
Rise Of The Omnimancer: Tempest of Avalon

In a world shattered by centuries of conflict, a prophecy whispered through the ages foretells the rise of extraordinary people known as Omnimancers, wielding unimaginable power capable of shaping the destiny of nations. Their purpose, to restore balance and usher the world into its rightful order. But when one of these enigmatic figures succumbs to corruption, the delicate equilibrium is shattered, plunging the realm into an era of unrelenting war and despair. In the midst of the ashes of once-thriving civilizations, where hope flickers like a dying ember, a remarkable discovery rattles the foundations of this war-torn land. The unearthing of Cerfryx, a rare and mystic mineral, sparks a feverish race for dominance between two mighty empires: Epher and Raylean. Amid this harrowing turmoil stands Theo, a young and unsuspecting 18-year-old, burdened by haunting fragments of a past he cannot recall. Plagued by mysterious flashbacks and enigmatic visions, he finds himself thrust into a treacherous journey of self-discovery. As Theo unravels the secrets of his origins, he becomes entangled in a perilous web of intrigue, danger, and ancient prophecies. _________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover. If you are the artist and want it removed, please contact me and I will do so.

Mystic_Ravenwood · Fantasi
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22 Chs

"An Eventful Encounter"

After an exciting match, it was time for Theo to take the stage. He confidently stepped onto the platform, his grip firm on the wooden sword in his hand. Standing across from him was Bryan, equipped with a pair of short swords. The two opponents locked eyes, poised and ready for the start of the match.

At the sound of the signal, Bryan sprang into action, his short swords slicing through the air. Theo was quick to respond, parrying each blow with his wooden sword, his expression focused and determined.

Bryan proved to be a skilled and cunning adversary, using his dual swords to attack from multiple angles, attempting to catch Theo off guard. Nevertheless, Theo was equally skilled, evading each strike and launching his counterattacks with precision and speed.

Finding no success, Bryan changed his tactics, opting for a more unpredictable approach. He feinted with one sword, drawing Theo's attention to one side, before suddenly switching to a two-handed strike with the other sword. Theo was caught off guard, barely able to bring up his wooden sword to block the attack. His opponent didn't even stop momentarily and attacked again.

'Damn it! He is strong!' Theo could feel the adrenaline rush in his body. He was enjoying the fight. Bryan's attacks were extremely fast and precise. Theo was evading them by a hair's length. One simple mistake and it was all over. The only way for him to cease victory was by tiring his opponent.

Theo retaliated, launching a series of quick slashes to catch Bryan off balance. But Bryan was nimble, dodging each strike and retaliating with a swift backhand strike with one of his swords. Theo was able to block the blow, but Bryan followed up with a spinning strike with his other sword, sending Theo backpedaling.

The two fighters continued their battle, their weapons clashing with a resounding din. Bryan attempted a downward slash, but his attacks had noticeably slowed down.

Theo was able to sidestep and dodge and aimed an attack at his opponent's left ribs with precision. Bryan clutched his ribs in pain.

Theo seized the opportunity, advancing with a series of quick strikes, his wooden sword roaring as he rained blows down on Bryan. Bryan was able to defend himself, but Theo's relentless attack soon had him on the defensive, his back pressed against the edge of the platform.

Theo sent one of Bryan's swords flying from his hand with a powerful upward strike. Bryan staggered, his sword clattering to the ground. Theo rolled behind his opponent and attacked with a slash to the knee.

Bryan hobbled from the pain and fell to the ground. He was defenseless. Theo didn't want to prolong the fight any further. He knocked Bryan unconscious with the sword hilt and finished the fight.

Taking a seat after his second victory, Theo opted to relax.

"That was a good fight," Jack congratulated him.

"Thank you. Why aren't you fighting, though?" Theo asked.

"Because I choose to take the academic test," Jack answered.

'That explains the reason why he is so relaxed.' Theo thought to himself.

As the third round came to a close, the stage was set for the fourth and final round.

"Congratulations to all of you that made it so far into the competition. For the final round, it is a military tradition that you must fight a senior. You can forefeet the fight after joining and it will not affect your result. But if you do win, this can give you a big advantage over others. However, losing the fight can incur a penalty. Additionally, this time your seniors will be the ones who choose the opponents, and not you" Sergeant Harry announced.

Upon hearing this, Jack commented to Theo, "Looks like they won't let you off that easily."

However, Theo remained silent. As they waited, a group of strong-looking students entered the room, exuding an air of confidence.

"I choose number 55." Someone choose Theo as an opponent. It was a green-haired boy. His name was Casper.

'This is troublesome.' Theo didn't want to fight this round if possible. 'Now that's an interesting development. Let's see what you choose' the mysterious man on the judge's panel sneered.

Theo climbed aboard the platform. Theo was deep in thought about what to say.

"Are you going to accept my challenge or not?"

"I forefeet."

"Can I ask why?" Casper asked, still curious. "You seemed to be having fun fighting earlier. That's why I chose you."

"I don't have anything to gain from it," Theo replied.

"Ha! That's a fair point," Casper said, with a hint of amusement. "However-"

In a flash, he closed the gap between them. Theo had no time to react before Casper stood right before him.

"You shouldn't turn down your seniors so easily, now, should you?" Casper warned. "It might not bode well for you."

Theo just realized that Casper's hand was already on his shoulder. He instinctively stepped back, adopting a defensive stance.

"Why so serious?" Casper teased, with a smirk. "Relax, I'm just messing with you."

The referee signaled for them to leave the fighting platform and Theo retreated to his seat, still pondering over his encounter with Casper. Strangely, Jack was nowhere to be seen when he got back.

'Thank God, He is not here to annoy me," he thought in his mind


'Ha! This is entertaining,' the man thought, a sly grin spreading across his face.

"Excuse me, sir, have you come across something intriguing?" Sergeant Harry asked.

"Indeed I have, Sergeant," the man replied, rising from his seat. "You could say that I've stumbled upon something quite fascinating."

"Leaving so soon?" Sergeant Harry queried. "The exam isn't over yet."

"There's nothing left to see, Sergeant," the man responded, waving his hand dismissively. "Until next time."

He donned a coat with a prominent dragon emblem on its back and the name <Andreas> embossed in bold letters, and left.