

'No one ever bought me a chocolate, it was always me who bought a lot of chocolates at a same time and stored them. But he's the first person who bought me a chocolate! Should I say thanks..? No, why should I!? Should I give him a bite..? I'm not sure though..' this is what she all thought about..


'Jack!' The hell! Why'd she need to call him..!? She gulped and 'Can you hear me..? Are you already sleeping..?' She didn't get any response and then laid down on bed, but it is so uncomfortable that her back is paining..

He was still up but didn't reply to her, cause her knew she'll say something that will make him upset, so it's better not to talk..

By the way, she called him 'Jack', it sounds good.. But to him, all he thought is that she doesn't respect him and is acting in-front of him..


Some days went by, when Jack was being silent and acts Cold which makes Evelyn impatient..But her ego stopped her to ask anything to him. These days Jack didn't even look at her or pay attention which is making Evelyn impatient unknowingly. She didn't realize yet but she wants his eyes on her, she wants him to talk. But Evelyn is having some difficulties to live like this and it's so obvious for a girl who's born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

Evelyn's mind goes crazy because she didn't even go to shopping, meet her friends, having parties but still something clams her down. Jack's silence.

To get his attention she intentionally fights with him but she didn't realize it's hurting his pride, self esteem. Jack is a calm person who gets hurts but never showed it up to anyone until.. that day....


'You again came late? Can you tell me where you spend all your time?'

'I was busy'

'Busy! Busy! Busy! Always the same excuse.. you're talking like a company's CEO who has a lot of-'

'Shut up! Just shut up! I don't tell you anything that doesn't mean that you can cross your limits!' Hearing this she flinched as she never saw Jack this much angry before.. his fiery eyes are clearly visible through his glasses which is making Evelyn scared as she didn't think about this outburst.

'I-' 'WHAT YOU? Huh? WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT ONLY THE COMPANY'S CEO HAS WORK TO DO? YOU INSULTED ME EVERYDAY, REMINDING ME THAT, I'M POOR. I've no Money! I'M GOOD FOR NOTHING..! STILL YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED? WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ? WANT ME TO DIE..?' 'Jack! what are you-' her eyes became teary as she never heard something like this and it's hurting badly... 'You know what! I earned every penny in a honest, which is hard. If you want something then come with me for a day and see how much hard it is to spend a whole day attending different types of customers. And why am I even telling you this? You can't understand it because YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S GOOD FOR NOTHING! YOU CAM JUST SPEND MONEY ON LUXURIOUS THINGS BUT YOU'LL NEVER KNOW THE VALUE OF LIFE! I'm tired now. You better go to Your Dad's House. I CAN'T BE WITH YOU.. It's all my fault that I agreed to marry a rich spoiled brat like you.. You and Me cant5be companions..!' He said it all and walked up stairs angrily.