
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

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64 Chs

Two Goals?

It had been several days since the Friedhand visit and Kye had been living in his workshop for those past few days. His work had progressed steadily and the two domestic products he planned to sell were completed. The water bottle became less of a bottle and was more of a very short cylinder that was about as wide as a grown male's palm and twice as thick as an adult male hand. The premise was even more simple than the burner, there was a hole on the top of the cylinder, when you sucked on it, a Spellweave crystal dispensed water endlessly.

A very useful and simple product to make, it was perfect for the Klein merchants to sell at great profit. These blueprints had all been sent off to the factories to be produced en masse and then sold through the Klein family merchants. Kye had submitted a written proposal for a condenser factory that had been approved immediately and was a top priority for the family. Making the condensers wasn't something Kye had to do as the blueprints he had made were very comprehensive and in the hands of a skilled artisan like Kyla, they would be built to an acceptable standard.

As of now, Kye was down at the construction site of the new factory helping the workers. They were grateful for the assistance as Kye was also the architect and would direct them to realising the building plans into a reality. The factory was not a normal factory layout, where there would be magically operated conveyor belts moving in a circle with furnaces and forges on one side, the condenser factory needed large chimneys with vents to force the heat from constantly running condensers out of the factory. There would be conveyor belts moving unrefined clearstone into hoppers where workers would put them into the condenser. Then, after they had been imbued with Spellweave they would be sent down the line to the packaging part. Here, the Spellweave crystals would be sorted by elemental charge and placed into uniform iron racks and then packaged into runic locked chests, ready for shipment.

As Kye looked over the building plans for the factory, the foreman of the site came up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"You look like you could use a break young Runewalker. Working non-stop won't help things get done faster."

The man handed him a bottle of water. Kye took it and nodded in gratitude, taking a large swig from the bottle and then putting it on his desk.

"Might not make things go faster but it can stop things from going slower. Don't worry sir, the work is good for me."

"Never heard a kid say somethin' like that to me before. Well, do as you like, just make sure not to overdo it, I have a feeling several ladies would be rather sad if you did."

He winked before walking over to a group of builders and giving orders. Kye smiled and shook his head. It was something he was slowly getting used to, people's concern about him and how hard he was pushing himself. Now that the factory was being built, after it was done Kye would have the time to relax. Things would have progressed far enough for him to feel comfortable taking his hands off the reigns when he started training with the soldiers.

'Still, my plans continue to move slowly. I guess I'll have to wait until I've grown up sufficiently before I can make any real impact.'

Kye was thankful he was born into such a prestigious family, it allowed him so much luxury that he could start this early. What Kye now needed was for his personal reputation to grow amongst the kingdom to attract talented individuals to his side but this was a goal for the future. Right now, he had to focus on getting stronger and achieving what was expected of him as the heir of the Runewalker territory.

Kye took one last look at the factory and nodded to himself. There was no reason for him to be here anymore, the builders had everything under control. Kye decided he would leave and train with his spear for the rest of the afternoon and then head back to the mansion for the night.

'Not much to do now until the princess's birthday in another nine months. I suppose I do turn ten slightly before that as well, not that there will be a big party like last time, too much going on. Fifteen, huh. I remember it being a big deal for everyone, even back then.'

Kye recalled when he got his dual crests in his past life. It was a moment of pure elation for him then but for everyone else, they cursed it as a waste of talent. Mechanists and arcanists not having many uses made him a massive disappointment to everyone but Kye didn't really care. He was only out to enrich the world with his inventions and now, even though the two professions had gained prestige with the industrialisation of the kingdom, they still weren't given the credit Kye believed they deserved.

This was Kye's main goal, to enrich the world using mechanist and arcanist skills, to prove that they weren't worthless. At least, that used to be his main goal. As of recent, Kye felt that while it was still important for him to do this, he felt that it wasn't nearly as important to him anymore, almost as if something else was starting to take a bigger place in his heart. Kye looked at Vanessa who was standing to his side, looking out over the construction.

'Maybe... maybe I can two goals of equal importance?'

The memories of his date with Nadiya flooded his mind and he smiled.

'Yeah. Two goals sounds manageable.'

"Vanessa, we're fone here, lets go to the training yard."

"Training yard master? What for?"

"To train, of course. I have to be stronger to fill the role of the Runewalker heir."

With that, the two of them left the construction site and made their way to the training yard. Kye had a big smile on his face as they walked. He might not be used to such feelings but with his new goal set in his heart, he felt lighter, almost as if nothing could possibly weigh him down. It didn't escape Vanessa but she stayed quiet, letting Kye come to his own realisations.