

'Get ready we are going to buy a wedding dress!' 'Dad! I TOLD YOU I WON'T MARRY SOMEONE LIKE HIM! You should choose choose someone rich for me who can pay my bills and afford my luxurious life.' ' I told you we are going to buy a wedding dress that's it!! End of the discussion.' 'DAD!!' 'Go!!' She hated being forced.


'What r you doing here..?' 'Uncle called me' 'What! Why! Dad why did you call him here!?' 'I'll buy you both of your wedding dresses.' 'But uncle I told you that I'll manage to buy mine, you shouldn't have to-' 'Son! It's a gift from me! Your dad!' 'YOU'RE NOT HIS DAD! YOU'RE ONLY MY DAD!' 'SHUT UP! Stop being silly, Evelyn!' 'Jack! My son, I hope you don't mind. My daughter is always like that. I hope you can change her one day! Nd give her a different point of view to see the world. I have faith in you..!' He said while smiling, 'I'll try my best.!' 'You two choose your suit nd dress, I'll come in a min..' 'You stay away from me!' 'Don't you think you're too much Arrogant!? Too much!!' 'Yes, I'M so, what..?' 'Sit down here u till they call you for your trial..' he said while indicating her to sit besides his seat.. 'Sit and beside you..!? NEVER.. I'd love to stand rather than sit besides you..' she said it all her arrogance. 'Do what ever you want..' he said it calmly and looked away..


'Excuse me! Is anyone there..?' She's trying to call the staff for her help as her dress chain has got stuck.. 'Excuse me.. Staff!?' She felt as if everyone was dead.. suddenly she felt someone presence behind her..! 'Help me fast! What took you so long..?' She said being all annoyed and sliding her hairs on a side of her shoulder.. Feeling the touch and somewhere feeling as if it's not a lady... looking up at the front mirror, there eyes met with each other and her heart skipped a beat! Being all shy and she uttered while stuttering 'What--What are you doing here..!?' 'You're shouting so loud..' 'Where is the staff..?' 'That manager called the staff for a work.. Now shut your mouth and let me help you..' 'Don't look at my back! You Pervert!! I don't need your help! Go awa---' trying to push him away her feet got stocked into her gown and she fell on his chest. She could hear His Heartbeats! She thought, 'His heart beats faster than me!!' She came back to her senses when he fake coughed! 'I..' 'You what..?' They both made and eye contact for a good one min, when they felt interrupted by a voice, 'Looks like someone is already in LOVE.. huh..?!' Her dad tired to tease them.. she gulped her shyness and pushed him away saying.. 'You both get out... I need to change!' 'You two so good together! Wait! Let me click a picture of you.. Come a lit bit closer!' They slowly moved but still maintained a distance between them.. 'Jack! Hold her, she's your soo-to-be-Wife!' He looked at her without expression but at the next moment she felt his hand wrapped around her waist making her breath hitch! 'PERFECT!' the old man said being satisfied with his photography skills!!😅

They both looked at each other with a look of dissatisfaction stamped on their faces cause they really don't like each other..

How could they..? They were totally different from each other.. If he's North then she's South!