
Rise Of God Of Origin

There was 'void Thousand years' in the history, No one knows what happened in those Thousand years. Even till this day it's a mystery what happened during those 'Void Thousand years'. All the planets in the universe are connected to a world called 'Akhiabara'. No one knows the secret behind why every small or big or any other world is connected to this world 'Akhiabara'. But Many people of higher cultivation base speculate that the mystery and the truth behind the 'Void thousands year's is hidden in' Akhiabara' It is a magic world where magic and monsters exist. People from all other world converge there and explore this world. Even after millions of years later more lands are still unexplored. There live all kind of races such as Dragons, Pheonix's, Demon's, Gaints, Elves, Vampire, Dwarfs etc.. 'Akhiabara' a world where only strong rules over weak, There are fourteen kingdoms named upon seven 'virtues and sins'. Join Raven Averill as he fights and discovers the secrets behind this phenomena and rise to top of the world with his womens together with him. And create a legend.

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15 Chs

Spending pleasant time with Ellane and Aria

There were many deep two to three inches cuts on the ground, They were done by 'Plum blossom' leaves of Raven's sword technique.

"Yes Darling it was a beautiful technique." said Ellane and approached him.

Raven smiled when he heard Ellane and Aria's praise he had created this technique after many trial and errors.

"But if you use this technique with a footwork technique it will be even more deadly." Said Ellane and Both Aria and Raven nodded.

"Yes you are right I will do that." Raven said.

"Alright enough for today, tomorrow I will teach you a footwork technique. Now let's go take a bath. It's already night outside."

"Alright let's go" said Raven and all of them went to take a bath together.

They always took bath together so no one was ashamed while taking bath together.

"Today was one hell of a day."Said Raven Muttered inwardly continued "So many things happened today."

"Darling let me clean your body." Said Ellane, Aria also wanted to clean his body but seeing her mother doing it she went in the bathtub.

Raven sat in the bathroom floor and let Ellane clean his body. After Ellane cleaned his body Raven also hoed her clean her body and both of them went to the bathtub and bathed.

After half an hour of soaking hot water they came out of the bathtub and dried themselves and wore clothes and left to have dinner.

Ellane prepared dinner in an hour and they ate and went to Ellane's room. It was a simple room with a big bed in the middle of the room.

Raven climbed on the bed and slept in the middle of the bed, Ellane Went to his right and Arai on his left.

"Good night Darling, Good night Aria" Said Ellane and kissed his cheeks

"Good night Mom and Raven" Aria also kissed his cheeks.

"Good night Mom and Arai" Raven kissed them both on the cheeks with his hands he pulled Ellane and Aria closer to his body. They did not resist and snuggled close to his body and slept.

The next morning they continued the routine of eating, Practicing and sleeping. They continued the same routine for the next few days.

Raven opened his eyes In the morning He saw his mother's beautiful silhouette, her long black hair was spread over her shoulders like a cascade, some strands reached Raven's face, so he could smell a slight fruity scent, her clothes were a bit messy but that only accentuated her charm, seeing her beautiful sleeping face made him mumbled.

"When she sleeps, she looks so delicate and fragile".

Raven kissed her cheek, Ellane's eyelids trembled, when she opened her eyes and saw her beloved son kiss her gently her heart felt warm, normally she is the one who wakes Raven with a kiss on the cheek, so she enjoyed the fact that this time it was the other way around.

"Hoh, it seems that my beloved son is learning to take care of me ", she said.

"Good morning, how did my beautiful mother wake up today?".

Ellane was pleased to see her son being more affectionate with her, she always saw him maintain a certain distance, After he awakened his past life's memories but now he was back to normal and even teases her sometimes.

she realized that she had a special position in her son's heart, and for some reason that she didn't understand... she loved it.

When Raven was a kid he said that when he grows up he will marry her and Arai and be their husband. She remembered that and tried to tease him.

Ellane nodded.

"Fufu, my beloved son should be rewarded for fulfilling his duties as a husband".

"Of course you should reward your husband." Raven knew she was teasing him and said that with that straight face. Ellane was taken aback by his reply.

After a few seconds she chuckled and , she immediately hugged Raven and began to kiss him repeatedly on both cheeks, Raven simply closed his eyes and enjoyed this intimate moment with his mother.

Even now he drinks his Mother's milk. Because she is a phoenix and has life attributes, Whenever he drinks her milk he recovers all his fatigue or any small injury he has after practicing.

Raven had begun to enjoy drinking Ellane's maternal milk and she could tell when he wanted to drink it, unconsciously Raven made certain gestures and upon seeing them Ellane simply exposed her breasts for her son.

"Come darling".

Raven began to gently suck on her nipple and immediately the body of his mother rewarded him with its maternal nectar, for a few minutes in the room, only the slight sounds that he made when swallowing could be heard.

Once Raven drank Ellane's milk to his heart's content, he reluctantly stopped sucking on that beautiful nipple and after taking a second glance to save the image in his memory he helped his mother cover herself again.

After Ellane left and went to cook food.When his mother left, Raven approached Aria, he was amused by her "act".

"Sis you are not convincing at all when your breath is so out of rhythm", seeing that she didn't answer nor she opened her eyes, knowing what she wanted he laid down next to her and kissed her cheek while whispering in her ears.

"You don't need to pretend, since I agreed to marry you of course I will take care of my beautiful older sister too".

Aria's face turned red as a tomato and with her eyes still closed she answered.

"G-good morning ".

Unlike Ellane who enjoyed teasing him, Aria acted like a little girl in love every time he was with her, quite different from her usual aggressive and cold attitude, which in his eyes made her look very cute.

Raven kissed her cheek once more and told her to catch up with them in the dining room, then he took a change of clothes and went to wash his face and teeth.

Raven saw her brother leaving the room and she hid her blushed face with a pillow while thinking.

"Why do I feel this tingly pleasant sensation down there every time he is close to me ?"