
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

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64 Chs

Ground Rules

Elenor and Natalia had departed and now it was just Vanessa in Kye's room with him. She looked upset yet said nothing to air her grievances with him. Kye faltered for a moment before recollecting himself internally.

'I can't afford to be a coward about this. It wouldn't feel right to keep such feelings within myself.'

Kye steeled himself for what he thought of as his inevitable rejection and opened his mouth to speak.

"Vanessa, I would like to discuss something with you."

She walked over to Kye's bedside and pulled up a chair so she could be at eye level with him before nodding at him to continue.

"So, after my talk with Elenor, I have decided to enter into a romantic relationship with her. While this may seem hasty as I haven't known her for very long, she described to me the effects of her blessing and I have now come to understand that these previously unknown feelings that I have felt before are feelings of love or at least attraction."

Vanessa's face remained blank as she heard the news. It was such a shock to her that Kye was so receptive to a relationship with Elenor when he had known her longer.

"I have also realised I have held these feelings towards other people but couldn't identify them at the time. One of these people is Nadiya so I will try to take some time to see her after my soldier training and I'm given some leave to inform her about my feelings."

Vanessa felt her eyes moisten as Kye continued to describe how he would be starting a relationship with two other women before her but noticed that Kye hadn't said all that he wanted to say and bit her lip in an effort to hold back her tears.

"So, while I wanted to explain this to you, it isn't the main reason I wanted to talk to you."

Kye's face went slightly red and he reached out, grabbed Vanessa's hand and looked her directly in the eyes.

"I have also come to realise that I hold feelings of affection for you as well. W-while this might be troublesome for you as you have your own unique circumstances as an angel, I would very much like to start a relationship with you."

Kye noticed droplets of moisture dripping from her eyes as she grabbed Kye's hand with both of her hands. Kye was about to ask why she was crying before he was hurriedly embraced by Vanessa, his head being forced into her full chest.

"You had no idea how much it hurt having you explain how you would be dating other girls before me! I was created to be your partner in all walks of life, which includes as a lover. The idea that you didn't feel anything towards me was hurting so much! Idiot! Dense moron!"

Kye opened and closed his mouth trying to retort but couldn't find the words as her torrent of verbal abuse left her mouth. It wasn't clear to him what had driven her to hurt as much but he did understand that it was his fault so he wrapped his arms around her and began softly stroking her back. After a while of this, Kye pulled out of Vanessa's chest.

"I have a feeling I know the answer, but I would like to hear it from you."

Instead of a verbal reply, Vanessa locked her lips with Kye's as they kissed for a few moments before she pulled back, bashfully smiling at him.

"Well, I suppose that's one way to answer, huh?"

The two of them laughed at their silliness, still holding hands even in the moments after. Kye cleared his throat with a short cough.

"So... I know we just did that but I'm still unsure about what a relationship entails. I was encouraged by Conrad to learn by experiencing it but I would like to apply some ground rules before we move forward."

Vanessa was internally unhappy that there would be restrictions on what activities they would engage in but understood that Kye hadn't fully explored the emotion he was coming to know as love. If she pushed him too hard too fast, she might warp his perceptions of what a healthy relationship should be.

"Okay, what do you think we should restrict."

"Well... things like hand-holding and hugs are fine but should be done at appropriate times, like waking up or before going to sleep. Kissing... w-well, it felt good but I feel like it's rushing things a bit so we should stop that until we grow into the relationship more I think."

She was a bit disappointed that there would be no more kissing but was expecting something harsher. Knowing that they would still be able to be physically intimate, even if only slightly, was a massive boost to her mood.

"Okay, Kye, I agree to these rules. That being said, I have to go make sure the princess receives the correct box so that you can remain in contact with one another. I won't be back until I confirm she has it so... can I have my good night hug now?"

Kye gave a wide smile and opened his arms, accepting her into his arms. They held their embrace for several moments before Kye gently separated themselves from one another.

"Have a pleasant evening Vanessa."

"You too Kye."

With that, Vanessa turned around and exited his hospital room. Kye laid down and breathed a contented sigh. he touched his fingers to his lips as he recalled the kiss they shared. It was a euphoric feeling and one that he wanted to experience again but felt that it was moving too fast for him as someone who didn't even know how to properly express the feeling of love.

'Well, all in due time. I hope she gets to the mansion safe.'

With that thought, Kye rolled over in his bed and closed his eyes for a rest. He had no way of knowing that the reason why the kiss felt so good was because of the feelings the two of them shared, but he would come to realise these things as time went on. After all, they would be together forever.