
Rise of Roman Empire: Nero Claudius (Fate)

A tyrant, an artist, an emperor—Nero Claudius. When the twisted mind of the sociopathic genius suddenly found herself as none other than a tyrant herself, Rome will never be the same again. [Evil MC] [Incest] [Yuri] [Yandere] [FGO] [Ancient Rome]

Fourth_Reich · Komik
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31 Chs

Song of Evil and Good

After weeks of journeying through Gaul, a messenger from Rome finally arrived at General Vindex's location. 

Vindex frowned when he saw the contents of the decree in his hand. 

Why did they suddenly want to demote him? It's not what he agreed upon with Agrippina. 

Did she want to break her promise?

He ignored the part where Emperor Nero invited them all to her banquet and marshaled their legions for her grand march against the Parthian Empire; their concerns were not as significant as his demotion. 

"Are you sure it was the Emperor who sent this?" he asked.

"The stamp proves it, General," the messenger replied respectfully. 

"The Emperor didn't have us in her eye, General. Are you sure you would tolerate this disrespect?" The legate (commander) beside him roared in anger when he saw the contents of the letter. 

"We would support you in seeking justice from the Emperor, General, if you will it."

Vindex saw that only a minority of his men present were excited at the prospect, while the majority showed no expression; they were neither excited nor angry at the remark. 

He knew that he had won some support if he rebelled, but not all. Even if he dominated Gaul, Caesar Nero owned the place. 

It would be impossible for him to win if he did that.

He would lose the support of the soldiers under his command if he agreed to his legate's suggestion, and he would be defeated by them in no time, becoming a stepping stone for Caesar's rise. 

He was not so stupid as to do such an irrational act. 

So, he fluently diverted their attention from the topic and amiably accepted the decree. "If this is what the Emperor means, then I will welcome Vespasian in the camp."

The messenger sighed in relief when he saw that Vindex didn't act unreasonably and flattered. "The Emperor would be pleased, General. As long as you keep your record clean and do your duty, you will be promoted in no time by the Emperor." 

Vindex was doubtful about that remark; nonetheless, he invited the messenger for a drink. 

It was not out of goodwill, but he wanted to understand Rome's political landscape through the messenger.

The messenger, unaware of Vindex's intentions, gladly accepted the invitation, as he was already tired from the week-long journey and in need of relaxation under the hospitality of General Vindex. 

Poor messenger, he didn't even know that he was being used as a tool by others, blissfully ignorant and joyful as he was poured a drink by General Vindex himself.


In a quaint tavern on the outskirts of Rome known as Suburbia, a captivating scene unfolded.

A young woman with blonde hair and striking green eyes held the patrons in rapt attention as she regaled them with her dark and enthralling tales. 

From the very beginning to the end of her narrative, they hung on her every word.

However, as she concluded her story and transitioned into song, a collective realization swept over them, and they swiftly reached for earplugs, safeguarding themselves from her rather dreadful singing.

It was a unanimous consensus that this woman possessed a remarkable gift for storytelling, but her singing was, unfortunately, quite the opposite. 

In fact, it was so grating on their ears that they found it necessary to muffle the sound with earplugs. 

Yet, despite this discordant note, they chose to remain in the tavern. 

The allure of a beautiful noblewoman willingly mingling in the humble setting of Suburbia was a rare and opulent sight indeed.

Though they couldn't quite put their finger on it, there was something about this young woman's features that vaguely reminded them of Emperor Nero. 

However, they chose not to delve too deeply into this peculiar association.

It seemed improbable that she was the Emperor herself, and it was more likely that she was a relative. 

They had heard tales of Emperor Nero's sisters and wife sharing similar features, and so they concluded that she must be connected to the imperial family in some way.

Despite the chick's stunning beauty, none of the individuals present dared to provoke her.

She was not without protection; a group of devout church members shielded her vigilantly. 

They even went to the extent of assigning a saint to be constantly by her side for added security.

This made others think twice before doing anything that might harm the blonde girl with green eyes.

Even without protection, the chick herself was formidable and fearsome when seeking revenge. 

There were two men who attempted to harass her sexually, but their fate was no better. 

Their manhood was severed from their trousers, and they were forced by the chick to become dancers in the tavern, wearing scandalous outfits, while being publicly shamed.

Now, as they watched the two fools dance clumsily in front of them, with the chick singing a terrifying song, a chill ran down their spines. 

Despite the terrible deeds she has done, the chick was known for her boundless generosity.

She would occasionally treat them to free drinks at the tavern. 

Furthermore, her philanthropic inclinations led her to make charitable donations, imbuing her with a contradictory nature—one capable of remarkable kindness and vile deeds done in the name of evil.

It was like a rollercoaster of kindness and evil all wrapped into one fine package. 

So, as long as they didn't step on her toes or do anything stupid, they were good.

They could just chill in the tavern, sipping on their drink, and soak in the wild tale that was this chick spouted off. 

It's a wild ride, but it's a ride worth staying on.