
Nice to see you again

Maple was panting hard when she reached the basement. She slowed down her pace and began to walk steadily. She was happy but at the time, she was not sure if being the assistant of Mr. Black was right decision. He always had this black and intimidating aura around him. Maple thought in her mind, 'I wonder how he is going to torture me later on'. But, she put aside her thoughts because she wanted to celebrate her accomplishment of passing the interview. Her precious pocketmkney was not spent in vain in taking those 'smiling classes' where they teach you how to smile. They actually teach very professionally too. They point out every muscle used for smiling, and how much pressure to put into a particular muscle to achieve amazing results. This smile was what made Mr. Black choose her. Because Maple was on verge of crying when she was rejected by both Top Gun and Flame Thrower. She really wanted fo cry, but her training in smiling class prompted her to smile even in a desperate sitaution which led to an outstanding result. Getting this job is a blessing or a disaster, the fate will decide. Anyway, when she reached her parking spot, she noticed that her cycle was lying on the ground. This was not how she had left her cycle. Furthermore, her beutiful pink cycle was also spray painted a violent black and green combination. Although, the cycle looked much better, but she had custom made that pink color becuase she loves that color. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry. Her cycle now lookex much better than it used to. If she had known, this was goibg to happen, she wouldn't have spent her meager precious pocket loney on customizing the cycle color. While maple was in thought, skmeone approached her and hit Maple's back hard. Maple almost fell to the ground. She turned aorund, only to find Miss Hua standing there. Miss Hua saw a smug smile on Maple's face, instead of an agitated or frustrated look. She expected these looks becuase everyone always were disgusted by her 'unladylike' behavior in aristocratic society. Becuase she didn't get what she was expecting of Maple, she liked this girl even more. On the other hand, Maple stretched out her hand for Miss Hua to pull her up. Miss Hua was confused and didn't know what to do. She just stared at Maple unblinkingly. Maple rolled her eyes at Miss Hua, stood up and explained seriously, like she was explaining it to a child, " When you hit your friend on back, and kf your friend falls down, you are supposed to give her your hand and pull her up. I understand you are from rich family, and doesn't like to extend your hand to others. So, I did you a favor and extended my hand towards you to pull me up. Sigh. But you are just too dense. I don't know, why I have such a foolish friend".

Miss Hua began to laugh, she said "Who is your friend? I don't have foolish and weak friends".

Maple: "Who are you calling foolish and weak?"

Miss Hua: "You"

At this time, it was especially amusing to watch Maple's face showing all kinds of twisted funny expressions.

Miss Hua continued: "You don't even know my name and you call me your friend? Ridiculous. I just patted you on your back and you fell down. And even need my help to stand up? Aren't you weaker than a great great grandfather?"

Maple had a dark expression on her face.

Miss Hua noticed it and continued to rub salt on her wound: " Also you are so weak that you cannot even protect your cycle from my spray paint. And you say, you are my FRIEND? Ha..Ha..haaaa

The next second Maple's dark expression was replaced by sparkling eyes. Miss Hua who was laughing as a witch chocked on her own saliva becuase she didn't expect this.

Now, seeing Miss Hua's expression, it was Maple's turn to laugh and rub salt.

Maple: "Oh My..My...Look who we have here, 'A cowardly tiger who did something it wasn't supposed to and now is so scared out of its wits that it wants to commit suicide by choking on their own saliva'".

Maple quickly took out her phone and clicked a photo of a shocked Miss Hua and said, " Well, this moment should go down in history and I shall be the one to make sure it does". Maple gave an evil smirk to already agitated Miss Hua.

Miss Hua: Alright, Let's make a deal. You delete that photo and I will tell you my name? How does that sound to you?

Maple: sounds like bulls***. It would be such an injustice to lose an important part of our history.

Miss Hua who didn't expect Maple to back down anyway didn't look surprised at all. But, she hadn't dealt with a situation like this before and thus didn't know what to do except stand there like a mannequin infront of Maple.

Maple understanding the situation said, " Alright, Miss Tiger. Don't worry. Let me give you a treat since I passed the interview".

Follow me and I will take you to a magnificent place. Maple turned around and headed towards her vandalized bike.

Miss Hua shouted at Maple's back: Who are you calling a tiger? Am I a pet to you? My name is Jasmine. So, address me with

respect. Wait ... for me. Why are you running away?"

Jasmine quickly jogged up to Maple and began to walk side by side with her. Maple only chuckled slightly not saying a wkrd to Jasmine.

Maple halted infront of hee vandalized bike. Took the helmet and gave it to Jasmine, saying, "wear it my little tiger. I don't want you getting hurt before I release you to your jungle again".

*jungle in the sense, before Maple sends Jasmine back to her home.

Jasmine: I told you to call me Jasmine. And I am not riding this filthy bike. It is not befitting my status.

Maple: get on it or leave

Jasmine mumbled: how rude. Hmm.

But she sat back behind Maple without further whining. Maple sat on front and told her it was going to be the time of her life. And just like that she began paddling her bike to take Jasmine to a wonderful place.