
Rise of the Demon

Seth lived an unfortunate life, suffering from other's actions until it all came to an abrupt end. The nineteen-year-old wakes in another world as a demon named Zephyrion. But he's not any demon; no, he's a level 4 Slinktail, a bottom feeder of demon kind. With a second chance at life, Zephyr vows he won't let it go to waste. No longer would he be a doormat for others and refuse to fall prey to demons and humans alike. Oblivious to the ripple effect his actions cause, Zephyr only focuses on what will make him happy- even if that means crushing others in the process! With this new approach to life, will Zephyr and demon kind go up in flames or is he exactly what they've been waiting for? -- Chapters updated daily -- Cover image commissioned by @if._art Instagram: @kelly_starrz Discord: https://discord.gg/sgUWUrSxYN Discord: Kelly_Starrz#5020

Kelly_Starrz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Tension at Camp

Zephyr took his sweet time returning to the camp. Along the way, he managed to steal some clothes that were still left outside on a line to dry. When he scooped them up, they were solid from the freezing temperatures. He wasn't discouraged, meaning to dry them in front of the fire.

His clothes were utterly filthy, covered in blood, and a little too worn and torn. It didn't usually bother him, but once he saw those clothes and the leathers, well, it was easy pickings for something that was a little bit pricy. It was their fault anyway, leaving their clothes out like that. 

Trudging back through the icy temperatures, the night sky clouded, and the darkness swallowing up the countryside past the villages, Zephyr's thoughts returned to what happened. He'd gathered the courage to kill another being. This time, it wasn't out of the necessity to survive. 

Zephyr sought them out, intending to slay them or face the consequences. In their place, he'd killed his bullies and discovered that even when their faces faded and returned to the guards, he'd enjoyed it. There was also the part where a darkness shimmered beneath his scales, some sort of dark energy or force that made him a little intoxicated and diminished any fatigue.

If it was possible, he would try to research it. Maz, Garzon or Tez were the only other demons he was convinced would know about such powers. He couldn't ask Tez because of the language barrier, and Maz was already trying to hide what he suspected was similar to what had happened tonight. Garzon was out of the question, he would probably beat the shit out of him.

Zephyr would think of something, he was bound to figure it out, even if it meant experimenting more in the meantime. Not now though. Those dark powers may have reenergised him, and healed some of his wounds but there was quite a walk to return to camp and he was eager to get these frozen clothes dried and changed into. 

When Zephyr finally returned to camp, everyone was up eating by the campfire. Dain and Arikig sat to the side, eating while the Draegorths quietly discussed things among themselves. With a sigh, he dropped the small pouch he managed to steal last minute and tossed it to the ground by Garzon, who peered down at him from his height—yes, the monster was still taller than him whilst seated—and stared silently, as did everyone else at camp. 

Zephyr ignored it and propped up a small line near the fire by the Slinktails and placed the frozen clothes over it. Nobody commented on the bloodied attire Zephyr wore or the early time he returned. He sat down on a cut tree trunk used as a stool beside Dain just as Fig exited the Draegorths tent. 

She watched him, a knowing glint in her eyes before Garzon grabbed her roughly by the waist and forced her into his lap. Zephyr accepted the small plate of food from and ate quietly beside him, his thoughts returning to those powers and the humans and Slinktails. 

Dain silently sent him a questioning look, but Zephyr didn't comment. This was no place to discuss secret matters, especially with Arikig, who was also sitting with them and the Draegorths across the fire. "I guess the blood isn't yours then?" Dain chuckled, causing Tez and Maz to look in their direction, grins tugging on their strange lips. 

Was that something to boast over? Clearly so. They raised their water skins to him. "Not so useless after all," Maz joked, then looked to Garzon. "What ya think, Gaz?"

The Skullhead Draegorth grumbled something incoherent, his mouth frowning as he seemed to be looking in Zephyr's direction. He was still trying to figure out how the fucker could see because he sure as hell hadn't found his eyes yet. Tension straightened the Draegorths' backs, and they didn't look back at Zephyr again, returning to their stew. 

Any form of friendliness from the Draegorths dispersed, making it clear Garzon really didn't like him. Zephyr kept his head down, eating his food and tuning into the Draegorth's conversation after hearing Skullhead use his name.

"You're getting a little too friendly with him." Garzon knocked his head in Zephyr's direction. 

The Slinktail glanced at Garzon, frowning slightly as he realised he was speaking to Fig. 

"Don't be jealous," Fig cooed, hands slipping to the top of his waistband, her body pressing into him, tail curling around a part of his leg where they sat. "Green doesn't suit you."

"Careful, Fig." Silence followed his words, and a cold wind blew across them. Zephyr looked back at them, realising why Fig hadn't tried to diffuse the growing tension. Garzon was holding her by the throat, face close to hers.

It was an intimidation tactic, one reminding him of those awful people he once called parents. His mind wandered to them in the firelight, his thoughts turning dark.

A tap on Zephyr's shoulder snapped him out of his reverie, turning his attention to Dain, who was already standing. "You stink."


"Let's bathe. Arikig is on duty this evening." Zephyr glanced at the Slinktail who'd only just recovered. Usually, Dain would still be doing chores, sometimes splitting a few with Zephyr if he returned early enough. Most of the time, he didn't.

Zephyr preferred to be out there with the people, even if he was running around a lot of the time. It meant he was growing stronger, his stamina better, and he was learning more about the location and the people. 

"Bathe?" Zephyr stood, looking around for a tub of water in the snowy field. 

Dain rolled his eyes, pushing Zephyr away from the campfire and the station where he left his bowl for Arikig to clean up. "You can afford a room tonight, right? You steal enough, and I'm not having your stench in the tent for another night!"

"Alright, alright!" Zephyr held his hands up in surrender.

Once they retrieved what they needed, Dain bowed his head at the Draegorths in farewell for the night. Zephyr refused to do so and stepped out of the way when Dain tried to push his head down again. Garzon's large arms crossed at that, his attention fixed on Zephyr, though a small smirk tugs on the side of his lips. 

"Zephie," Maz began almost in a coo, which was bizarre coming from a minotaur with a hoop pierced between his nostrils. Zephyr glanced at him, his body a little rigid, until he saw Maz's hold on Fig, his hands clasped onto her shoulders from behind. She looked more relaxed after whatever heated discussion she had with Garzon. 

"Return by first light. Don't be late," Maz ordered before lifting Fig over his shoulder and striding back to his tent, followed by Garzon.

Any questions Zephyr had died on his lips, and he turned away, following Dain.

✧ ✧ ✧

Who knew bathing would feel like such a luxury? His muscles were only tight after walking back and forth to camp after his little stunt with the humans. Now, after getting rid of the grime on his scales, which was actually a lot, and wiping some of the blood away, he felt a little more human- well- like himself. Whatever that was now.

A normal bed was also a luxury. Zephyr had slept rough a few times on the streets when he first ran away from his parents, so it wasn't as though he wasn't used to it. As soon as his body hit the bedding, though, he passed out, any concerns fading away.

When dawn approached, Zephyr and Dain were up. Because of the early start, they didn't venture far from camp. Zephyr was in his new clothes, which fortunately fit him well. It didn't look like the rags for clothes would fall from his hips or apart. 

Zephyr didn't want anything swanky either, which would make him stand out where he was not meant to. It was already hard keeping his tail and face hidden during the daylight hours, let alone avoiding more unwanted attention because he'd dress better than most in these rural villages. 

"You gonna tell me what happened last night?" Dain asked on a yawn as the campsite was like a small dot in the distance while they traipsed through the thick snow. 

"Not much to tell," Zephyr shrugged. "Humans jumped me. They thought I was one of their prisoners."

Dain stilled at his words. "Prisoners? They're passing through again?"

"Seems so." Zephyr's steps paused as he realised Dain was behind him now.

"You killed them…"

"Yeah. Why?" Zephyr peered at him, searching for some sort of answer on the Slinktail's face when he wasn't answering.

"Where was this?"

"West of Iron Hold. One of the villages bordering Emerald Gate. Why?"

"Fuck." Dain placed his hand above his blind eye, clearly stressed. It was his only tell besides swearing. "They're either gonna create bigger parties to hunt us and or send someone to investigate. Neither is good."

"The dwarves, they can't do anything?" Zephyr waited while Dain caught up to him again, sighing heavily.

"Dwarves are fucking useless against the Valorian Empire. They only have Iron Hold and reside in the mountains mostly undisturbed because of their craftsmanship and trading goods."

"This is all speculation, Dain," Zephyr said quietly as the camp grew bigger the closer they got and the morning light was rising in the distance. "Don't worry that pretty little head of yours just yet." He tried to lighten the mood, allowing himself to worry instead. 

They'd made a little home here for now. Zephyr was satisfied with it and the progress he was making; he wasn't about to let some humans ruin his plans. He could already tell there would be trouble on the horizon, and although the guards he fought the night before was easy, it most likely wouldn't be the case for anyone new sent their way.