
Rise of the God of Sin

He, once known as the God of Temptation and Pleasure, was betrayed and banished from his own universe, exiled to a lower dimension. But what he did not foresee was the transformation of Lilith, the ego of his divinity. Upon being cast into this lower universe, Lilith evolved and became something even more powerful. Now, he is about to ascend once again, no longer as the God of Temptation and Pleasure, but as the God of Sin!

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: First Steps in the New Reality

On a night with a sky full of stars, a young man leaning against the hood of a car suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes shining like the vastness of the sky.

Initially, he seemed confused, but his mind quickly returned to normal. He soon furrowed his brow and said telepathically: ["Lilith, is this the new body you got for me?"]

Suddenly, a light flashed from his chest. Soon, a tiny creature with shimmering wings and golden hair, as beautiful as a star, emerged.

[Yes, Master.] The incredibly sweet voice with a pleasant accent and prolonged speech of this beautiful little fairy resonated in his mind: [As the master must have seen in his memories, this body belonged to a boy named Amane Fujimiya. Although he does not possess any significant talent worth mentioning, the fact that he is compatible with your soul made me choose him for you, master, nano ja.]

["By the way, Lilith, why do I feel like my divinity has changed?"] he asked with doubt.

[Answering the master.] Lilith said: [I was initially confused as well, as the ego of your power, I have changed so much, but see this, master, and you will understand, no ja.]

After saying this, she showed a chart of the current universe.

["A smaller universe..."] he murmured in his mind.

However, what intrigued him was that this universe initially had only one-hundredth the size of the universe he came from. This number was decreasing more and more, as the universe itself was merging with other universes, perhaps until the end of the fusion it would become a mid-high class universe, or even a high-class universe, at the same level as the universe he came from.

[And that's not all, master,] Lilith said excitedly while waving her small hands in front of him, floating: [Due to the weakness of this universe and the fact that your two divinities, Temptation and Pleasure, belong to a superior universe, your divinity – in this case, me – evolved into the divinity of Sin, no ja.]

[Oho...] This was quite intriguing to him. Perhaps not even the gods who plotted against him and expelled him to this small universe expected that he would end up obtaining the divinity of Sin. Even if it is from an inferior universe, if the universe continues to merge and expand, the limit of his divinity will clearly increase!

The only real problem was that, at the current moment, his divinity had returned to square one. Even being the divinity of [Sin], he needs to gradually increase his power. Otherwise, he may end up having his divinity stolen by a stronger god when the universes finish merging.

The first step was to increase his divinity, so he searched through the memories of Amane Fujimiya, to whom this body belonged, and something intrigued him to the point of a small smile curving his lips.

"She really wants me to fuck her ass. Last night was the hundredth time she asked me. She has been bothering me a lot about it lately."

This sentence was said to Amane by his friend, Itsuki Akazawa, acting as if he had a big problem in his hands.

Putting that aside for now, he spoke in his mind: ["Lilith, show my status"].

[Right now, no ja!] She responded cheerfully with her velvety voice as she twirled in the air.


Character: Amane Fujimiya

Level: 1

Sin Value: 0

Aura: [God of Another Universe]

Identity: [Student], [God of Sin in Ascension]

Lineage: [God of Sin]

Mystical Abilities: [Charm (Passive): Maximum], [Devour: Maximum], [God's Eyes: 10%], [God's Senses: 10%], [Manipulation (Passive): 9%], [Libido (Passive): 20%].

Personal Dimension: [Inner World of Sin]



Diverting his gaze from the status screen, Amane looked in the direction of the voice. Soon, he saw two girls, Chitose Shirakawa and the girlfriend to whom this body belonged, Mahiru Shiina.

The one who called him was Chitose, in a cheerful and lively manner. She looked a little flushed, clearly having drunk enough to get to that state. Meanwhile, Mahiru looked drowsy, as if she had just woken up.

"Help us," Chitose shouted too loudly.

Opening the car door, Amane turned on the headlights. Now it was possible to see them more clearly, especially Mahiru, who was standing there, looking very embarrassed but also drunk, as she laughed louder than usual.

When Amane got out of the car and approached them, Mahiru threw herself into his arms and kissed him passionately.

[+1 Sin Point].

Amane was obviously confused when he saw this appear with his own eyes. He didn't believe it would be so easy to earn sin points...

[As expected of a superior deity, no ja.] Lilith's excited voice echoed in his mind.

For now, Amane said: ["Lilith, disable the sin point notifications, I'll see what I've earned all together later"].

[Right away, nano ja!] Lilith already knew her master's character; he was not the type who liked to see notifications constantly popping up, but rather the type who liked to see everything accumulated at once.

As for the progress itself, it was easy to analyze later. So, it wasn't a real problem to act this way.

After the kiss was broken, Amane could still taste the wine in his mouth from her.

"I'm drunk," she said.

"I can see that." Amane looked at Chitose: "And you too."

She smiled and laughed. "A little."

Recognizing his new identity, Amane wasn't affected by this situation and managed to act normally, picking up Mahiru in his arms and carrying her to the car, seating her in the back seat and fastening her seatbelt.

When he saw her skirt ride up a bit, Amane saw the top of her nylon leggings. However, he didn't waste much time looking, pulling the skirt down over her thick legs.

"Oh, you touched my butt!" Mahiru shouted, but she didn't seem really upset, just stating the obvious, even acting a bit provocatively due to the alcohol.

"You liked it, don't lie." Mahiru asked Amane.

Amane simply smiled.

"I know you liked it. You're such an idiot man." She turned to Chitose, who got into the car in the back seat, and said, "He loves a girl's butt." She pouted.

"Hehe." Chitose giggled.

When Amane, who sat in the driver's seat, looked in the rearview mirror, he saw Chitose smiling provocatively, and they exchanged a smile.

In Chitose's eyes, there seemed to be emotions, as if she was trying to convey something to him through her gaze.

Using the god's eyes, Amane saw her profile.


[Profile: Chitose Shirakawa (Level: 6)]

[18 years old]

[Sex count: 31 (4 times reached orgasm)]

[Anal sex count: 0]

[Male partners: [1] Itsuki Akazawa]

[Most recent partner: Itsuki Akazawa]

[Current state: Wants to try anal sex...]


'Huh? They've been together for more than three years and have only had this amount of sex?' Amane thought: 'And... Apparently, Itsuki, her boyfriend, wasn't lying, she does indeed want to have anal sex.'

Then, Amane looked at Mahiru.


[Profile: Mahiru Shiina (Level: 8)]

[18 years old]

[Sex count: 24 (2 times reached orgasm)]

[Anal sex count: 0]

[Male partners: [1] Amane Fujimiya]

[Most recent partner: Amane Fujimiya]

[Current state: Ah, why does Amane like a girl's butt so much?]


'This is even more pitiful...' Amane thought, shaking his head.

Looking back at Chitose, she was still smiling peculiarly.

When the car started driving down the road, Amane still felt Chitose's intense gaze on him. Every time he looked back, her eyes would avert, but not before secretly looking at him.

After seeing her profile and knowing the change he brought by taking over this body, everything became more understandable. Especially because of what Mahiru said before.

There were many people on the road and, after a few minutes of loud music, Mahiru was snoring in the back seat. Now, only Chitose was awake, looking out the window.

Realizing he needed gas, Amane said: "I'll need to stop at a gas station."

In the rearview mirror, he saw Chitose smile at him and nod.

When they reached the nearest gas station, Amane got out of the car to go to the pump and saw Chitose get out as well.

She walked to the convenience store at the station. However, on the way, she turned and looked at Amane, walking back to him.

"Do you want anything from the store?" she asked. Her voice was a bit deeper and cheerier than most girls, but still feminine.

"No, I'm fine."

"I'm going to smoke a bit," she said, turning and walking away.

'Did she smoke?' Amane couldn't recall seeing such a scene in the memories belonging to this body.

From behind, Amane watched her. Her butt wasn't big; in fact, it was even smaller than Mahiru's, but it looked incredibly mischievous under the red dress.

When Amane finished filling the tank, she returned.

"I didn't know you smoked," Amane said.

"I really don't, only when I'm drunk or upset."

"Do you want me to drive to a park for you to smoke? You obviously can't smoke here. Nor in my car," Amane said.

"Yes, a park would be good. Thank you." Saying this, she went back to the car and closed the door.

Getting into the car, Amane started driving down the road.

From the inherited memories, Amane knew there was a park just ahead.

When they reached the park, Amane parked nearby.

Mahiru was still sleeping soundly.

Getting out of the car, Chitose got out too, and the two walked under the tall oaks that shaded the green grass of the park. There was a wooden bench along the way, slightly hidden by a grove of oaks.

"Want to sit there?" Amane asked.


Walking to the bench, side by side, they sat down.

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