


Yori sat on the floor of the room, looking disoriented and disheveled. Her eyes were bloodshot and washed out, her gaze unfocused. She looked from Parele, who lay collapsed on the floor, to Zagaroth, who struggled to his feet.

"What have you done Zagaroth?" She asked, her voice hoarse. Zagaroth managed to get up and he stood before her. "I made him summon, Yori I saw this coming, and I had to do it to protect zeldox." Zagaroth said, his voice steady despite the fact that he was clearly out of breath.

Yori shook with rage. "You should have told me!" She yelled, her voice cracking. She was lost, unsure of what to do. The king and nobles would be arriving any minute now, she had to act fast.

Yori shook Parele trying to rouse him, but he remained unresponsive.