
Fire Sale II

Will entered into the baroque-style theatre. The theatre was small, it was likely used for the Royal Academy's opening and closing ceremonies.

When Will and Mei entered with a bevy of Royal Guards, it quickly caught everyone's attention.

The first to greet Will when he walked in were Barons Curtis Carlsberg and Richard Sexton.

"Greeting Viscount vont Ballard, we did not expect to meet you so soon. We were hoping to schedule a meeting in two weeks," said Curtis vont Carlsberg bowing respectfully.

"We can meet today. Mei has told me many wonderful things about you both. If I have something you want, it's yours!" Will said jovially.

"Oh, that's great news. Thank you for graciously taking our meeting. We are excited to open our doors as soon as possible!" said Richard Sexton.

"Maybe we can discuss a few details if we sit together?" Will suggested.

"Yes, we are happy to oblige such a wonderful request!" Richard vont Sexton agreed.

With that commitment, Will and Mei approached Earl vont Hannover.

"Viscount vont Ballard it's quite unexpected to see you," Baronet vont Hernandes said cutting in front of Will.

"I believe my invitation was delayed," Will said diplomatically.

"Yes, please accept my apologies," Baron vont Hernandes said knowing his scheme was undone.

"No apology necessary, would you care to make an introduction?" Will asked.

Baronet vont Hernandes led Will to his intended target, Earl vont Hanover.

"Viscount vont Ballard, this esteemed gentleman is Earl vont Hannover," Baronet vont Hernandes bowed and left.

"Let me say first, I bear you no grudge and seek no vendetta. You and my father were both pawns in a war of succession. The prince lost, I bare more hostility to his corpse than I do to you," Earl vont Hanover explained.

"Thank you for the clarity. This may sound facetious, but I admired your father. If our families can cooperate in the future, please let me know," Will bowed and left.

The last person Will greeted was the Viscount.

"Greetings Viscount vont Claybaugh, I am—," before Will could finish the viscount interrupted him.

"I know who you are. You're the person, who suggested giving fool's gold to the prince. That little idea of yours drove several nobles, workers, and soldiers into poverty.

It took us years to claw our way back. And, just when things were back to normal the pandemic and famine struck.

I heard the plague barely affected your fiefdom. You were also the first one to export grain. Enough to feed two nations. While you were making gold, all the gold we clawed back was sent to you.

The Eastern Region is in shambles because of you. Unlike your river valley, we can't grow a lot of crops on hills. The Eastern region grows the fewest crops in the entire kingdom.

I've been waiting a long time to tell your smug little face, the pain you caused just to flush out the prince. How does it feel to know you caused a decade of destruction over one scheme!" Viscount vont Claybaugh yelled in Will's face.

"The army brought enough gold to replace the fake gold. What happened to the real gold?" Will asked.

"Much of the gold disappeared when the king and crown prince transferred our citizens to you. That's why I'm here today. I plan to sell these properties and reinvest that money back into our economy," Viscount vont Claybaugh replied.

"How can I help you?" Will asked.

"I don't want your charity. It was bad enough that you helped us by slaves. Do you know the slaves we bought ran away after a week? If you want to help buy some of these properties," Claybaugh said walking away to his seat.

Will turned to speak to a few more nobles, with whom he had a casual acquaintance. Ten minutes before the auction, Will found his seat between Baron Sexton and Carlsberg. Mei sat behind.

"What did you want to speak to me about?" Will asked looking at the auctioneer a young man with brown hair and eyes.

Carlsberg was the first to speak," we want to buy property in your city. We plan to build a larger General Store that has an endless supply. We even hired a scribe to create a catalog of our items. We bought a warehouse filled to the brim with everything. All we need now is a storefront."

"I believe I can accommodate your request. I'm willing to sell you my four Silver Phoenix stores in Yorkshire, Guidon, my family's barony, Gadreel, and my warehouses. You can even supply bicycles, tricycles, and clothes from Gadreel," Will said.

When Mei heard, Will offer to sell his General Store she was surprised. The Silver Phoenix General Stores were very profitable. First, Boss Will sold off his game patents and now his General Stores. Mei was curious what her boss was up too, but she knew Will never lost money on a deal.

"Sir., it's too good to be true. What are the terms?" said Baron Sexton

"500,000 gold spread over 25 years and 32% of the company's A-Shares," Will said.

"You want to form a partnership?" Baron Carlsberg said surprised.

"A silent partnership. I don't want my name on the building. I just want monthly dividends," Will said.

"Your 500,000 over 25 is quite generous. But 32% of our equity is a lot to give up," Baron Carlsberg began negotiating.

"No negotiation. My asking price is more than fair. You gain the most prominent locations in the capital, Guidon, Gadreel, and the Western Region. You're also buying my entire supply warehouse and a work staff that is experienced," Will said honestly.

"Then we have a deal!" The barons happily shook Will's hand. The smiles and handshakes diverted the audience's attention from the auctioneer.

"Where are you going?" Will asked as he saw the barons stand up to leave.

"We came to purchase a property. Now that we've done that, there's no reason to stay," Baron vont Sexton said before leaving.

After they left, the auctioneer began, "Before the auction begins, I'll explain to you the rules. There are hundreds of properties available. There are also a few rare properties. Until the property on display is auctioned off, the next item shall not be released. Every item shall have a starting bid, and the next bid shall be no less than 100 gold. To speed up the auction, each property has a buyout price.

Will looked at the red and white paddles in Mei's hands. The white paddle was to raise the price and the red paddle was to a buyout.

"Now for the first item, Baronet vont Hernandes' properties in Guidon. The starting price is 10,000 gold.

Pre-pandemic, Baron vont Hernandes' Guidon General Store would have sold for hundreds of thousands. Now it was being auctioned off at 10% of its original value.

Yet, no one bid. Usually, the first item auctioned was meant to warm up the buyers.

However, the auctioneers did not understand the economy. There was too much uncertainty now. Buyers didn't know yet whether a property would rise or sink in value.

As the crowd sat unmoved, the nervous host moved on to a second property.

"Our next property belongs to Viscount vont Claybaugh. While he's auctioning several properties, the first one today is outside the central district. Let's start the bidding at 2,000 gold," he said.

Again, long uncomfortable silence.

"Our third property belongs to Earl vont Hanover. It's a small shop in the Western central square. The only one of its kind being auctioned today. The bidding shall start at 1,000 gold," the host said excitedly.

The uncomfortable silence was cut short this time by Earl vont Hanover.

"Viscount vont Ballard, might you give us your take on the economy. I'm sure many people would feel more at ease if someone of your stature gave a prediction," Earl vont Hanover said with a low bow.

When the Earl finished speaking many men turned their heads to Will in agreement.

"Thank you Earl vont Hanover for the opportunity to speak. You gentlemen know me, and the way I speak. I won't hold my tongue or paint charcoal gold.

In truth, this auction was held too early. It should have been held after the Privy Council later in the week. I believe the announcement of the Privy Council would've provided you, men, with more certainty.

I'm not a fortune teller, but I'll tell what I think. Any property you buy today, you'll need to hold for at minimum five years to make money, that's if you plan to build a general store," Will advised.

"Thank you, Viscount, for your advice. I agree this auction was held too quickly, but we're here. Do you have any other advice? Maybe the advice you gave Baron Sexton and Carlsberg?" The Earl asked, that last question piqued the audience's attention.

"I have no more advice, and I did not advise the barons. We negotiated a deal. A deal that shall be formalized tomorrow. I sold my Silver Phoenix General Stores and warehouses to them for gold and A-shares," Will finished to loud gasps.

When they learned Will sold his company, they were shocked.

"You sold all your stores and warehouse, why!" Earl vont Hanover asked.

"They had a vision. They saw the future for what it could be, and I agreed.

"You sold four profitable businesses to newcomers based on their vision?" Baron vont Hernandes shouted in disbelief.

"I was a newcomer once with a vision. Look how well it turned out for me. Who's to say this won't happen for them?" Will retorted.

"Viscount, no wonder you enjoy helping young second and third sons find success? It's good a person like you exists in this world," said an elderly old grey-bearded man with a slight hunch in his back.

"Thank you, senior, your praise honors me greatly," Will bowed deeply to the old man, who smiled at the respect Will showed him.

"Thank you Viscount vont Ballard and Adviser vont Chen. Now let's resume the auction," Earl vont Hanover encouraged.

The crowd returned to their uncomfortable silence until Mei rose the red paddle.

"Sold to Viscount vont Ballard for one thousand," the host said happily.

"Next up, there's a medium storefront located in the Eastern central market. Let's start the bidding at 2,000," he said excitingly.

This time Mei raised the white paddle

"2,100 gold!" a person bid.

"2,200gold!" another yelled.


"2,700 gold!"


"3,100 gold!"


Sold to Viscount vont Ballard for 3100 gold.

"Our next property is Baron vont Hernandes large store in Yorkshire. Let's start the bidding at 5,000," the auctioneer said

"5100" Someone reported.

"5200 gold!" Shouted another


"5700," said the first bidder


6000 gold going thrice…sold.

Will was not stupid enough to bid on properties owned by his bank. Nor was he interested in large storefronts.

Will began buying small or medium storefronts across the country. If Baron Carlsberg and Sexton planned to open a department store, Will prepared to open a bevy of five and ten cent stores.

These variety stores became popular after the Great Depression in the United States and World War II in England. In England, these types of shops were called pound stores.

As the auction progressed the bidding became more exciting. Will was used to hosting auctions, not taking part in them. Bidding and winning felt good.

"Boss Will, congratulations on a successful auction. I didn't expect you purchase 200 stores. What are your orders?" Mei asked.

"Starting next week, you, Vanessa, and Miles shall be responsible for the renovation, staffing, and supplying the 5&10 Coppers store," Will said.

"Is that the name of the new stores?" Mei asked.

"Yes. And I plan to build hundreds more. From now your tenured junior clerks shall play a much larger role with this venture," Will said.

125 PS= 1 Bonus Chapter

150 PS= 2 Bonus Chapters

200 PS= 3 Bonus Chapters

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