Aria Callaghan is not an easy person to come by, but at the same time she's very effective at what she's doing. However, due to her ways she meets on her way Chyler Toussaint, a quite by-the-book detective. Their cooperation seems impossible to be maintained in a good way, given different approaches both of them have, but a lot can change given what they have to face together. After Hellblades mob starts killing people in British Columbia, Aria and Chyler would have to move to Saskatchewan to investigate why Hellblades had gotten so bold. However, the killing mob is not the only problem they will encounter on their way.
"Yo, Aria, how's your love life going?" she heard a bit of a mocking question from behind her. She turned around, seeing her ex co-worker.
"Dead like yours, except existing at some point, Bardel." She rolled her eyes, pushing one can of her energy drink into the back pocket of her pants. "And how are you? Still growing muscles, I reckon."
He flexed with a smile.
"Yeah, as you can see."
"Your right arm is bigger than your left, you may consider masturbating with that one too." She snorted, and then waved to him. "And now, sorry, I need to work, au contraire to you, apparently."
"Yes, yes, she's probably on her way back to her primary unit and I will be free from her..."
"Yo, Coco, what's shakin'?" she heard when the door opened and slammed the wall. "You wanted to get rid of me, didn't you." Aria took the chair and sat on it, leaning her crossed forearms on its back. "Guess what. You failed."