

"The organization doesn't make her powerful but she is the one who makes the organization powerful." Born as the only heiress to the Stones, the Country's richest family, Enola Stone was accidentally switched at birth with the Stone family maid, Bella white's daughter Antonia. So Enola Stone became Enola white and Antonia became Antonia Stone. So like that Enola became a maid to her own family. Because of Enola's high IQ and beauty, Antonia Stone was always jealous of her to the point that Enola was continuously humiliated by her. At the age of 9, Enola was framed by someone for killing her birth father's brother, David Stone. To protect Enola, her foster mother Bella took the fall for it. Even after Bella was in jail, the Stone family tried to kill her by burning her alive in revenge for David's death. Just before dying, she was found by a small Italian mafia boss cum Businessman Arnold Facci. Arnold trained her and adopted her. What will happen after 16 years when she returns back to her country as Avalina Facci, the Mafia Queen of Europe, Will she be able to take revenge on those who offended her? ...................................... "Dad what are you saying. Is she that big gangster?" Danial was surprised by his father's opinion. Old Stone was shaking his head at his son's ignorance before replying "Avalina is not just a Gangster. The one who needs a powerful Gang to win a battle is a Gangster. Avalina doesn't need her gang. The gang needs her. She alone is enough to win a  battle. " Old Stone then let out a sigh, "There is a saying in Europe's underworld: 'Everybody here is a gangster till they see the monster"' ."Daniel, that monster is Avalina. Facci organization doesn't make her powerful but she is the one who makes the Facci powerful."

S_R_K · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

To Brown Enterprise

The next morning, Avalina woke up very early. The wound that Rivaldo inflicted on her a week ago was already faded. Today was the day she was joining as his secretary. After doing some physical exercise she started getting ready for the office.

Oliver already informed her that it will take around a week to get a flat arranged in the building.

After getting ready she put on a classy yellow top with a white knee-length bodycon skirt which was given to her yesterday by Oliver. She then made her hair into a ponytail.

"Mmm... have to admit I actually look petty in these."

When Oliver got out of his room. He saw Avalina dressed in the dress he gave her yesterday, arranging breakfast on the table. For a moment he was flabbergasted by how stunning she looked. He stood there watching from there.

"mmm, the performance of male subordinates will decrease a lot ", he murmured

Avalina due to her years of training immediately realized Oliver's gaze and even heard him but didn't try to look at him. Her ears turned red but she soon reverted back. She had to focus.

"I prepared pasta for breakfast. Have a try" Oliver broke his gaze from her. He then tasted the pasta. It was the most delicious pasta he ever tasted.

"Where did you learn to cook like this" his approval was clearly expressed.

"Mmm...You will learn to cook like that if you are alone from childhood." She answered with a smile. It was true, although she was now Ava Max, the Ava she created and Avalina were both like orphans while growing up.

Oliver felt guilty to ask that. "I am sorry".

"Oh, it's okay. On the bright side, I lived quite an independent life without many nagging me."

After having breakfast they both left in Oliver's car.

"Can you not drop me before your office. I really don't want to be a part of office rumors on the first day".

"Oh right". Oliver soon stopped his car a stop before his office. He then left after telling her the directions.

As she was walking she gave Rivaldo a call. After talking for a while. She told him about his flat offer.

"....You accepted it? Why?" Rivaldo was taken aback. The closer she lived to the target the lesser he can visit her. This really upset him

She told him the reasons. Rivaldo knew there was no point in arguing so he stopped. After the call was over Rivaldo started to think of plans to spend more time with her.

As she entered the Brown Enterprise all eyes were on her.

"Who is she. She is gorgeous."

" I think she is new."

"She is definitely the pettiest woman I met since working in this office." A man spoke to another while oozing at her.

A woman near him also saw her "Even I started to doubt whether I am straight after seeing her"

Soon she became the hot topic in the office WhatsApp group.

Along with admirers, many started to feel jealous of her.

As she was in the lift she accidentally met Antonia. Since she became Oliver's fiancé she took charge as Vice president of the company. This post was specially arranged for her. This was her way to remain close to Oliver and also to ensure no one seduces her fiancé. Aside from this, she was a competent lady, after all, she was trained by Sophia.

After seeing Antonia, Avalina felt dazed for a while. All the childhood torture memories came flooding through her mind. Avalina rubbed her temple.

"Are you alright? Are you feeling dizzy". Antonia asked seeing her struggling.

"eh, no, no. Thanks for asking. You are heading to CEO's floor too?"

Antonia looked at her for a while, before speaking

"Yes, I am the vice president of the company. My office is on the same floor. What's your business at CEO's office ?"

Ava this time saw a slight hostility in her voice. Avalina right now really regretted being gorgeous.

"Oh, you are the Antonia Stone. The heiress to Stone Enterprise. I am a huge fan of yours. You actually look more gorgeous than those videos "Avalina exaggerated. She knew how much Antonia likes others' appreciation. Her major part of her plan was to get acquainted with Antonia. Through her to know more about Stone's current illegal businesses.

After hearing the appreciation all the hostility Antonia had towards Ava disappeared.

"You too are gorgeous. What's your name. You didn't answer my question."

"Oh, my bad. I am Ava Max. I am the new personal secretary to Oli...Mr. Brown" Ava was about to have a slip of tongue.

Antonia was surprised "But Oliver didn't conduct an interview for the secretary post."

Ava already expected those questions. She wanted to dodge them. After looking at some files she asked

"Ms. Stone is that heavy should I carry them for you" The best way to face a jealous fiancé is to show them that you are no match for her.

After some interaction, she convinced her to let her carry her items.

Oliver was near the lift conversing with Aleena Matthew.


He saw Ava and his fiancé exiting the lift. He saw Ava carrying Antonia's item. For a split second, he wanted to question her for using his Ava for her job but quickly decided against it.

"Hi, Oli. You look gorgeous today." She then went and kissed him on his cheek.

"Oh Hi Antonia." He then reluctantly kissed her back on her cheek. Engagement with Antonia was the only thing that kept the stock price of Brown industries intact. Even though he disliked it but he had no other choice. He then stood beside Ava.

"Antonia, Ms. Matthew this will be our new secretary Ava Max. "

Aleena looked at her ."Oh my my, you are the hot topic in our staff group." She was acting like a child who is looking at her candy. "You are really beautiful, more than the photo in the chat group"

Avalina was taken aback. She had just arrived at the office for not more than 10 min and she already attracted so much attention. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Her mission was to get acquainted with Antonia.

Avalina saw Antonia gritting her teeth.

"I don't think I am that beautiful Ms. Matthew. I even have burn marks on my face. I got them when I was a child. It might be my new dress and make-up which gives the wrong idea. To be fair I think Ms. Stone is the most beautiful here." She had to show her disadvantages to Antonia.

Aleena was about to say something, but soon understood the hidden motive behind Avalina's praise.

"Yes yes, Ms. Stone is definitely a beauty with a brilliant brain. Mr. Brown is really lucky to have her"

Avalina didn't want to make it obvious so she remained silent and nodded to what Aleena said.

"You two are flattering me," Antonia said. She was beaming with pride. She was happy that this two were praising her in front of her boyfriend.

Oliver saw all this. He knew what Ava and Aleena were doing. So he didn't say anything.

"Ava never had a formal education, but she is self-educated and really talented. I hope Ms. Matthew can train her to be a great secretary."

Both Antonia and Aleena were taken aback. Oliver hired a non-formally educated person when there were many overqualified people lining up for this job. Aleena didn't say anything but Antonia was suspicious. So looked at Oliver.

"Why Oli, you could have hired many qualified people. Why she?"

Oliver quickly made up a story

"Ava grew up in an orphanage and the father of the orphanage asked me to take her to test her capability for a job. When I did I was truly amazed by her skills. So I instantly offered her the secretary job."

Avalina inside the lift dodged this question exactly because of this situation. She wanted him to explain and also didn't want her story to contradict his.

Antonia's suspicion soon subsided. She smiled." Oh is that so. It must be hard to grow up an Orphan."

Avalina gave her a smile.

Aleena introduced Avalina to CEO's office staff. Men were delighted to meet her while some females were happy many were jealous.

Then they went to secretary's cabin.

"Your first job is to prepare a schedule for CEO brown. I will tell you how to do that." Aleena was initially doubtful of Avalina's ability but after a few hours, she came to understand why CEO chose her. She was superb and her speed of learning was out of this world. By the time it was lunch she covered what a highly qualified secretary would have taken days.

"CEO Brown, I think you have found a genius." She was in CEO's office for briefing him about a coming schedule.

Hearing her praise for Ava, he smiled.

Soon the news of Ava's qualification and ability reached other's ear but it was the lack of formal qualification which got more attention. Soon all were suspecting her for seducing Oliver.