
Rimuru in gate with a world traveling system.

Surprise, surprise motherfucker I'm back. I got hit by truck-kun and fucking died the end goodbye. Well shit, met ROB (no fucking idea what it stands for) and now I live in the gate anime at least I get to go back to japan, what do you mean that I'm a decade early, and I have to cultivate to keep my system and get stronger. cover by paint by numbers.

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Chapter 3: the worldwalker's offer

chapter 3: The Worldwalker's Offer

As the days passed and Seraphina's mastery of star magic reached its zenith, a new opportunity presented itself, one that would forever alter the course of her journey towards godhood.

It was a quiet evening in the academy library when Seraphina felt a strange tingling sensation spread through her body, like a thousand tiny needles prickling at her skin. Startled, she looked around, but the other students seemed oblivious to the strange phenomenon.

Then, suddenly, a voice echoed in her mind, gentle yet commanding. "Seraphina Everstride," it whispered, "you have been chosen."

Confused and intrigued, Seraphina followed the voice's guidance, allowing it to lead her deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the academy. Finally, she arrived at a secluded chamber hidden away from prying eyes, its walls lined with ancient tapestries depicting scenes of cosmic splendor.

As she stepped into the chamber, Seraphina found herself standing before a shimmering portal, its surface swirling with colors beyond comprehension. And there, standing at the threshold of the portal, was a figure cloaked in shadow, its features obscured from view.

"Who are you?" Seraphina asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"I am the guardian of the Worldwalker Cultivator System," the figure replied, its voice resonating with power. "And I have come to offer you a choice."

With a wave of its hand, the figure conjured forth a holographic display, showing a myriad of worlds teeming with life and possibility. Each world held its own wonders and dangers, its own secrets waiting to be uncovered.

"You have proven yourself worthy of the title of Worldwalker," the guardian continued. "And so, I offer you a one-time chance to journey to one of these worlds, to learn its secrets and unlock its mysteries. But know this: with great power comes great responsibility."

Seraphina listened intently as the guardian explained the terms of the offer. She would be granted access to a world of her choosing, but in return, she would be required to complete a series of missions assigned to her by the Worldwalker Cultivator System. Failure to complete these missions would result in punishment, while success would bring rewards beyond measure.

"And what of the daily missions?" Seraphina asked, her mind racing with possibilities.

"The daily missions are simple tasks designed to test your skills and keep you sharp," the guardian replied. "Failure to complete them will not result in punishment, but success will bring additional rewards and benefits."

Seraphina considered the guardian's words carefully, weighing the risks and rewards of accepting the offer. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but the opportunity to explore new worlds and unlock their secrets was too tantalizing to resist.

With a determined nod, she stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the portal and embarking on a new chapter of her journey towards godhood.