
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs

Heavenly Oth

Giving a glimpse at the Gate once more Liam suddenly became vigilant. He could sense a spatial disturbance.

looking at people around him Liam could tell they were able to sense the spatial disturbance too.

This was alarming for Liam because the whole world was wrapped in arrays and formations. No one would be able to use teleportation, or anything related inside while the formations were active. 

Out of the spatial crack came 3 people, 2 men, one dressed in blue and one in white, and a woman dressed in purple.

" Everyone please don't be alarmed, my name is Ling Hang. The name of the other two are Shen Tang and Zen Neng. We are the ones responsible for having all the participants transported to the other side of the Gate safely." Said the man in white clothes called Ling Hang while taking out a gold Token for proof of identification for everyone to see.

" But before we begin, I would like to introduce the rules once again like every other envoy at Void Tournament."

[ Rule number 1 - No party shall attack the participants before or after the Tournament unless they have a reasonable cause]

[ Rule number 2 - The clan of the fallen contestant shall not bear ill will against the participant or his clan who caused their Demis]

[ Rule number 3 - Rewards won by the participants would only be kept by them. No party shall force a participant to share what they have earned]

[ Rule number 4 - Anything you have learned inside the Gate must be kept secret and to ensure that you follow this rule, you would need to make a Heavenly oath]

[ Rule number 5 - All participants should not exceed the age requirement; we will find out your age later]

[ Rule number 6 - Anyone who had already participated in the previous competition would no longer be allowed to participate once again]

[ Rule number 7 - If any of those rules are broken, the Void Token will be taken away from them and if failing to comply there will be additional penalties]

"Does anyone have any questions?" spoke the woman named Zen Neng

"How were you able to bypass those formations and were able to teleport inside?" A woman far behind Liam yelled out. 

" The badge you see on our chest is the reason for us bypassing those formations. And don't worry it would only work here" spoke Zen Neng.

[ I would never think something like that already existed. I should have more precautions in the future based on that in mind] thought Liam.


" Since there are no more questions, we'll start right away. Everyone with the Void Token please make your way to the front" spoke Shen Tang.

As Shen Tang spoke, 1000 people started to quickly move to the front including Liam. 

Some people started to give Liam the weird eye.

Of course, like Liam, the other participants knew about all the other people who were participating as well.

I mean how could they not, it was an opportunity that could change their lives entirely.

Some were on the edge of their lifespans and one of the rewards from the Tournament could give them another chance at life.

Some were involved in unexpected issues and even surviving the Tournament would give a boost in status completely removing their problems. 

If there was no rule number 1 others would require some explaining from Liam even I it meant by force.

But too bad for them Liam wasn't planning to stick around after the end of the Tournament. 


Now a question for the readers- Why didn't Liam hide his identity from the crowd? 

Answer: Liam was already hiding his identity. Remember the red pill Liam ate at the beginning of Chapter 6? After all, Liam was planning on doing many "good" deeds inside.


Standing in a Horizontal line, Liam carefully examined each participant just in case Liam could find an advantage he may not already know against the others. 

" All participants would now go through an Age examination, any participant exceeding the age of 4 centuries and any participant who had already participated before would be forcefully expelled from this Event," said Ling Hang.

Reaching out his hand in his spatial inventory Ling Hang brought out a black stone the shape of a rectangular prism. 

" The stone you see in front of you is an identification stone. it has two primary functions, it checks your age, and it sees if you have already taken part of the contest in the previous Void Tournament." 

" Everyone please one by one smear a drop of your blood on this stone. If there is no reaction you will pass both of the tests but if the stone starts to shake. I hope you know the procedure."

One by one each participant made a small cut on their finger and smeared the blood on the stone.

Just like it was expected there was not a single reaction.

With their regeneration speed, the cut should have been healed before the blood had the chance to come out.

The reason for that was they had used mana to keep the wound open until there was enough blood for the examination. 

When it was Liam's turn, he did the same as every other. 

Was he worried?

Absolutely not, the red pill Liam ate before using the spatial talisman to arrive here had three benefits.

The first benefit he gained allowed him to alter his physical appearance.

The second benefit allowed him to make his blood cells to temporality have more vitality and little change in the DNA of the red and white blood cells.

The third benefit allowed him to change the Mana signature thus being able to convince everyone that the Mana signature Liam released was his own. 

With how confident he looked some might wonder if Liam had a trick up his sleeve.

But what can they do? they knew better than anyone else to never confront an opponent they don't know anything about alone.

Now back to the original topic, as his blood touched the stone it gave no reaction like every other participant.

Moving out of the way for another participant to take the examination he moved back to his original position in front of the Gate.

-Sometime later-

Moving in front of the Gate Ling Hang looked at the participants face to face. 

" Ok now that we have taken the age examination all of you must already know that when entering the separate world inside the Gate, everyone's strength would be restricted to a certain limit. But before you guys are allowed inside everyone must make a heavenly oath. Anyone who refuses to do so will not be let inside of the Gate." 

" Since there are no problems here let's start. Everyone please raise your right hand and repeat after me."

" Oh, Heavens I promise that whatever I was able to learn inside The Gate, I will protect those secrets with my life and will never disclose that information to anyone alive or dead, if not doing so I give you my full consent to obliterate my soul and destroy my body before anyone gets to know them."