
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Dimensional traveling orb!

Inside the cave, Liam can be seen holding a broken purple orb.

The orb was the size of a baseball, and it released an overbearing sense of suppression.

To make the orb look even more magnificent, there was a small magnetic field surrounding the orb.

The orb was definability a treasure someone could have never imagined.


" A pity the Dimensional traveling orb has only one use left. it will break after I use it here."

The purple orb that he was holding was called the Dimensional traveling orb.

The orb allowed its user to traverse long distances in seconds no matter how far the destination would be.

To use the orb, the user must have a high affinity for space and a particle destination in mind.

The orb also had a downside. The more the orb is used the less accurate it becomes eventually no longer being capable of being used.

For example, the more cracks the orb has the higher the chance for the user to travel to an undesignated area further away from the original destination. 

A strange energy permeated through his body; The energy swirled around somewhere near his abdomen before reaching out to the Dimensional Traveling orb.

As the energy went into the orb, purple mist was released and slowly it started to surround him from head to toe.

Half a second later a space crack appeared right where he was standing. He was nowhere to be found; the only remains of living existence were the spatial crack itself.

The spatial crack didn't last long either.

As the spatial crack closed it released the sound of a broken glass and soon it was like it was never there to begin with.


On a green planet far away from the red planet he was previously on.


There was a sudden spatial disturbance. A crack formed in the air.

The crack had white outlines and like a root, it stretched from the middle extending far away an eye could see.

In the middle of the crack, a hand came out and that hand started to push against those cracks making enough room for Liam to come out. 

As he put his foot on the ground the cracks behind him suddenly closed like they were never there to begin with.

looking at the left hand that held the Dimensional traveling orb.

Contrary to the previous color, the cracked orb was transparent just like a glass ball. 

Crack! Crack!


The transparent orb crumpled in his hands, forming small pieces of broken glass that soon fell to the ground. 

The planet that he was currently on was very poisonous, everywhere you could look, you could see green gasses traveling up the sky.

If any mortal saw him standing there without any piece of equipment to protect himself from the poisonous gasses would wonder, why was he there in the first place.

looking up in the sky you could see an orange star.

It had 7 huge continents and There was a huge cut made in one of the continents. 

Anyone who could see the scene in from of them could tell the world was the remnants of a huge battle. 

This world was called Azreak.

The same world he was reborn upon.

" At least I am not far from the original coordinates. If I had enough time, I could have better calculated the orb's traveling point."

Taking a deep breath, A black Aura started to come out from his body.

Soon that black Aura started to envelop his body, That Black Aura also called Mana is a natural source of spiritual energy (The color depends on the attributes of that person) that mages draw upon to fuel the casting of spells.

Mana can be used in many varieties of ways. Such as casting spells like fireballs, coating a body part to strengthen it, or even making potions, everything was within reach if one were smart enough to learn its use.

As mana enveloped him, he could feel his body getting lighter and lighter, sure enough, he was defying gravity.

Looking up at Azreak, killing intent escaped through his eyes.

" Just wait, the next time we meet everything will be different," he spoke in a deep voice full of hatred and anger. 

Anyone who heard those words would have sent chills down their spine.

As his spoke his body started levitating. His flying speed started to accelerate and in no time, he was flying the same speed as Mach 5.

Reaching Azreak was an easy task for him, who was a monster at mana manipulation. 

As he reached the atmosphere of Azreak, it gave him an old feeling of sadness that he could barely remember.

He couldn't help but think about good old times before the apocalypse began, however soon it was replaced with disgust.

With the speed he was flying making contact with the ground made huge cracks on the ground like a spider web. 

As the dust settled down, he looked over to see a huge amount of infrastructure on the ground.

The bones of animals and skeletons of humans were everywhere.

Huge amounts of cracks on buildings, one small touch could make them fall to the ground.

Walking close to a broken house gave Liam a sense of familiarity.

The roof of the house was filled with holes and cracks. The middle floor of the house was clasped.

Walking in front of the house one could see two skeletons leaning right beside the broken door.

The smaller skeleton leaned on the bigger skeleton. It was obvious, that those skeletons were of a male and a female.

The bones looked so weak; one small gust of wind could easily send them flying in the air. 

The only thing that remains of them would be their love for each other even at their last moments.

He didn't bother to separate those dead couples as doing so wouldnt bring him any benifit.

He mealy looked at them for a second without saying anything. It was unknown what he was thinking at this moment. 

Walking inside of the remains of what used to be a house.

Liam stood there for a good second then continued with his business.

Tilting his head, he looked over a staircase leading down the basement. 

As he moved down the staircase, he got a full look at the basement, contrary to the state of the house, the basement looked new like the battle that wiped out most of the population had no effect here.

Getting even closer to the basement, a yellow barrier appeared out of thin air.

The barrier had weird patterns and what looked like the symbols of an ancient language. 

He observed the barrier for a mere second; then gently touching the barrier with his palm released a wave that traveled across the whole barrier. 


A scene unfolded before him; the barrier caused an enormous shock in the air.

Crack! Crack!

The barrier started to break like a piece of broken glass as those pieces touched the ground, they disappeared completely.

Moving in the middle of the concrete floor, he raised his palm and a small amount of black mana erupted out of his body, completely enveloping the floor. 

The floor started to crack; a large number of debris started to spill all over the floor as a white coffin rose out of the ground.

" Found it"