
Rise and Fallen

My name is Samael the IV, but my friends call me Sam. I am the second son of a second son of the Alpha of our clan. Now at 12, that sounded lofty and special to me, but it had been a few years, and I saw the truth now. It meant I am an expendable body, a just in case everyone else dies from the Proving. And they died along with most of my family when the shadows came and ravaged my whole clan. Death and destruction flooded our lands, and when word finally came to me, I answered, "Follow me." I turned for the first time in the wars to come, feeling myself shed my human skin and run with the pack was worth the pain. Though my form was slightly stronger than the others, I would gain much more power through the coming months. Our powers came from the Goddess of Earth, Yggdrasil. But I was different from the others, as I was blessed by her Guardian, her persona on earth, unknown by anyone. With my strategy, behind the sheer strength of the pack, we beat the darkness back. But victory came at a grave cost, Betrayal. This is my story, short, sweet, and unfair. Much like everything on the cycle of life. But death won't be the end of me, I swear it!

UndeadAngel · Fantasi
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New Beginnings

I heard nothing other than the high-pitched sound of pain coming from my entire body as I regained conciseness.

My wolf raged against the pain, and I sat up racked with waves of scorching fire through my chest where the spear, arrow, and gunshot all pierced my abdomen.

The mana of the earth healed my wounds slowly, as I had no offering to return it. I will have to return the favor.

I felt the magic swirl and cool my wounds, and even the fatigue washed away.

After some time, I crawled to a pile of bodies and offered them to the earth, allowing the earth to open up and devour the 12 or so corpses of soldiers. Better them than me.

My legs get warmth back, and I find a suitable pair of clothes off a poor sod. A dark shirt and cargo pants.

I finished offering the other bodies around me, feeling the power surge faster with the influx of energy and equivalent exchange.

My wolf fed off the energy hungrily within my core. It was good to over feed it sometimes, just to satiate it and keep it from rebelling.

I pulled an arrow shaft and spearhead from my body. The bullet was too far inside of me to retrieve it, so it would have to wait.



My body was full vitality, but my core was near empty. Only food and rest could finish what the earth started.

Mana fatigue was something no one could escape unless you were a God. but I think they still get tired every century or so.

I sniff the air and wince at the flood of blood and filth that wafted from the area.

"Ok. Im not doing that again."

I stick to mouth breathing and make my way from the battlefield, careful not to be caught by the traitorous runts.

The cold wind bit at my skin as winter was close, and the loose shirt held no defense from nature's embrace.

I call on the mana like I've done countless times before. The mana caressed and joined with me, covering my body in a warm shield to cut through the bitter cold. I loved this, It felt like swimming through water.

As far as I know, no one else felt this, and no one could control mana as well as me growing up. It's why I ended up this way. It was why my whole family had to die.

Anger rose sharply in my empty stomach, and I wretched.

The hard road was long, and the few berries I found along the way did little for my hunger.

The area was picked clean, but Mother Earth always provides a way.

Grubbs lay everywhere, and in my human form, I was an omnivore, meaning I could eat a wide variety of things, and I did happily. I'd rather live to hate the memory than die slowly from hunger.

A small village came into view from the forest. I shuffled out around midnight, and I stumbled as fast as he could towards the tavern, which I could smell the sour liquid and roasted meat.

The moon was full and high with a twinge of orange on its rocky surface.

I wouldn't turn as I had learned how to quell my savage beast long ago and come to accept that other half of myself.

I am a true Lycan, and that made me one with nature, but civilization was what I needed now as I stepped through the public house and ordered a room, food and drink, and a bath.

Paying the owner, who was a small man with a gruff voice from years on the sea.

Seven silver even is what I gave him, though it cost less, you should take care of the people who make your food. Otherwise, you'll find yourself confused why you were drugged and kidnapped.

The room was shabby, and the time was abysmally late, so I showered and ate. Ate was generous as I rarely chewed but swallowed every morsel of the seasoned meat.

Fatigue gripped me and held me down as I slept on the dusty bed. Sleep took me and only relented when the sun annoyed me up.

I waited till my body responded and went to get dressed.

New clothes sat folded near the door. I guess the bartender felt the need to donate his hand me downs and I accepted.

Charity should never be slapped away, but caution was always smart.

I sniff the clothes and find it safe enough.

My wolf nudges my core, telling me of its hunger, and I agree.

I focused my mind and used my magic to sense my surroundings, no danger coming from the inner area nor the immediate vicinity.

My wolf had better senses, able to find prey up to thirty miles in all directions, but I do alright myself. The only way to fool a Lycan is to fool the one inside of them.

And I was fooled big time.

Going downstairs, I take a table in the corner and order some ale. I don't order the meat as I can smell it. It went bad last night because someone left the fridge open.

The woman who took my order was a fair looking dark fey elf.

I didn't notice before, but this was an Elven village, located miles from the battlefield near my ancestral home.

I learned the village's name was the village of New Eberon.

The ale was nice, but the memories that huanted me were not. After a few gulps, the emotions were numb, and I felt better.

Now I can plan on the future and prepare for what I have to do.

No one should recognize me here, I was never in the lime light, and no one expected this in the clan. Perks of being the second son of a second son is that you're forgettable.

The stale alcohol that permeated the air numbed me. More to fool my senses, and I relaxed totally. I needed to for the next part.

The noise of the Pub dwindling every second as the world around me got out of focus. I send my conciseness downward into the roots that connect to Yggdrasil, the world tree.

I would never do this without a reason, but I require guidance. And the only people I trust right now are family.

The world tree took me through its conciseness and brought me where I need to be, the land of the dead.

The Deadlands were a world of endless waiting in the place between where only God's go. Having the ability to go there and speak to the ancestral spirits was a power I had always had, but I have a feeling it involves the great tree Guardian Yggdrasil.

Yggdrasil is both the world tree and her guardian. The form known as the world tree connects all worlds together in its roots, not just our own.

Her other form, known as Yggdrasil the Guardian, is to protect her domain.

My mind refocused, and I was in a misty room with a handsome reflection staring back at me.

My ruff brown hair needed a serious cut, and the exhaustion was apparent in my silver eyes.

I give it the passphrase. "Through blood, life is fulfilled. Through fang, life is protected. Through claw, my enemies are no more."

My answer echoed through my mind like a magical lie detector, bouncing around to test its truthfulness. It came out good, and the mirror shimmered, erasing my image, erasing everything.

Darkness encased everything as I was transported to the Deandlands and into a large Spire that stood tall even among the enormous buildings and walls that separated the rings of the city of the Dead.

I arrived in the same circular room with the same old man. My ancestor Kane, the first cursed.

"Greetings, Great Father!" I say, kneeling in supplication, with my right arm tucked tightly across my chest.

Rise, son of my son. Tell me, why do the threads of life become so thin? Is it time for me to shed the man I was and become the beast once again?"

Hey Deadangel, here. This is going to be a short story centered in the world of The Nanite Necromancer. It's a werewolf first-person revenge arc. If you like the world, check out my other works.

This story is mainly for the web novel competition. Please leave a review if you like it. Thank you!!

UndeadAngelcreators' thoughts