
Rimuru the Yellow Primordial

In the tense battle of Tenma war, Feldway. The phantom king, manage to get rid of Rimuru by throwing him in the end of Space and Time. Rimuru, Who is trap in the vast sea of nothingness. Manage to escape to return to his original timeline by the help of his trustworthy partner, and his Manas, Ciel. However, due to some miscalculation. Rimuru ended up in ancient time, But that's not all. As he ended up reincarnating as the Yellow Primordial!? I am not the author of "That time I got reincarnated as a slime(Tensura)" I'm just merely doing Fanfictions for fun. Credit to the Original author, Fuse Source material: Tensura(Ln&Wn)

Rafael_sensei · Komik
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8 Chs


tried opening my eyes and the first thing I notice was darkness. Is was dark, very dark as If it was an abyss.

I tried looking in every direction possible. Up, down, left, and right; I tried using my [Universal perception] but to no avail, I see nothing but darkness.

"What the hell! Where am I!?"

I thought to myself, confused at the place that I'm into while trying to recall the moment before I fainted.

When suddenly an excited voice ring to my mind. I was shocked by the sudden voice, because this voice is very familiar to me. Infact It very familiar that It makes me wanna jump out of excitement.

It was the voice of my trustworthy partner; It was none other than my Manas, Ciel!

«Master you're finally awake!»

"Ciel!... It's really you!" I signed and continue. "What a relief."

«Yes master it's really me! And to answer your question a while ago, where in the place called "The end of Space and Time" if you consider this a place.»


I get confused by her answer. End of Space and Time? What in the world is that, then. The realization hits me.

"EHHHHH!!!! END OF SPACE AND TIME!! SO YOU'RE SAYING THAT WE'RE THE ONLY PERSON ALIVE! AND..." But before I could continue talking Ciel cut me off by saying.

«Master you need to relax.»

"Relax!? How can I relax when all my friends and subordinates are gone!?"

I accidentally shouted to her out of frustration, But soon after, I feel guilty by shouting at her, I can feel her core shattering into pieces because of my action and that's why I feel guilt. I hurt her; I hurt my partner even though she never leave me by my side. *Tch* what I disgraceful master I am.

As I was in my own thoughts repenting to my past action, Ciel suddenly open her mouth that makes me bounce back to reality.

Without my consent, She assume a physical body that is very similar to mine, but the notable deference is that her eyes are crimson red not golden.

«Master*sob* if it wasn't for me*sob* i-if I was fast enough to reach maybe you'll be not stuck to this place! 

I'm so sorry.. Master please forgive me.»

She said while trying to hide the sadness that she felt. But to no avail she accidentally let out a small sob because she's got overwhelmed by her 

New found emotions.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault that we are stuck here. It's mine, if I had been careful we wouldn't have been caught in the trap by that shitty bird, also. I'm sorry for what I have said to you earlier, I didn't mean it... Sorry."

I said to her while hugging her and caressing the back of her head.

After some time of talking to Ciel, I successfully made her emotion calm and after that, she go back to my soul.

"Neh, Ciel. Do you have a plan to escape this place?"

«Yes Master, but. The possibility of us to return in our time period is 12%.»

I got shock by her statement. Usually, Ciel's Calculation are always a hundred percent and, the last time that her calculation was this low is when the time that she only a [Great Sage].

Knowing the odd of us returning is low, I feel somewhat down, but. This is not a time for drama. I Know that chance of us returning are low but that doesn't mean that we don't have a chance. Right?

I take a deep breath even though there is no air around before saying.

"The odd of us returning is quite low huh?"

«Yes master that true, but. It seems you misunderstood something.»

"Eh? I misunderstood something? What do you mean by that?"

I asked her and she just reply with a sigh.

«*Sigh*  Master it's true that the chance of us returning in our time period is 12%, but. That doesn't mean that the chance of us returning to our timeline is the same. Infact the probability of us returning in our original timeline is 100%...»

Ciel continue dumping all the crucial information to me.

I was dumbfounded by her words.

Because of the amount of informations that Ciel said, in short. My brain got overwhelmed by the informations the she dump. I'm not that dumb nor not smart. I also needed to absorb all the information that she gave me.

In my own understanding. The possibility for us returning before Feldway send me to this place is 12% because Feldway made a counter measure, Meaning. I will struggle to return to the exact time period (before Rimuru got caught by [Chrono Saltation] ) because of that bird's doing. In other words, my existence got ban(?) from entering that time period. But with the help of art that Ciel-san made called [Time warp], we have a chance to go back in time.


«Yes, Master?»

"To your thing."

«on it. Activating [Time warp] in 3, 2, 1...»





I opened my eyes ones more just to see the terrifying site. The ground was dry as if it's barren land, and the sky is red as crimson blood. There no trees, No animal, No insects, and no lives.

"What in the world is this place?"

I Said it out loud but it feels weird as if my voice are now more feminine.

"Nah, maybe I'm just imagining things."

"Wait wait wait!! WHAT!? what is happening to my voice!?" I thought to myself as I getting anxious.

"Chill out me, just like Ciel-san always said"it's just an imagination"

I thought to myself as I active my [Universal perception] and change my point of view to see what is happening to my body.

Young Woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes. Wearing a black snow coat with a skull pin over a white shirt and tie. And it's(my) appearance gives of the vibes of a school girl delinquent.

I felt a chill run down in my spine as my anxiety got worsen after seeing my new found body.

"No no no!! This can't be happening!!!HOW THE HELL I ENDED UP AS CARRERA!!!"

To be continued.