

Qian Zi had extremely gentle eyes almost all the time as though unaffected by everything.

The sky was as dark as the said persons face because of what they had just heard from the other.

Qian Mozi was hung up on a cross his eyes were blinded, his limbs were cut leaving only his head on his body.

His blood dyed the cross and the land beneath his feet, but even so the gentle aura on his body never diminished.

A group of bodies surrounded him, their heads were cut off and their bodies were all ina kneeling position as though they had begged him.

They were all twenty one members of his Qian family the family that was once the top four families of the White Dragon Empire.

Today they have all fallen to this point all because of a woman and a man who wanted to rule the world.

That woman was Feng Linglong, she who was praised as sweet, gentle and innocent, used the love of his elder brother Qian Mozu to bring destruction.

The man was the crown prince of the White Dragon Empire who was deemed to be not only a genius but also noble man of great virtue.

Though this man used underhanded tricks to frame and destroy all his family in order to obtain his clan power, the Divine Army.

Only he knew that in fact this Feng Linglong knew the future because she wasn't the soul of the original but from another world.

With her memories and mysterious treasure like space, she reached to the point where she could destroy the behemoth Qian Clan.

Like that it came to this day but he wasn't completely hopeless as yet because he was taught a truth, his Qian family has the blood of the Ancestral Chaos Demon.

He has always been well read, even he has traveled to all eight empires outside of his own in order to acquire knowledge.

Originally it was to find a cure for his older brother who had inexplicably fallen ill, but during that process he learned of such a thing.

Originally when he returned he would use the method to awaken the talent that caused his brother to fall ill and leave everything else.

But who would have thought that his clan would be exiled and his brother have been accused of falling into the devil path.

Now seeing (metaphorically) that this would be the end he has decided to use that method.

"Using the sealed blood of the Ancestral Chaos Demon, I unlock the seals of my clan and swear upon the avenue to become a Devil in the next life"

The sky was already dark and when he made that oath and inexplicable force had blocked the power so that the Heavenly Will could not hear him.

Now that his oath was done, it has heard and is trying to destroy him but it has already taken effect.

From the bodies of the Qian family colourful patterns each having the shape seal demon laid out a formation.

With him as the centre, all the Qian family souls on their way to reincarnation was swept back cleared of all the memories.

With the blessing of the Avenue time reversed, space collapsed and the time line travelled towards the begining.

Qian Mansion-

Although it was said to be a mansion it was no different from a giant palace, it was surrounded by large and towering mountains.

The vegetation here were nothing ordinary as they were all crystal spirit tress, with clear leaves and transparent bark like crystals.

The mountains were like snow capped mountains exuding a light coolness all year round as they were covered in silk spirits grass.

A kind of magical grass that can be used to make pure silk silvery white in color by the silk worm.

To make it even more beautiful was the fact that there was a spirit vein beneath the ground of top level forming spiritual mist.

At the centre of all this the grand palace designed in silver, with black, gold, red and purple as ornaments.

At the entrance there was a large gate like divine majesty wrapped by purple golden dragons peeping down.

Coming forward was a crystal path like road, which led to four directions, east, west, south and north.

To the east were large fields of spiritual food, and crops along with spiritual animals.

To the west there was a battle ground shrouded in a mist where the Divine Army trained all year round.

North would lead to an area where important buildings such as the Alchemy Pavillion, the Scripture Tower, etc.

While the south was the residential area of the clan, which were large palaces, truly a rich and extraordinary place.

At this moment, a boy who was asleep suddenly began to sweat profusely when a silent whisper came to his ears.

{Awaken Bloodline of the Ancestral Chaos Demon, purest form Devil}, like a chant the boys body returned to normal.

A pair of purple eyes glowing with a devilish light shot open as Qian Mozi was reborn.