
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

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64 Chs

Hunting-Part 2

Kye reached the cabin and knocked softly on the door before opening it. Hakos had his hand on his sword but relaxed once he saw it was Kye and sat back down on his chair that was facing the door. The windows had been closed so no natural light was coming through and they were relying on a weak light crystal Kye had for his desk. Kye walked in and washed his hands off in the sink after taking the bandages off and washing them out. Now that he was back, he could brew the waker mixture and clean off before going back out and watching from the roof. Hakos walked up beside him to whisper in his ear.

"Anyone out there?"

"Yeah, killed one, he was on the main path but was confused by my false paths. Took him out silently and left his body there. With any luck, the monsters will be attracted to the blood and take some of them out if they go looking for them."

"Okay, it's been silent around here. Thelos was stressing out but managed to drift off to sleep. The young lady has been cleaning most of the day so you better appreciate her efforts."

"I do, you don't need to remind me. What about her now?"

"Resting in your bedroom. She's been worried about you as well human. Don't make her worry more than is necessary."

"Just do your job Hakos, I'll worry about my relationships."

"Hmph, do what you want."

Hakos walked away and sat back down. He looked at Kye out of the corner of his eye before leaning back in his chair and gently closing his eyes. Hakos only really had to use his hearing to know if something was amiss so he rested his eyes in case something happened. Kye pulled out a small airtight box that was divided into segments and pulled out four glowberries and one root of grateberry vines. He put the berries into his mortal and began grinding them down with the pestle. After crushing the berries, Kye used a grater and grated some of the root into the mixture, and then mixed. After it was done, Kye was left with a green paste with some visible parts of the roots left. He grabbed some of it on his finger and smeared it on his gums. Hakos, curious as to what Kye was doing, walked up to him again.

"What are you doing human?"

"My name is Kye, in case you forgot. Anyway, it's something called waker mixture. It will keep me awake throughout the night so I can keep a vigil. Tastes like shit though."

Kye grimaced as the taste began to permeate through his mouth. Hakos tilted his head to the side.

"Can I use some?"

Kye pushed the mortar to the side and motioned with his hand.

"Be my guest."

Hakos picked up some of the paste on his finger and copied Kye by smearing it on his gums. He immediately felt its effects but also noticed the foul taste. He made a sour face and looked at Kye.

"Do you humans actually use this?"

"Well yeah, though there are usually additives to make it taste nice instead of just the base ingredients. I don't have the luxury though, so I'll put up with it."

Hakos slowly nodded.

"Well, I have to admit, it is effective for human medicine, though is this really the best way to consume it?"

"No, usually brewing it into a herbal tea works best but the base ingredients will lose some efficacy if I add boiling water to them without some form of preservative so this is best for now."

Kye turned to look at Hakos.

"I'll go back out there and take my spot around the clearing. Stay alert but don't tire yourself out. I'll yell if I need you."

Hakos simply nodded and went back to his seat as Kye prepared to move out again. He watched Kye from behind with intrigue. Before, he had to admit that he didn't think the kid was very impressive but taking out two grown men, even if they were just pathetic half-elves was impressive for a nine-year-old child. He watched Kye's movements when he was making the waker mixture and they were that of a professional alchemist, something he did not expect to see in someone so young. Hakos realised that he has significantly underestimated Kye and while he still didn't like him, at least respected him enough to do as he was told in this situation.

Kye turned to the door and looked back at Hakos. Their gazes met and Kye simply nodded before quietly opening the door and closing it behind him. Hakos let out a sigh and tilted his head back to look at the ceiling.

'Maybe I was being harsh. He doesn't seem so bad.'

Unaware that his perception in the eyes of Hakos was changing, Kye menouvered himself silently around the cabin and began climbing a large tree close to the border of the clearing. Just before reaching the top, Kye settled into the foliage of a branch and sat down in a gap made by two branches. It wasn't the height of luxury but it was plenty comfortable for Kye. He sat in the tree and began scanning the area, trying to look for signs of movement.

'With luck, the night will be silent and they'll regroup at the edge of the forest. Fighting a battle in the night would put me at the disadvantage.'

His thoughts of the coming fights were interrupted by the chirps of a bird as one landed on the branch Kye was sitting on. He recognised it as the one Nadiya was playing with when she was watching him train. It seemed cautious but slowly made its way to Kye before jumping onto his knee and settling into the gap between his bent leg. Kye gave a small smile and resumed his vigil.

All he could do was pray that they would wait until morning before they moved again and keep watch in the meantime. The wind moved through the trees gently, as if telling Kye that it would all work out. With those positive thoughts in his mind, Kye would continue to watch vigilantly until the morning sun rose.