
Ring A Ring A Roses

Selene is a crazy delusional witch who lost her son when he was 6 years old. She's not just a witch but also a scientist who experimented on her son until he couldn't take it anymore and died. She started kidnapping kids and conducting experiments on them. But she still wasn't satisfied. She killed her witch sister and her hybrid husband and then took Zhan. He escaped after 10 years and was hunted like an animal. Until he was rescued by a family who took him in to earn his keep. In order to save money and move out of his guardian's home. He found himself fighting in an underground dungeon where different supernatural's come day in and day out. He never liked vampires and always fought to kill them until he met a vampire he couldn't resist.

Daddysjewel · Selebritas
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11 Chs

Parking lot.

Zhan's POV.

I had upset him and now I can't stop pacing. I have to talk to Rose in the morning. It's time for me to learn how to talk and behave. You can't blame me for not knowing how to interact with people. I lived with my parents for 13 years before my schizophrenic aunt murdered them and locked me in a cage for 10 years.

As I lay in bed the thought of the vampire clouded my mind. I stroked my cock a few times. I closed my eyes as I picked up the pace, feeling my orgasm nearing. My body and mind were in sync. I wanted to pin the vampire underneath me and never let him go. My orgasm hit me, and I dripped all over my hand. It was after this that I came to a decision. I was determined to make Yibo mine as soon as possible.

The next morning, I was in high spirits and woke up early. I ran straight to Rose's room, but she wasn't there. I sprinted out of her room, and I heard voices coming from outside. I came outside to see her with her parents fully dressed.

Where are you going without me so early in the morning? I inquired.

I'm going to school for registration, remember? These two decided to follow me. Despite my pleas, they refused to stay.

Oh, sorry I forgot. I will come with you.

Stay at home and take care of the animals. Jane glared at me. I nodded in agreement.

Soon after, a taxi arrived to pick them up. I helped them load their bags into the trunk.

Behave... Rose winked.

I was restless the whole day after I fed the animals and cleaned the barns. I decided to walk by the driver even though its dry. I walked to the end of the river and back, which was about 2-hour walk. I wandered home absent-minded and just climbed into my bed.

When I woke up it was 15 minutes past 12 am. I was debating whether to go to town or not? I jumped out of bed and rushed to take a shower.

It'd be cool if I dressed like one of them. As soon as I flicked my fingers, I looked like a prince. My hair has always been brown, but now it's styled nicely.

Rose taught me how to drive despite the fact that I never drove far. I got into the truck and zoomed off.

This shouldn't take long…

I was in town in less than an hour.

I parked in the underground parking lot of "The Sin."

The Sin is a 3 in 1 club demarcated by soundproof doors. A section is strictly vampires, a section is like a fantasia, you can drink blood from humans as long as they approve. The third is jumbled up with all kinds of supernatural creatures. I have been to this place twice and I can't say I enjoyed it. It's not my thing.

I can't stand vampires. It's a personal vendetta. They all smell like death and arrogance, but Yibo and his brother are making me soft. Maybe not all of them are terrible.

I decided to go in when I spotted a few guys from the dungeon.

Hey chaos! One of them got my attention. What are you doing here? He asked.


Oh, okay. He is with us; he told the bouncers, and I followed in their heels.

The place is quite spacious, and the music is deafening. I spotted Catalina in her red dress and black heels looking so hot.

Chaos, she shouted over loud music.

She offered me a glass cup and poured tequila into it. Bottoms up. She grinned and it burned my throat as I downed it before settling in my stomach.

She looks happy and carefree. I wish I could be carefree, but the thoughts of Aunt Selene won't let me.

The shots keep coming. Fortunately, I can't get drunk no matter how much I drink.

You've got an admirer. I heard Catalina screaming in my ear.

Who? My eyes widened.

Four o'clock. She grinned.

A cute tall dark guy with raven hair caught my eye when I checked. He pushed himself from the wall and walked towards us when our eyes met.

Would you like to dance? His voice is hoarse.

The guy is tall, cute, and smells delicious, but I'm not interested. Not in the mood. Sorry, but you can join us.

Catalina must have been tipsy or something. She moved closer to the guy, and they started dancing. It was fun to watch. She is a very talented dancer. I looked around, but no one looked like Yibo. Boredom was already setting in.

The guy dancing with Catalina came to me. Can we dance now? Catalina dragged him just in time.

It's okay, she's a friend. Dance with her, she won't bite.

I left after taking a shot. When I got to the underground parking lot where I parked the truck, I spotted Wang's car.

I told security to tell them I wanted to drive out and they were blocking my car. He walked inside to inform them.

He arrived as I had anticipated. My body was tense with anxiety. I never felt this way even when I faced fighters in the ring. This vampire shook my whole being and I was standing here watching him like a stalker. He got to the car and the minute he tried to unlock it, I stepped in front of him and pushed him against the underground pillars. Yibo gasped when my hands grabbed his neck and pushed him further to the wall. I watched how he arched his back against the wall and stared at me in shock.

What are you-"


"Did you miss me?" I whispered against his ear and grinned when he shuddered. To be able to affect him this way made my ego grow. I shamelessly pushed my hips into him to let him know how hard I was just for him. How hard my cock had been for the last three days.

I grabbed his hands and stretched his arms far above his head, so he had to stand on his tippy toes. I could feel the soft puffs of his breath against my skin as I slowly moved closer to his lips.

"I did not even think about you," Yibo responded in anger. His eyes blazed with defiance and my dominant side rose to the surface. I wanted to tame him and make him melt like butter. Was he rejecting my feelings? I felt my anger rise and one hand held Yibo's hands while the other started unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it from his pants. My fingers roamed all over his chest and stomach with no fear. When he looked back up, I couldn't hold back anymore and connected our lips in a bruising kiss. He moaned into the kiss and his body arched into mine, still standing on his tippy toes.

This is the kind of reaction that made me want to fuck him right away. How did I live without this?

Hunger clawed into my veins as I felt lust cloud me. I opened his zipper and pushed his underwear down as my hand closed around his cock. Yibo screamed into my mouth and buckled up in my hand. Fucking yes!!! He was truly magnificent and did not hold back from feeling everything around me.

"That's right. Take what you need," I whispered into his sweet mouth, stroking his cock expertly. Yibo squeezed his eyes tightly shut and gulped for breath as his body shook.

"Open your eyes," I commanded him.


His breath hitched as he opened his eyes and looked down. He gasped at the sight of his swollen cock that was closed on my fist. Slowly in awe, he thrust in and then moaned.

"Fuck." I swore at the action, and he thrust harder. Did he know how much he was affecting me? I rubbed harder and he kept thrusting. His body shattered and I rubbed his back as he came down from the orgasm. I watched him regain his composure and his blush was evident. I rearranged his clothes and whispered. "I will come to you later in the day." I kissed his forehead and left him standing there in disbelief.

I rushed to the truck and drove off like a madman from hell. I had given him our first orgasm and my body was on fire. My cock was so hard that I had to adjust it in pain. I needed to release it as soon as possible. I veered off the highway for a pitstop when the first sound of a bullet through the windshield of the truck snapped me from my cloud of lust forcing me to look up.

One hand was on the steering wheel when the second bullet hit. Thanks to my invisibility power, immediately I got down from the truck they sprayed it with bullets.

"None of the faces look familiar." A morning that had started well ended with bullets raining in the truck. Were they testing if the windows were bulletproof? I was scared at first, maybe Aunt Selene had caught up with me. I was determined to kill all of them when I saw Hailey and the guy that was dancing with Catalina. WTF.

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