
Misty Water

I spoke with a soft voice, "I am going to repeat my question. Why are you in the cave and beside it?" Having said that I looked at him and saw nothing but absolutely horror in his eyes. A light layer of mist descended above the lake and soon came Elder Ezekeal voice. "Go get your friends and meet me here. Akuma is coming." As he finished saying that I swam back to the shore where I had gone in for a swim and started to run towards the group. Water and sand wade me down as i ran toward them. With that extra weight it felt like a much longer run that it was. I rummaged around like a bull in a china closet. I stumbled my way in to the clearing where they all were. With a bit of confused looks and questions I did not have time for."Every one we need to get out of here right now fallow me." I shouted with worry in tone, "We need to be gone now if not sooner." I got many looks of curiosity but no questions on way I came running. they all packed up quick. Turning around a running back to the waters edge. The loud roar could be heard by everything. It made the water state still and our blood freeze and despite it. We kept running to the cave but the roars sounded closer with every step. With the cave just barely out of site and the roars get to close. One thing popes into my mind. "Delin I'm going to by you some time to get to Elder Ezekeal's cave. I am sorry but I have to use that power."

"Don't be dumb you can not even control it. let alone fight with it", Delin proclaimed, "Kyrin tell him to don't use it he will die" Nylon jump in, "Xeon what ever it is don't use, it is not worth losing your life. We might have a chance to fight it together we don't know how strong it is." Elder Ezekeal chimed in, "He will be fine follow me and hurry." Every one was ready to die to convince me that it was not a safe bet. "Elder get them out of here by force. They wont listsen to you." With saying that a red chain came out of the cave and wiped them in side, "They are safe do what needs to be done" Elder Ezekeal said as he ran off into the cave. Ezekeal's arrival made them all to out rage including Delin, "Old Man what on earth are you doing you can't just leave him out there. He will die if he use that."

"Well maybe it is time we know what that is Delin. After all it would be helpful to know. What he plains on using that could kill him.", Kyrin said touching her sword an powering up her kaiju side. Delin was ready to tell her when ever one but Ezekeal and Delin passed out, Ezekeal spoke out, "You may tell one person to remember this along with you. The one you choose will remember all that has happened and will happen. If you want to deal with a suicide then choose his girl." Ezekeal finished.

"What if I don't choose any one"

"Then I would have more blood to clean up.Do not ask what I mean by that"

"Ok....I chose toyo because he does not talk as much." Delin said as everyone woke up not hearing him. "Every one their is something i need to tell you about Xeon. What I am about to say will sock all of you. Xeon is not what you believe he is."

"What do you mean by that. He is not who we believe he is. What does that mean." ,Kyrin said with anger in her eyes.

"Xeon is not who we think he is what does that mean. Is he a criminal." Nylon said getting back handed by Kyrin, into a punch to the gut by Naomi, "You think a criminal would save use idiot. No criminal I know would do that." Naomi had said after the quick punch. Then they all looked at Delin and spoke in unison, " What is he then."

Delin spoke, " So you all know how he has the rare ability of both slayer and tamer." They all nodded in agreement, "Well he is rarer then that he also has a hybrid heart. His ability is to devastating. Last time he used it...it almost killed him, and that was when it awakened." Delin had got done saying that and cried. Kyrin and Naomi where the first ones to go and run out to my side but Elder Ezekeal put out his hands and stopped them in there tracks and spoke., "We must watch and see what happens. Do not enter fear with the fight. As I was fighting it I saw that Naomi and Kyrin where watching my fight and slowly everyone was, but as everyone showed up I realized i was fighting a losing battle and Akuma would go after he is done playing with me. The only reason I am on equal terms is because of my skill with the sword. I could not forgive my self if I let this thing hurt them. None of them. I closed my eyes and shouted out in anger and pain as I bursted into sky blue flames. I opened my eyes again and there was Akuma in sky blue flames. The heat turned up is significant and Akuma was burt to ash. As I looked down I saw them all crying and then it had hit me. I had burt up as well. Man I lived a good life is nothing to complain abot. I mean I wish I had lived longer but at least I did good. Naomi And Kyrin slowly walked over to where my burnt body lay. It was in such slow motion that I thought the whole world had stopped just to give them a break. " Xe...Xeon w..why did you do that. Th...there had t...to have b...been a..anther way." Kyrin said with a broken heart and voice.

"Brother w..why did you do it...That was not the way to go about that." Naomi said with tears running down her face. Soon Elder Ezekeal spoke, "You did not do as I thought Xeon." Everyone look led at him with anger but Naomi and Kyrin, "Would you like to see him again."

"This is not the end for you not at all." ?????? said, "Be reborn!!!!"