
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

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The First Princess's Birthday-Part 5

The maid lead Kye up the stairs to the left of the hall to a private balcony. Kye could see the back of two figures, one with the physique of a male around the age of 13 and the flowing blonde hair of a woman. The maid came to a stop and bowed slightly to Kye.

"My sincerest apologies for having you wait, it seems my lady has not finished talking with her previous guest yet."

"It's no bother. I'm more worried about what the first princess would want with me."

"Is young lord Runewalker unaware of the common tradition that a prince or princess at their coming of age celebration would pick a suitable partner to start a courtship with?"

"I was, but I wasn't aware I was on the list. Knowing nothing about a person isn't a great start to something like this."

"While true, you have also summarised why my lady wishes to meet you. She wishes to discern if you are someone she could come to like."

Kye nodded but maintained the confused look on his face.

'Why go for me when there are others who enjoy this sort of thing? I have my hands full enough already with Nadiya and Vanessa, I don't need another woman in the mix."

Natalia gazed at Kye out of the corner of her eye as he internally struggled with the idea of getting involved with the princess. She smiled inwardly as she could read his thoughts briefly because of the fated connection he shared with her soul-binder. Knowing that he was struggling with relationships prior relieved some of the doubt in her heart about Kye. She had been somewhat acquainted with Signus through his reputation and how he would always brag that he would marry Elenor. She despised him and was happy to see that Kye shared no resemblance to his older brother in his conduct.

Suddenly, the young man the princess was speaking to opened the door to the balcony. He was rather handsome with short-cropped black hair and piercing ice-blue eyes. He looked Kye up and down before snorting in disdain.

"If the princess is willing to brush me off for a kid, she has no taste."

"An adult would be mature enough to accept that a lady didn't like you. You certainly appear to be a child to me."

The man rushed towards Kye while gritting his teeth and slammed him against the wall by his collar. Kye didn't react as the man pushed his face closer to Kye's and began talking quietly to him.

"Who do you think you are, brat? I'm the heir to the Ardenal family."

Kye grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing him to let go and let out a whimper of pain. Kye continued holding the wrist and pushed him back until Kye was taller than him and bent over his kneeling body.

"I'm the heir to the Runewalker family. Before you go around insulting people, maybe you should work on your personal strength. You're not strong enough to muscle people around like that."

Finally letting go, the man pushed Kye off him and dusted off his jacket roughly before glaring at Kye.

"I won't forget this."

"I wish I could, remembering you will only worsen my mood."

With that final exchange, the man walked away briskly leaving Natalia and Kye standing there. Kye looked at the maid and gave a small smile.

"Sorry about that. I'm not very good at dealing with entitled people like that."

"It's quite alright young sir. Please, go through, my lady will see you now."

Kye nodded and exited onto the balcony. Natalia's opinion of Kye had gone up considerably with that exchange between him and Kirk Ardenal. The way Kye had handled an older male, both verbally and physically impressed her but more than that, he had the mind to apologise to her for his actions afterwards. It was this ability to act yet also the humility to apologise that stuck out to Natalia. She never doubted her mother with her picks, of course, but she did hold some over Kye's overall character. Though it would take more time for her to fully come around to him, he left her with an overall positive impression that she would share with her lady.

Kye stood awkwardly waiting for the princess who had her back turned, watching the stars from the edge to start talking. He coughed once to clear his throat before speaking.

"Um... My Lady, It embarrasses me to say so but I do not know your name. Mine is-"

"Kye Runewalker, I know. My name is Elenor Alioth. I've been hearing your name everywhere tonight"

"Well... it seems as though many people are curious about where I've been."

"I heard what you said to my father, about your dream world? Is that really true?"

"Yes, it is. Though, it's a matter of perspective, really."

"How so?"

"I am Kye Runewalker. Whoever I was in that dream doesn't matter anymore, I am here. Whatever that dream really was, if it was another life or whatever, it's irrelevant."

At that comment, the Princess turned around and Kye felt like his entire body was struck with electricity. Her perfect face, stunningly deep blue eyes, the way her long hair was done up to frame her face. To Kye at that moment, it was as if everything stopped mattering but the woman in front of him. He reflexively reached for his heart as it began to beat hard while the princess fanned her face gently as a blush crept in. She smiled gently and motioned to a chair on the balcony.

"Please, sit."

Kye was too shaken to speak so he nodded and sat down stiffly. He tried to shake off the nervousness he was now feeling but he couldn't get rid of it. The princess sighed and placed a hand on her cheek.

"I have to apologise about all this, it's because of me. You see, the woman who took you here is Natalia, she is a greater angel from the goddess of love who was sent to protect me. She granted me the ability to see the depth of a relationship I would have with someone. When I saw you walk in, I was stunned at how deep of a connection she said we would share. At first, I thought it was all a big joke considering that I had to deal with your brother Signus many times before this but once I looked you in the eyes... Well, I've never felt anything like it."

"M-Me too. I'm honestly scared at the feeling, it's so foreign to me."

"Y-yes... I agree. Well, regardless, I would very much like to get to know you, Kye. Please, be as informal as you like and tell me everything."

"Well... if you insist princess."

"Just Elenor, please."

"Alright then, Elenor."

From then, the two of them spent nearly an hour just talking about themselves to one another. It was very enjoyable for the two of them. So much so, that they lost track of time as the party continued without them. Though they were content with that as to them, all that mattered now was each other.