

Jin had four different techniques, it seemed. One was for footwork, the Firm Mountain Stance, which was the same as Herman's, a basic, knees-bent, low stance that was good for keeping one's balance both in offense and defense. The key point of that firmness was being able to 'grip' the ground, and keep one's feet close to it even in movement. One's leg muscles should be tightened, almost locked, into firmness…

All this Riku learned as System brought the Observation of the footwork technique all the way to 100% and started analyzing it. Almost immediately, a weakness became apparent; the Firm Mountain Stance was, in a word, slow. Also, in keeping one's balance low and centered, one's attack range was limited.

Toward the end of the analysis, Riku figured a way to compensate for the weaknesses. The first, about the slowness, was to use attacks that rely more on upper body strength for speed. The second, about the range, was to use longer weapons. The firmness of the stance was perfect for being able to wield longer weapons like pole-arms. The downside was, either weakness compensation option would make things much more tiring, not to mention both together!

This was how Riku comprehended via Observation and Analysis. The rest of it, like which muscles to clench and which to loosen, how to focus energy and such, were in the details. Actually being able to use the footwork technique would still require trial-and-error.

Jin's second technique was the Bronze Bell Defense. This was an energy dome surrounding Jin's body that, at its lower levels, felt like a thick curtain that slowed down Riku's attacks on Jin. At a higher level, it could even divert or deflect attacks, like a moving current. If Jin really got serious and put his effort into it, the 'bell' could even turn hard.

Riku's Observation of it reached 100%. His analysis reached 100%. But actually being able to pull it off…? He couldn't do it. Not without first learning and mastering energy projection to a certain level. Even if he understood the theory, he could not put it into practice without fulfilling the prerequisites.

The third technique was the Iron Skin Technique. Riku observed it to 74%, with a 68% analysis rate thanks to his experience with the Stone Skin Technique, but before he could completely comprehend it, Jin ran out of stamina and called it a day. Riku was either going to have to learn the rest of it elsewhere, meet Jin again some other time, or figure it out himself.

Lastly, and the technique that Jin knew the least, was a tackling charge known as the Iron Bull. Jin only used it a few times, so Riku's Observation of it only reached 8%. It had something to do with the Firm Mountain Stance, he felt, but it almost seemed to involve the Iron Skin and Bronze Bell techniques also. Furthermore, it was more complex than any of the previous, more easily learned techniques. System referred to it as a 'Composite Technique'.

Riku took a break and asked nobody in particular, "So, am I stronger now?"

System actually answered.


[Status update]

Name: Huang Riku

Titles: Master Huang's Closer Disciple. Miss Ruyi's No:5 Servant. Summer Courtyard Gardener.

Skills: None

Techniques: Five Elements Cultivation 1.0, Stone Skin 4.5, Firm Mountain Stance 0.5, Bronze Bell Defense 0.3, Iron Bull 0.0.

Assets: None


"Eh?" Riku eyed it. Looking at those numbers, it seemed that completing Observation and Analysis only amounted to 0.3 for the Bronze Bell Defense. Having everything he needed but lacking the actual practice had his Firm Mountain Stance at 0.5. As for Stone Skin…

Having understood that Iron Skin was a more advanced version of Stone Skin, Riku figured that 4.5 meant he was more than halfway done toward advancing it. Riku hadn't tried yet, but he believed if he used what he'd just learned, he could at least cover his knuckles with Iron Skin. If that was 4.5… then what was '5'? A full body Iron Skin?

Then there was the Iron Bull technique. Even an 8% Observation rate on it counted as so little, Riku would need System to go into the decimal points to see a represented value on his status update. In other words, it pretty much counted for nothing.

"Well… I guess I did get a little stronger. A bit." Riku said, half to himself. "Do you think maybe this much would enough for me to go into town now?"

[Uncertain. System is currently too limited to scan the town for dangers.]

"Currently, you say? Which means, that this limit can be changed?" Riku guessed. "Like an upgrade?"

[Like a repair. System has been put into a state of handicap.]

"Handicap? You're broken?" Riku stared. "How did that happen? Who could do that to you?"

[You did.] System answered flatly. [You sealed away my powers and memories until you grew strong enough to handle it.]

"I did?" Riku blinked, perplexed. "But I don't remember that."

[There are many things you don't remember from heaven. That is why I am here.]

"Heaven? You're here because I don't remember things from heaven?" Riku frowned. "Why ARE you here?"

[I am here to remind you of the reasons you were sent here.]

"Sent here?! What reasons are those?"

[Unable to access information. You sealed me, remember?]

Riku scowled. "Now you're just teasing me."

[It's your own fault!]

Riku shook his head. "This is getting us nowhere. How about you just tell me how strong I need to be to unseal you?"

[Stage 9 Grand Master would be nice!]

"What is that?" Riku blinked.

[The highest stage of a Master of Masters.] System summarized. [Strong enough to squish Master Huang like an ant.]

"Uh, no, I don't think I'll be reaching that any time soon…"

[Please try. I will give you a smiley for effort. :D]

"Well, I'm done trying for now. I'm exhausted." Riku half-groaned. "Maybe I'll just go watch the Regular Disciples train and try to Observe some techniques from them."

[Please don't. I am also exhausted.]

Riku gave up on getting stronger for the day and finally, finally remembered that he was actually responsible for taking care of the garden.

The poor garden, having been neglected for days on end, had turned out to be… okay.

Not just okay. It was thriving. Up here in the highlands, there was a mist and a rain every afternoon, the air was clear and cool, and there was plenty of sunlight when there was no mist. The entire garden was more in danger of overgrowth than wilting. Riku felt fairly certain that he could randomly throw seeds on the ground anywhere in the Courtyard gardens, neglect them forever, and they would successfully grow into full maturity given enough time.

"Good plant." Riku patted a berry bush that had, over the past few days, completely refilled its branches with ripe berries all ready for harvest.

The plant waved in reply, and on the spot, a new flower bloomed right next to where Riku patted it.

"Wow. Plants here sure are friendly…" Riku remarked, a bit surprised. He went to get a basket and started filling it with berries and other garden produce.

That night, the Huangs feasted and had plenty of fruit.

"These all came from the garden." Riku said. "Are plants always this easy to care for up here?"

"Yup." Mu agreed, nodding over a big red ripe strawberry.

"Keep looking deeper, Riku." Master Huang advised. "Not just at the plants. Observe the earth, the soil, the ground… there is a bond between a man and the land. You should build a strong bond with the earth element. It will be good for your cultivation."

"Yeah, yeah…" Riku sighed. Then, he brightened. "Huo cooked all the food, right?"

"Most of it, yes." Master Huang mentioned.

"He's the most senior of us disciples, isn't he?"

"He is, yes."

Riku grinned. "Do you think maybe I can observe him practice, some time? I think I could learn a lot from him."

"Sure, sure…" Master Huang said, completely oblivious to the way Riku lit up behind his back.