revealing their face in the glow of the headlights. "I'm Dr. Deaton, and if you don't take me with you your brother might die"

Michael's eyes narrowed as he processed the stranger's words. "How do you know my brother?" he asked, with a dangerous.

Dr. Deaton's expression turned somber. "Your brother is in grave danger, Michael. I have knowledge and abilities that can aid him and scott. We must hurry; time is running out."

Michael's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, but the urgency in Dr. Deaton's voice compelled him to act fast. But if he proved to be a threat, he would not hesitate to kill him, However if this man truly was needed to save Derek and scott, he couldn't afford to dismiss him yet. With a wary nod, he said, "Come on."

As Dr. Deaton climbed into the car, a glimpse of surprise was evident in his eyes as the car lifted off the ground on its two wheels. "You might want to put on your seatbelt," Michael advised, a mischievous smile grazing his lips.

"I'm good," Dr. Deaton muttered, fumbling for the seatbelt as the car accelerated into the night.


As Erica watched Michael's car speed off, she couldn't help but be surprised by his skillful driving, especially when she saw the car lifted on its two back wheels. She had never seen anyone do something like that before. Her mind began to contemplate the events of the evening, and she found herself reflecting on her feelings towards Michael or Stiles. It was a confusing mix of emotions for her, as he was the first person to ever acknowledge her, despite her previous lies about the reason people disliked her.

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, Scott and Derek were panting heavily. Derek's gut wound continued to bleed, but Scott's injuries weren't as severe since he had already started to heal. Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the air, causing both of them to turn their attention to the towering alpha standing before them. Fear gripped Scott, and he instinctively took a step back, but Derek shouted at him, "Scott, we can't outrun him! We have to fight if we're going to survive."

Derek paused to catch his breath before continuing, "You're a werewolf, both of us. You'll heal. Don't worry, you're not alone in this. You and I... we're brothers now."

Those words from Derek snapped Scott back to reality. Determination filled his eyes as he nodded in agreement. Together, they would face the alpha. Both of them shifted into their wolf forms, their eyes glowing with a deeper yellow (Scott) and blue (Derek). They roared in unison, readying themselves to challenge the alpha. ------------------------


As Derek and Scott stood side by side, their wolf forms emanating power. With determination their eyes, they lunged forward to face the towering alpha. The forest was filled with the sounds of snarls, growls, and the clash of teeth and claws.

With incredible agility, Derek managed to evade the alpha's initial strikes, his lean muscles flexing as he countered with swift and precise attacks. His claws sliced through the air, leaving trails of silver energy in their wake. The alpha fought back fiercely, its massive jaws snapping dangerously close to Derek's throat. But Derek's instincts guided him, allowing him to dodge and retaliate with swift slashes.

Scott, on the other hand, with his speed, darting around the alpha's massive frame. He struck with lightning-fast swipes, his claws leaving deep gashes on the alpha's muscular body. However, the alpha's sheer strength and size proved to be a formidable challenge. With a powerful swipe of its paw, the alpha sent Derek crashing to the ground, a pained howl escaping his lips.

Seeing this, Scott's eyes blazed with fury. Ignoring the searing pain from his own wounds, he launched himself at the alpha, sinking his teeth into its shoulder. The alpha retaliated, delivering a bone-crushing stomp on Scott's back. The impact sent him sprawling, his body crashing into a nearby tree.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Derek and Scott refused to yield. They rose to their feet, fueled by their unbreakable bond and the primal energy of the full moon. Their determination ignited a renewed surge of strength. With synchronized movements, they circled the alpha, their glowing dangerously, while locked on the alpha.

Scott charged forward, his powerful claws slashing down on the alpha's hind leg, causing it to stumble. Derek seized the opportunity, his claws slashing through the alpha's side, leaving deep lacerations. The alpha roared in pain, its eyes glowing with a mix of rage and frustration.

But instead of weakening, the alpha drew upon the power of the full moon, its strength starting to rise. It absorbed the moon's energy, fueling its already formidable abilities. With each passing moment, the alpha's dominance in the fight grew.

The alpha launched a relentless counterattack, its massive paws striking with brutal force. Derek and Scott fought back with all their might, but the alpha's newfound power overwhelmed them. Despite their best efforts, they found themselves on the defensive, their bodies bearing the scars of each encounter.

As the fight raged on, the alpha's strength continued to intensify. Its blows became more savage, its movements more calculated. Derek and Scott fought valiantly, their bodies pushed to the brink of exhaustion. Blood dripped from their wounds, staining their skins.

The alpha's dominance became undeniable. It outmaneuvered Derek and Scott with ease, landing powerful blows and leaving them vulnerable. Their bodies ached, and their movements slowed. The alpha's victory seemed inevitable.

Just as the alpha prepared to deliver a fatal blow to Derek, a blinding light pierced through the darkness. A car crashed into the scene, sending the alpha crashing into several trees. The unexpected interruption stunned everyone present.

As the dust settled, two glowing red eyes emerged from the car. A voice rang out, "Oh man, look what happened to my car." It was Michael, his figure exuding an aura of an alpha.

Derek and Scott, battered and weakened, looked on in disbelief. Michael stepped out of the car, his red eyes blazing with anger. He had tapped into his alpha power, ready to take over the fight. -----

As Michael's alpha power surged through his veins, his gaze shifted from Derek to Scott, taking in their battered and weakened state. His eyes glowed with a deeper and more ominous red, intensifying his anger. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he processed the sight before him.

Suddenly, the car door behind Michael swung open, revealing a figure emerging from the shadows. It was Dr. Deaton, the wise and mysterious advisor to the supernatural community. Michael's attention briefly shifted to him, his red eyes locking onto Dr. Deaton's calm presence.

"Boss, what are you doing here?" Scott's shocked voice broke the tense silence as he regained his senses. Michael's gaze turned sharply towards him. Without uttering a word, Michael stared back at Dr. Deaton, silently conveying his command.

"Get both Scott and Derek out of here," Michael ordered in a commanding tone. His voice carried an air of authority that brooked no argument. Dr. Deaton nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. He swiftly herded Scott and Derek into the car, their unconscious forms a testament to the intensity of the battle they had endured.

As Dr. Deaton sped away, the growling sound grew louder, drawing Michael's attention. His eyes remained fixed on the scene where his car had collided with the alpha. With an air of nonchalance, Michael slowly began to walk towards the alpha, his hands casually tucked into his pockets.

Every step he took resonated with purpose and confidence. His eyes, still glowing red, bore into the alpha, devoid of any fear or concern. The world around him seemed to fade away as his focus narrowed solely on the impending confrontation.

Dr. Deaton, now on his way to safety with Scott and Derek, couldn't help but reflect on the similarity between Michael's eyes and those of another man he had encountered a century ago. The memory flickered in his mind, a silent acknowledgment of the immense power and ancient lineage that Michael possessed.

With a final thought, Dr. Deaton drove off into the distance, leaving Michael to face the alpha alone. The air hung heavy with anticipation as Michael approached, his every movement calculated and deliberate. The alpha's growls echoed in the night, but Michael remained unfased.

"I'll handle this alpha," Michael stated in a low and deliberate tone, his words resonating with a quiet authority. He cast a sidelong glance in the direction of the growls, his glowing red eyes unwavering in their focus.

Time seemed to stand still as Michael and the alpha locked eyes. The world held its breath, awaiting the clash between these two formidable forces.

As Michael's alpha power surged through his veins, he walked slowly towards the alpha, his red eyes focused downward, hiding the intensity within. With feigned tears welling up, he whispered, "You're gonna pay... you're gonna payyy... for what you did to my baby." The alpha's expression froze into a deadpan, caught off guard by Michael's emotional outburst.

In an instant, Michael's face transformed into a serious expression, and his eyes blazed with the brightest red anyone could see. With a swift motion, he withdrew his hands from his pockets, readying himself for the impending clash. The alpha mirrored his resolve, both of them running towards each other with a shared determination.

Time seemed to slow down as Michael leaped into the air, his body transforming mid-flight into his formidable werewolf form. Descending upon the alpha, he aimed a powerful kick towards its face. However, the alpha reacted swiftly, blocking the attack with precision. The impact was so forceful that the alpha's foot sank into the ground, leaving a deep imprint.

What followed was a breathtaking display of strength and skill as Michael and the alpha engaged in a fierce fight. At the start, their powers seemed evenly matched, each landing blows and evading attacks with incredible agility and resilience.

But as the battle progressed, the alpha's raw power began to overpower Michael, gradually gaining the upper hand. Michael fought valiantly, refusing to yield, but the alpha's relentless assault pushed him back .

In a moment of vulnerability, the alpha seized the opportunity and delivered a devastating blow, sending Michael hurtling through two towering trees. The sound of splintering wood filled the air as Michael crashed to the ground, momentarily stunned.



After crashing to the ground, Michael remained still for a moment, the silence hanging heavy in the air. The alpha, unsure if the battle was truly over, cautiously approached. But then, a sound broke the silence—a low, sinister laughter emanated from the splintered trees.

Michael's laughter grew louder, echoing through the forest. "Wow, you're good," he taunted, his voice filled with amusement. "But..." Michael slowly rose to his feet, stretching his hands and yawning, as if the battle had been nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Walking past the two broken trees, bones audibly cracking with each step, Michael's presence loomed over the alpha. The alpha began to doubt what was going on in Michael's mind, his uncertainty growing with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a terrifying growl reverberated from the dusty area where Michael had stood moments ago. Two bright red eyes pierced through the dissipating dust, revealing Michael in his beast wolf form, a sight that struck fear deep into the alpha's heart. (His beast wolf form resembled the monstrous and fearsome figure from the Van Hellsing movie, with its towering build and razor-sharp fangs.)

The alpha gulped audibly, realizing the grave mistake it had made in underestimating Michael. The tension in the air thickened as Michael released a bone-chilling roar that shook the surrounding trees. With a burst of speed, both Michael and the alpha charged towards each other, their collision unleashing a shockwave that rippled through the forest.

The alpha slashed at Michael with its claws, but Michael effortlessly evaded the attack, weaving under the alpha's deadly assault. In a swift and calculated move, Michael seized the alpha by its head, forcefully pushing it to the ground. With brute strength, he drove the alpha's head into the earth, creating a deep crater.

As the alpha struggled to break free, Michael maintained his grip, overpowering the alpha with his immense strength. He ran, dragging the alpha's head against the ground, before slamming it into a sturdy tree. The impact shook the surrounding area, causing leaves and debris to rain down upon them.

The fight continued, Michael dominating most of the battle. His movements were fluid and precise, each strike landing with devastating impact. The alpha, weakened and disoriented, struggled to keep up, the fear in its eyes evident.

With every blow, Michael's power surged, fueling his determination to defeat the alpha once and for all. The forest resonated with the sounds of their clash—the clash of teeth, the thunderous impact of blows, and the sound of fierce growls.

As the battle neared its climax, Michael's strength and skill proved too much for the alpha to handle. With a final display of power, Michael unleashed a series of devastating strikes, each one landing with precision and force. The alpha, unable to withstand the onslaught, finally fell to the ground, defeated and broken.

Breathing heavily, Michael stood over the defeated alpha, his red eyes blazing with triumph. The forest fell into a hushed silence, acknowledging the victory of the formidable beast before them. Michael's alpha power radiated from him, an undeniable force that left no doubt of his dominance.

In that moment, as the moon bathed the battlefield in an ethereal glow, Michael knew that he had emerged victorious.

With a final roar of triumph, Michael's beast wolf form began to recede, his human form returning. As he stood there, his eyes still on the beast defeated beast on the ground panting. In that moment, as the moon bathed the battlefield in an ethereal glow, Michael was about to deliver the final blow. Then, *boooom!* A sudden explosion echoed through the air, followed by a flash of light that illuminated the place. With the deafening sound ringing in his ears, Michael staggered back, momentarily disoriented. Seizing the opportunity, the defeated alpha, using the moment when the light blinded Michael and he was disoriented, managed to escape, vanishing into the shadows.

Authors note:

Please guys give some love and drop some power stones, I've been doing this from yesterday. Drop some power stones please🙏😭, and comment.