
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs


"Help, s-someone please help" a voice from some distance away yelled out. 

Immediately both Gu Teng and Shi Liang became alert to their surroundings checking everywhere to see if there was anyone around. 

"Shi Liang, quick use your spiritual sense to check who that was," urged Gu Teng in a hurried tone.

Suddenly a wave of mana spread from Shi Liang's body moving in all directions. 

It traveled so fast that if you blinked for even a second you might just miss it.

"It's that girl from the Hengshan clan, she is being chased by a giant sand-color wolf and she seems to be in a rough shape," spoke Shi Liang 

" Quickly, let's go save h-" said Gu Teng before being interrupted once again,

"It might be a trap," said Shi Liang interrupting Gu Teng of what he was about to say.

" There might be a possibility, but I can't just wait around to find out if it's a trap or not. There is the life of another being at stake," spoke Gu Teng Righteously 

"If you want to stay then stay, I am going to help her."

Using his lightning flash technique, he appeared right beside the giant wolf.

Taking out his spear from his spatial inventory Gu Teng used full force to stab the wolf from the side.

The spear went inside the body of the wolf for a few inches before stopping due to the strong rib cage.

Some blood turned its fur to change into red around the wound.

Howling in pain the giant wolf turned its attention to Gu Teng ready to kill him the next second.

Taking a big leap back away from the giant wolf Gu Teng took a defensive stance ready for what was to come.

Extending its claws, it slashed at Gu Teng making three wind blades travel at him at full speed while leaving marks on the dry sand.

Used his spear to deflect the three wind blades to change different directions however in the process of doing so the bone in one of his wrists was broken under the tension of the deflection. 

Causing the last wind blade to make a small cut extending from his hand to his shoulder. 

Ignoring the pain Gu Teng once again used his lighting flash technique to appear right in front of the giant wolf.

Before giving the giant wolf any time to react using his full force Gu Teng trusted his spear right into its left eye before the spear reached its brain thus finishing the job.

Taking a green pill out of his spatial inventory, Gu Teng swallowed it without a second thought. 

A small transparent green light started to shine on his wound giving a cool feeling to Gu Teng.

Moving closer to the unconscious lady who was once being chased by the giant wolf. 

Taking out the same pill Gu Teng carefully feeds the pill to make her wounds not become worse than they already were.

Soon the same thing happened to her wounds as what had happened to Gu Tengs a small transparent green light started to shine on her wound giving a cool chilly sensation making her unconscious face which used to have a pained expression greatly help relieve it.


2 days later

Near a campfire, a young lady who had the appearance of a 22-year-old was currently sleeping.

Around her were a man and a woman who seemed to be discussing something.

" Shi Liang what should we do, it has already been two days since she fell unconscious, and at this rate, if we don't move on there is no way for me to place at least in the top 10," said Gu Teng in a worried tone.

" I already tried warning you to not butt into someone else's business, but you still did anyway. Now don't be asking me for help with the mess you have caused," said Shi Liang in a cold voice enough to make anyone feel their feet cold.

" Shi Liang why have you been treating me so coldly the moment we got here" said Gu Teng while feeling upset with how Shi Ling was treating him.

" Cough Cough " Before Shi Ling even had the chance to answer the sound of coughing was heard from that unconscious lady.

"She is awake," said Gu Teng while starting to feel a little better somehow.

" Zhi Hengshan are you alright," said Gu Teng worried. 

" You both must be Gu Teng and Shi Liang, I have heard a lot about you guys, and thank you for saving me," said Zhi Hengshan weakly but in a grateful manner.

" Alright Zhi Hengshan since you have healed up really well why don't you start explaining what happened before Gu Teng helped you out" said Shi Liang in a serious manner.

Gu Teng didn't bother interrupting Shi Liang for the same reason as her, they both wanted to know what caused Zhi Hengshan to be in her current predicament would affect them in a way or not.

Sighing Zhi Hengshan already saw this coming. 

"A couple of days ago a man with red hair and green eyes showed up at our campsite. The same man that we saw at the beginning of the tournament. He demanded us to hand over all of our resources and anything of value. Just like you would think we denied his request thinking that we could easily beat him because of our numbers. However, upon refusal, some of the people inside our group started to turn into hungry monsters that immediately started to attack others on sight. Bloodshed everywhere turning the ground red with our own blood" said Zhi Hengshan with a bitter face.

Sobbing for a few hours clearly mourning over her lost friends she continued.

"Th-Those monsters however were under his control making it very difficult to fight back. Under the siege, I was gravely injured leaving me no other option but to use my Rank SS teleportation talisman. I was extremely unlucky because I happened to have teleported into a giant wolf's den. Being chased by it for a few hours before I ran into you guys," said Zhi Hengshan cursing her luck while having a grateful expression because of the help that both Shi Liang and Gu Teng had provided to her.

" Zhi Hengshan go get some rest we will go check the surroundings to see if that man has followed us," said Shi Liang.

Moving some far distance away from Zhi Hengshan both Gu Teng and Shi Liang had a serious looks on their faces.

"Shi Liang you think she was lying to us?" said Gu Teng

" I don't know, there were yet some parts she left out not to hide or anything but maybe because the death of her friends was too tragic for her, so she didn't wish to recall those moments," said Shi Liang 

" However, her story is true than that man she said about, we would have to be extra careful wherever he may be.

" Those envoys outside couldn't reject a participant with a Void Token no matter how he has gotten it, since the Zang clan didn't have a participant in this tournament this time around that means he had gotten it from them with illegal means".

"The clans outside are probably searching for that man's background even at this moment. He may need to face the penalty for breaking the Heavenly law that was created by being above True-Immortal back in ancient times".

"Not to mention that he was able to pass the age examination means we have a chance to turn the tables around only if we are extra careful," said Shi Liang.

" But Shi Liang the Zang's were ranked 3 clan and if he was able to get the Void Token right under their noses indicates he has either a powerful background or an unbelievable strength. If he did have a powerful background, there would have been no need to take the Void token," said Gu Teng

In The Grand Cosmos, the clans/sects or powerful families are ranked from one through nine.

If one of their strongest members reached a certain rank the clan's ranking would correspond to that member's cultivation rank.

Rank one clans are considered the weakest while rank 9 is the strongest as shown in history books that were ever recorded.

Most clans in order to get more resources would start relocating to a higher realm based on their new ranking making weaker clans fight for the leftover crumbs once they were gone.

Should i add romance later on??

Primordial_Devourcreators' thoughts