
The Real Mission

The Browncloud Station was only large enough to cover about 70,000 square meters of land, covered by a dome or whatever was left of it.

Dark black fumes were escaping into the skies from this station as chaos brewed along with the cries of horror and despair.

Debris was still falling down from the half-destroyed dome while the large front gates were already smashed open.

But the frightening sight for any human would be the fifty giant black hounds standing in the air, spread across the entire station. It was as if they were staying in the air to make sure nobody could escape by flying away. Their expressions were ferocious, to say the least, as spittle constantly dripped down their huge maws. Their dark red eyes looked as bloodthirsty as they could get. There was no question that they could sniff any living being from miles away and shred them to pieces.