
Rise of the Alpha cat

Being born a WereCat in a werewolf community is equivalent to an abomination. So when Jason is born a WereCat after getting the Feline gene from his father's side, his parent even hide the truth from him and everyone else in the Pack. When his Cat starts talking to Jason, he thinks he is running mad but his father explains everything to him, killing his thoughts of him being a human. Now. He is pressured with the secret of his true identity. Nobody must find out and HE MUST NOT SHIFT. It was all going well until he shifts to save him and his cousin's life. Then his life takes a drastic turn. This book tells of how Jason gets banished, and how he finds love, rises from a cast out Omega to the rank of an Alpha.

Ryker_XI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

First love

"DO YOU KNOW what this is?" Jake asked, dropping the heart on Arthur's desk, the next day at school. We were at the science laboratory, waiting for our teacher to arrive.

The boys crowded round again. There were gasps of shock and disgust as they recognised it.

"Incase you haven't figured it out by now, it's the heart of a Vampire... that I killed."

There were gasps every where.

"Y-you ripped its heart out?" Zach said in his usual tiny voice.

"I sure did."

"How?" Arthur asked, still staring warily at the heart.

"Well..." He brought out my knife and showed the boys. "when we were attacked..."

I zoned him out and smiled. He was going to tell them how he had fought three Vampires on his own and at the end of it all, he had used my knife to dig through their chest and rip out their hearts.

That was the story we had agreed upon. I glanced around and my eyes fell on Lily. She sat at the other end of the class. And I was in love with her.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that I've had a massive crush on Lily since like the seventh grade.

So, as I stared at her, I was lost in her beauty. I found it hard to speak to her when we met, she made me tongue tied.

She glanced up and stared at me, our eyes met, I hastily reverted my gaze but not before I caught the beginning of her smile.

"Go speak with her." Jake whispered by my side.

I had no idea when he finished his story and had crept to my side and caught me staring.

"What? I can't. I don't what to say." I replied, facing the opened book on our table.

"Here.  Take this." He brought out the morteaux flower and pushed it in my hand. "Give her this. It would open up a conversation."

"You'd really give me this?"

He was supposed to use it to top his status status more.

"Ofcourse. Take it. Give it to her."

"You think she'll like it?" I didn't know why but I wasn't so sure of myself.

"She'll love it. Go on. There's no one with her right now." Jake urged me on.

I held the flower tight and shuffled over to her. I coughed to get her attention. When she looked up, I asked, "I-is there anyone here?" I gestured to the empty space beside her.

"No. You can sit." She flashed me a smile.

I sat down beside her and her cool flowery scent enveloped me.

"Um, i wanted to g-give you this." I held out the flower and noticed that the stalk has bent in my tight grip.

"Shit, its bent." I muttered under my breath.

"It's alright. Its beautiful." She took it from my hand and put it to her nose. "This was what took you out of our territory, huh?"

"Yeah." I replied, I was getting comfortable. "I got it for you."

She blushed. My chest swelled. I was happy when she threw me a look from under her lashes.

"Thank you."

I was about to move back to sit with Jake when Mis Alice walked in. She was an Elf and she was our science teacher.

I dropped back and sat beside Lily. Ms Alice said everyone would be partners in this arrangement for the rest of the term. I couldn't believe my luck. We did our practical work, my hands brushed Lily's a couple of times and I felt an electric current zip through my whole arm.

"Tell me what happened when you were attacked by the Vampires." Lily whispered as she held a test-tube over a burnsen burner.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. My Dad won't share the details that Alpha told him with me."

"I'll tell you everything." I assured her. "Even what we withheld from the Alpha."

"You will?" The look on her face showed she didn't expect me to agree.

"Tonight. Under the large Oak tree. I'll tell you. Will you come?" I whispered as we finished up our cge practical.

I looked around and we were the first to finish. Jake was grouped with Mart. He had a look on his face like he was regretting urging me to come talk with Lily.

Mart was not looking like he was having a good time too.

Ms Alice came to inspect our work and she was satisfied with it. The bell rang and we all packed our things and got up.

"I'll see you tonight." Lily said and she pressed a kiss on my cheek, in front of everybody in the class.

I stood, rooted in a spot and blood rushed to my face.

"She likes you, too." Jake came to stand by my side. "She likes you too." He repeated like I didn't hear him the first time.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so." He said. "What's happening with you two tonight?"

He ounded like he was in another room on water and was drifting farther away as the message that maybe Lily likes me too sank in my head.

"She likes me." I whispered to myself.


"She likes me." I repeated.

I had an ear to ear grin pastered to my face throughout the day.

Jake kept pestering me on what was happening tonight but I refused to answer him. My eyes kept drifting to the clock. Waiting and watching for the time of school closes.

It seemed like the clock was against me and just slowed down.

Finally, the closing bell rang.

I must have been the first student to run out the gate. I didn't even wait for Jake. Although I heard him calling my name from behind and yelling at me to wait up.


NOBODY WAS HOME when I arrived. Dad would be with the Alpha, sorting out issues of the Pack. Mum would be wherever it is that she went. Harry's school closed a full hour before ours, so he's had enough time to wash-up, eat and then headed out to play.

I was just fine with the house being empty and me being alone. I ate from the microwave and rushed upstairs to pick what I'll wear.


"AW SHIT! JAMIE, have you gotten yours?" Claude said, walking towards the Alpha and showing him the phone.

"Gotten what?" the Alpha said, looking lost.

"Don't you ever open your email?"

"Only when I'm forced." Jamie said, now having a sheepish look on his face.

He relaxed back and opened his email. "Can't you just tell me what it is?"

"Read it yourself."

He read the email and groaned loud. "Oh no! Not now! Why now?"

"My thoughts exactly."

They had received emails telling them an impromptu meeting would be held tonight.

"We just had a meeting less than six months ago." Jamie said, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palm.

"We can't miss it. We have to go."  Claude said.

"I know. I'm sure it has to do with the proposed Werecats those crazy Feys are ranting about." If Jamie was watching Claude, He'd have seen the latter stiffen a bit at the word 'Werecats'

"Probably. Get dressed. It's almost twilight. I'll get Gibson."

Claude walked out of the office while Jamie sat in his sit, staring at the laptop screen blankly.