
Rise of the God of Kouh

Alex was granted a second chance at life. Though of course he ended up as his least liked character, Issei Hyoudou. Now he has to work hard to lose the title he has and become respected. Though of course he sets his sights on an ambitious goal—to become the greatest Emperor the world has ever seen. Having gone out with a bang in his first life, he is determined to savor every moment of his newfound existence. Yet, as memories of his previous endeavors linger, an audacious idea takes root: perhaps it's time to explore the untapped potential of world domination.

Phantom_M0narch · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Would you please wakeup now... or you could stay in bed, but I'm not going down on you! Wake up mister, wake up mister, wake up mis!"

Groaning I slammed my hand down unto the location of the sound ending it. I suddenly freeze as I slowly look up to see a right hand on top of the alarm clock. I slowly looked into my shoulder before grinning.

"I have a right arm!" I jumped off the bed before stopping as my grin got wider. "And I can walk!" 

I danced around the room in excitement testing out my legs and my new arm. Though that only lasted for a while as I froze when I looked at myself in the mirror hanging in the wall on my room, horror struck me. The person I saw in the mirror was the pervert Issei Hyoudou. Great I was stuck as the greatest pervert in the entire universe, that meant I was in Highschool DxD.

Now that I am Issei I should have the Boosted Gear, maybe I should ask Ddraig what has happened so far, if I am to plan on what to do I need to know how far in the story I am. I closed my eyes and focused.

"Ddraig... can you hear me?" I waited for a few minutes and when no reply came I frowned and got dressed for school. I thought I was wrong and maybe I didn't get the Boosted Gear, I was in the bathroom combing my hair when I got a reply.

"You are not that pervert I was with, who are you?"

"My name is Alex Silverstone, well I guess it is now Issei Hyoudou. I was reborn in this world and I guess I am taking over this body. I hope we can be great partners. If you want, just look through my memories." I replied out loud as I looked at my hair in the mirror "God's my hair is long, I need a haircut."

"You, really are amazing." Ddraig spoke up I could hear the amazment in his voice. "I see that from your memories and knowing our goal I know we will make great partners, I shall even train you in using your Sacred Gear."

"Thank your, friend. Now, if I may ask. What has happened so far before I took over this body?"

"Today is Sunday. Yesterday you or well the pervert was killed on his date with the Fallen Angel. He was then turned into a devil by the Gremory Heiress and you were brought back here."

"This will change things greatly." I muttered as I walked back into my room as I got changed into my uniform and got my backpack looking at all the perverted things in my room I grabbed my phone and took picture of everything and put them for sale online and anything else I just threw into a box. I walked down to the kitchen seeing my new parent sitting down eating breakfast.

"Morning Issei." My father spoke. I greeted him back. "Whats with the box?"

"Just some stuff from my room I plan to throw away." I left grabbed my shoes and left the house, stopping at a dumpster to dump everything before flattning the box and putting it next to the others.


With great time I had managed to get to school in no time at all. I was lucky to find a list of my classes in his backpack so I found no trouble going to my classes. And to be honest the classes were really easy as I had already studied almost all of it in my past life.

Right now I was leaning against a wall with my two "friends" Matsuda and Motohama. They were talking about some show Motohama had got, a porno to be exact. Sighing I stood straight and looked at them.

"Listen guys, I need to be going. Besides I don't wanna be part of the Perverted Trio any more." I started to walk away ignoring the two as they tried to get me to go back.

A hour later I found myself at a park with a fountain. Walking toward it I realized what was going to happen. Lets see according to my wish to those gods I should have some new powers if they kept their word. I closed my eyes and focused as I sought out any other ability besides the Sacred Gear and after a few minutes I found the gift I wished for.

The first was, Skill Creation a ability that aloud me to create new powers. If I am to defeat a Fallen Angel I need to be immune their light-magic and holy-weapons.

Skill Created: Light Magic Immunity

Skill Created: Holy-Weapon Immunity

"So that is how it works." I muttered as I heard the robotic voice speak in my head. "Ddraig, can I use Dragon Shot at this moment withought training?"

"Yeah you should be able to but it will drain you alot."

"Great." I grinned.

"Look what we have here." I turned my head from the fountain and spotted the man walking out from the dark shade of a tree. "I see no symbol, no instant teleporting... in that case I assume you are a stray, so killing you will be no problem." Raising a hand I flipped the man off before leaping over the fountain and racing off to a secluded spot away from humans. Suddenly feathers dropped in front of me as the man dropped next to me.

"Running away is not very nice at all. And flipping me off was your worst mistake!" He snarled as a neon blue spear flashed into his hand.

"And killing a person is?" I countered as I got ready for a fight. "Look I have things to be doing why don't you go away?"

"You are one annoying brat!" The man snarled as he threw the spear at me. Instead of killing me like he expected the spear shattered against my skin not even leaving a stratch.

New Skill Copied: Light Spear

I grinned as I clenched my fist as a light-spear formed. Though mine was red and had had a traight shaft that split into two prongs that twisted around each other before ending in a sharp edge.

"What in the...!" The man took a step back in shock. "Thats not possiable! No devil can light spear withought being in great pain!?"

"Oh but you see I am no normal Devil." I grinned, as I spun the spear around walking to the Fallen Angel. 

"Screw this, i'll let someone else deal with you!" He summoned his wings as he rose and went to fly away but screamed as he fell when the lightspear tore through his right wing, before another spear ripped through his left one. The Fallen fell like a rock hitting a lightpost before hitting the ground.

"Oh there is no excape." I called out as I walked to him. I grabbed his head and activated the Boosted Gear. I could see the panic and fear in his eyes. "Dragon Shot" There was a burst of energy from my palm as the fallens body shook violently before going still as smoke exited from his ears, eyes and mouth.

"Wow that was... scary." Ddraig shuddered. "Remind me not to piss you off."

"Very funny, now I didn't think I would be so tired afterwards, seems I am going to need to start training to be able to use that ability again." I grunted as I cracked my neck. I dropped the body of the Fallen as it vaperised into dust.

"I can tell, you will be the greatest weilder of my gear in all of history. And with this... Skill Creation? You will be stronger." Ddraig replied after a while of thinking.

"Ddraig, if we are to work as partners... we will need to train even harder. You know what's to come in the future."

"Yes... and to find out this world I live in is an anime where you are from was a shock.... I sense someone coming." Right as he finished a red circle appeared and four people stepped out. A white haired loli, a blonde boy, a raven haired girl, and a red haired girl. They seemed socked to find me standing in the middle of a burnt corpse a bunch of black feathers and a fedora.

"Issei what happened here? I thought you where in danger of a Fallen Angel?" Rias asked confused. I simply stood and pointed to the corpse.

"That's him right there. I was never really in danger. Just so you know, I don't take kindly being taken advantage off." I replied. "You could have simply asked me instead of letting me die before reviving me as a devil." I turned and summoned my devil wings and flew back home. 

"They are going to ask questions."

"Oh I know."