
Rifted! Champions chosen to be Deities! (Leroy)

Another Champion gets sent to the Afterlife despite his "Spiritual brother's Machinations" to prevent his sending. However, it was done illegally by the Backdoor Afterlife Terminal, a Pseduo Deity that wanted to grow stronger before it was eliminated. Dimension Collapses are bad, the various Pantheons agree upon that. However, Champions are needed to specifically prevent certain Dimensional Collapses. To raise these Champions it is up to Pantheons to go about making deals and arrangements to send them to the Afterlife first. The process takes a lot longer when it is done illegally, and most take their own lives before finishing due to the pressure. From the African Pantheon, the Man-God Sango has made his move to find out what happen to one of his future Champions. Only time will tell if the Man-God will make it or not.

FrozenTidez · Fantasi
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101 Chs

Month 7 Week 1 Fate Of The Light Lion-Ice Family Part 3 Your One Chance is Gone already

"Those who are worth it." Jing Lin pulled out another Flame Trident taken from her family vaults. She was at the ready by the feel of her Qi focused to a point. She wanted to kill Cornelis more than anything in the world right now. "I understand more than anything that the "monsters" need to be put down."

"Good. It is finished." Leroy gave a predatory smile. A bit of saliva dripped down his canines when he did so. Spatial Sense locked onto those they needed to. He raised his hands up as the qi was already gathered while they waited and needed to be used first. "We move now!" Victoria and the Bodyguard moved to the left where the children were. 

Jing Lin went into the thick of where the fighters were as she felt a bit of trepidation of meeting the strange weapon wielded by Cornelius. 'Hopefully still have some time.'

*Flash!* A blinding light appeared over the entire Chu compound. Each member of the Dark Tiger-fire family found themselves temporarily blinded by the intense light. Almost as if someone guided it directly at their ocular nerves.

"I can't see!" Cornelius shouted the loudest. "What's going on!?" The staff in his hand was for pure combat and did not provide any form of support against something like this. "Who dares!?"

*Fwish! Boom!* Flames erupted all over as Leroy's attack followed the path of his Spatial Sense. With them all being blind, it made it a lot easier to strike life-threatening blows. In less than 15 seconds, the majority of the Dark Tiger-fire Family were killed or seriously maimed.

*Woosh!* Wind blasted through the area from rapid movement. Beautiful arcs of shimmering metal as the weapon in Jing Lin's hand danced about the battlefield.

'Being a plastic surgeon comes in handy when fighting against people like this!' Leroy snarled mentally after causing a few thugs to explode from his Qi pushing into them. He was kneeling next to Chu Ying. Her breathing was gone but her heart still beat a little. "Do not worry, the pain is gone for now."

*Fwoo!* He waved his flames over her and stored her in his Flame Vortex Core directly. 'Hopefully, this method works.' With the unsealing of the Deathlife Dantian, he had techniques unlocking inside of him that worked perfectly with his knowledge of medicine.

All of the Life Qi in the area and what he had slowly entered into him as he pushed through the Flmae Vortex core alongside the Death Qi he was refining.

Leroy was not refining her as he does with others and himself. He directed the qi into her to heal the wound to the neck with as much Life Qi possible. With her inside, the process was faster than anything he did with his hands directing Qi on the outside. The lighting was nearly unruly or in large streaks going out of her body back and forth.

But closer look it rushed into her but upon contact was really slow moving within and coming out. The moment it was out it shot around wildly into any Death Qi that had been refined yet.

'They are going in slowly, that is new.' Leroy pulled away and paid attention to what was going on the outside more now. Victoria had reached her stride as she was slaughtering in a fit of madness. "Well someone has issues to work out later."

As for the Bodyguard, she stood guard on the gathering of Chu Family members and kept the dividing line between them and any attack that came over. But her eyes often lingered on Leroy or Victoria for the briefest of moments.

A small change entered the battlefield next.

"What is this?!" Jing Ming and his son Jing Van had arrived right before the battle was about to kick up. "Hold right here!" The other members, including Jing Hao stopped on the spot as they took in the corpses.

Leroy did not target them for a few reasons. He wanted to see what they would do instead and the additional prep time was not worth the trouble. Plus the strangeness of Jing Lin had to be taken into account.

"Killed so easily!" Jing Hao took in a sharp breath looking at his cousin kill so easily. "When did she become so strong?" He was not the only one trying to figure that out but he was the most open with his words.

Jing Van stood there like a deer in headlights. Both his sister and the girl from the Drak Rose family were stronger than him now.

"Official Leroy!" Cornelius shouted. "Is this how you treat other Nobles?!" he was about to say superiors but his father already warned him not to go that route. It was already bad enough enough he was pillaging instead of doing as he was told originally.

"Noble... I have no thoughts of holding back or showing respect for rapists amongst Nobility. All they can become are dead bodies to make examples of." Leroy gave him a small smile that was highlighted by the purple Qi that permeated the area. It was not a friendly one. "Or those who.. well do this during a state of emergency." His hands spread out at the current state of the Light Lion-ice family. Feeling Chu Ying's breathing was stable, he moved her to another part of the Internal Space to recover. "Perfect timing."

*Pew!* A beam of fire, one inch wide shot out his fingertips. Crackling lighting dances around the extended digit afterward.

"Kuk!" Cornelius dropped to a knee in severe pain. The fire beam left flames that spread outward burning a softball-sized hole in his body. Internally most of his nerves were burning away. "Why?!"

Seeing as he was not really paying attention and looking outward, most tof the gathered members of the Light Lion-ice Family followed his gaze.

*Woosh!* A light sped towards the current location. It was Chu Xue in a fit of rage and exuding more power than he ever had before. Seeing his family members in such a state as well as a few others he didn't recognize did not paint a good picture. A closer look revealed them to be the family's former oppressors and the Jing family members.

"Where is my mother!?" Chu Xue raged with barely controlled fury. His father was face up out cold. Breathing but barely so from his beating. "Where is she!?"

He directed his sights on Leroy for some reason.

"When I find her, you will know!" Leroy was still standing in the same spot. Still looking where the boy came from. 'Who is that with Jasmine and why does she look off?'

The woman with Jasmine of course was Chu Hao Yu, her sights was focused on Leroy at this time. Ignoring the young woman who stared at her bitterly with utter hate.

'This bitch is not even interested in him anymore!' Jasmine thought evilly at how she could deal with the person who forced her.. who forced her to do that with Chu Xue! 'First, you snatch him away then when I make it to him you doused us with that stimulant to have us do that cultivation!'

Chu Hao Yu didn't care in the least about the means of what she does, as she found another male to add to her list of cultivation sacrifices to make her better later. Her.. relative Chu Xue could still be of use if what she learned from Jing Lin that Victoria is another sacrifice for her needs.

"Who dares to foolishly help the Dark Tiger-fire family?!" Chu Xue shouted his question while looking around. The countless bodies that burned and limbs only drew him back to it being Leroy. "Hmm!?" Seeing Victoria come over with two bodies that she discarded easily, he erred on the side of caution of what took place.

He thought it impossible that Leroy and Victoria did this by themselves and even with Jing Lin he could still not do this on his own. He was mostly right as the Qi provided by the Staff and Whip helped a good deal in killing everyone. Not even noticing the Bodyguard with her ability to mask her cultivation more he also assumed Victoria's Family may be around somewhere watching.

Chu Xue grabbed the dying Cornelius by the head healing his sight and staving off death. The moment the dying heir could see him, he snapped the bastard's neck, killing him. A shocked look on Corneluis's face as he died in moments. Not satisfied, and unwilling.

"Is that all you are going to do?" Leroy asked. He stood in his place but kept tabs on certain people and the Bodyguard. "I mean.. they can still cause trouble for your Family. And from what I have seen, the Family is.. very weak. Both mentally, physically, and.. emotionally."

The few living members of the Dark Tiger-fire Family started to get nervous. Not only did they regret making it back to report but the idea they might do so because they would die here and now was dreadful.

"Don't lecture me!" Chu Xue snapped at him. A look of hatred as he stared at Leroy with more anger than warranted. "You are part of the same Noble ilk! How do I know this is not your fault for reporting to the Government?"

Victoria cut down her opponents and moved to intervene in what she realized was just insane. Knowing this would be the worst situation to happen if the two fought when the town was getting, would bring nothing but disgrace.

"Stop!" Weapon raised dripping in blood, she made sure to get Chu Xue's attention. "Senior Brother Leroy fought against these bastards and several invaders in the town, such as Rebels and the Insane Tang Family! Most of them were struck down after he blinded them in an attack with some strange technique! Think clearly Chu Xue Do not be ungrateful for the help he gave!"

"Now you are on his side!?" Chu Xue turned to her almost accusing her of colluding with him. "All you noble families stick together, it seems when covering each other I am at a loss!"

"Ah!" Victoria gave a very undignified cry as she looked away from him. 'I.. shouldn't be scared of him! Why did he say such stupid words to someone who is trying to help him!?'

Chu Xue was blinded by anger and couldn't calm down with mere words. The hurt look on Victoria's face was not enough to shake the rage and actually made him feel worse.

"You bastard!" The Bodyguard cut down two more members and then stomped over ready to kill what she thought was a hindrance to the Family. "I think you really need a lesson in manners!"

Before the two could come to blows Jing Lin's voice cut through the area. Booming like thunder and billowing wind. She moved to take the body of Cornelius but the body burned in blue-white flames.

*Fwish!* The flames swirled the remains to Leroy who then tossed him into the Flame Vortex Core to gain the information as quickly as possible on those that came with him. It may be late given the state of the body but some was better than none.

Every single one of them was just as dirty and disgusting as Cornelius. Even the first bit was enough to ensure they had their hands chopped off from stealing from commoners who barely ends meet he decided.

*Woosshh!* A raging flame erupted from Leroy's palm as he took all the dead, on both sides of the faction inside to be refined. To the onlookers, it was just him burning everyone more or less.

"All the Dark Tiger-fire members participating in this atrocity," Qi from the Flame Vortex Core erupted out as he needed to see the reaction of the watcher some distance away. Weighing down all the surviving members and brushing against everyone else slightly less. ".your life is forfeit for the crime committed today and in the past! Anyone seeking to get involved will not have a good outcome!"

As he started killing with his qi burning those he stroke and they were stored away, Chue Xue studied the actions of Leroy intently. Not trusting of his motives as well as the fact that he spotted him and the others watching from the rooftop thanks to the help of his ancestor.

But to admit he watched before charging it would have made things worse. Looking off to the way he came, he was surprised only Jasmine could be seen. 

Status: Leroy Agu Shentai

Health: 230 Qi: 1300

Power: 35 Defense: 34

Willpower: 32 Intellect: 40

Connection: 24

Flame Vortex: Qi Refining Rank IX


Doctor T5, Smith T2, Tailor T3, Formation T3, Inscription T3, Herbologist T4, Brewer T3, Teacher T4


Flamelighting Martial Arts: Foundation Establishment I

Icebeast Martial Arts: Body Tempering Rank XI

Deathlife Martial Arts: Body Tempering Rank I

Metal Seed: Tech Lvl 5

Fire-Lighting Body: Tech Lvl 4

Spatial Sense: Tech Lvl 4

Blood Lighting Blades: Tech Lvl 4

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