
Chapter 99

Commander Ishaq and his cavalry trampled the monsters that were chasing them. The horses of the Sandstorm Cavalry were carefully chosen and trained. They are the biggest and toughest horses that the kingdom has. The Royal Cavalry was more numerous since there are a lot of camels available in the kingdom to be turned into steeds, and are easier to maintain than the warhorses but the prince only took a thousand and five hundred of them since he really hates the stench emanating from the steeds with humps.

The naturally heavy hooves of the warhorses were already deadly, and with the addition of the weight of their armor and their armored rider, they could crash through the charging monsters with ease. Raising his curved sword high, Commander Ishaq leaned to his right like he was hanging on a tree branch while his left hand tightly gripped the reins of his steed. An upward swing of his sword bisected his target from the waist up, and dark blood splashed everywhere.